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File #: ID 23-851    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/17/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/8/2023 Final action: 6/8/2023
Title: Actions pertaining to a water connection to serve Three Palms Mobile Home Park (Council District 3) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; 2. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Utilities or designee to accept funds and execute the financial assistance agreement and any amendments thereto with the California State Water Resources Control Board on behalf of the City of Fresno for a water connection to serve Three Palms Mobile Home Park. (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Sponsors: Department of Public Utilities
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Notice of Exemption.pdf, 2. Attachment 2 - Environmental Assessment.pdf, 3. Attachment 3 - Resolution.pdf, 4. Attachment 4 - Application Three Palms MHP.pdf, 5. Attachment 5 - Vicinity Map.pdf

Department of Public Utilities

BY: JESUS A. GONZALEZ, PE, Assistant Director
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering

PETER A. MARACCINI, PE, PhD, Public Utilities Manager
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering

Actions pertaining to a water connection to serve Three Palms Mobile Home Park (Council District 3)
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines;
2. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Utilities or designee to accept funds and execute the financial assistance agreement and any amendments thereto with the California State Water Resources Control Board on behalf of the City of Fresno for a water connection to serve Three Palms Mobile Home Park. (Subject to Mayor's Veto)


Staff recommends that City Council adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; approve a resolution authorizing the Director of the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) or designee to execute the financial assistance agreement and any amendments thereto with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) on behalf of the City of Fresno (City) for a water connection to serve Three Palms Mobile Home Park (MHP) (Project).


The Three Palms MHP was issued a compliance order by the SWRCB for exceeding the 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (1,2,3 TCP) maximum contaminant level (MCL) in its private groundwater well. To come into compliance, Three Palms MHP desires to connect to the City's drinking water distribution system, the cost for which is eligible for 100 percent grant funding under the SWRCB's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program. The DWSRF program will also provide funds for a con...

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