9:20 A.M. #1
HEARING to consider the adoption of the South Central
Specific Plan and related Final Environmental Impact Report
(Final EIR), State Clearinghouse (SHC) No. 2019079022.
The following applications have been filed by the Planning
and Development Director and pertain to approximately 5,567
acres in the South Industrial Priority Area:
1. CONSIDERATION of Resolution Certifying Final EIR (EIR
SCH No. 2019079022), for the South Central Specific Plan
and related plan amendment and rezone (see Exhibits O, P,
Q, and R).
a. Consider Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding
Considerations pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section,
15091; and
b. Consider Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
(MMRP) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15097
2. CONSIDERATION of Plan Amendment Application P24-
03961 which proposes to repeal the North Avenue Industrial
Triangle Specific Plan, pertaining to approximately 930 acres
located in the South Central Specific Plan area.
3. CONSIDERATION of Plan Amendment Application P24-
03962 which proposes to repeal that part of the Roosevelt
Community Plan that overlaps with the South Central Specific
Plan area, pertaining to approximately 3,888 acres.
4. CONSIDERATION of Plan Amendment Application P24-
03963 which proposes to adopt the November 2024 Draft of
the South Central Specific Plan, pertaining to approximately
5,567 acres located in the South Industrial Priority Area.
5. CONSIDERATION of Plan Amendment Application P24-
03965 which proposes to update the Land Use Map (Figure
LU-1) of the Fresno General Plan, pertaining to 1,103 acres,
to incorporate the land use changes proposed in the South
Central Specific Plan.
6. CONSIDER BILL (For Introduction and Adoption)
Approving Rezone Application P24-03967 which proposes to
rezone approximately 279 acres of property within the South
Central Specific Plan area to be consistent with the planned
land uses proposed in the South Central Specific Plan.
7. CONSIDERATION of Resolution Authorizing the Planning
and Development Department Director or her designee to