back compost; upgrading heavy use truck to electric; paying back the
interdepartmental loan; bulking item collection program; analysis on
infrastructure costs; master plan's additional costs; additional rate
increases; recycling outreach; litter control; Beautify Fresno program;
population growth; vehicle replacement.
City Clerk Stermer announced the protest results: For the protest to prohibit
City Council from adopting the proposed rate plan, a total of 58,480 written
protests must be received by the City Clerk by the close of the public
hearing. The results of the majority protests process are as follows:
A: Prior to today, we received and reviewed 55,863 protests.
B: Of those reviewed protests, 50,315 were determined to be valid.
C: Of those protests that were valid 34,803 were attributed to unique APN's,
meaning these are not duplicate protests and only one protest per parcel
was counted.
Prior to the close of the public hearing, we received 47 protests. We have
not reviewed these protests to determine weather they are duplicates or
valid. Without reviewing these protests and assuming that they are valid and
not duplicates, the total number of protests received is 34, 850. Which is not
enough for the protest to succeed.
Upon call, for public comment on all Consent, Contested Consent and
Closed Session items, the following members of the public addressed
Council: Astro Williams (2-P), Deborah Lewis (2-P), Hester Hensley (2-P),
Shula Scott (Code enforcement), Kat Soto (2-EE), Alondra
Williams-Vasquez (2-P), Justice Jones (2-P), Lynn Owens (Closed
Session), Lisa Flores (2-P), Janet Williams (2-E), B.T. Lewis (2-P), Keil
Lopez-Schmidt (2-P, 2-I, 2-AA), Brandi N (2-P, 2-O, 2-W, 2-S, 2-T, 2-V, 2-X,
2-Y, 2-I), Michaelynn Lewis (2-P), xef@fresnobarriosunidos (2-P), Ronda
Kelley (2-P), Ericka Kruse (2-P, -O, -W), and Ana Pano (2-P).
On motion of Councilmember Esparza, seconded by Vice President
Karbassi, the CONSENT CALENDAR was hereby adopted by the
following vote:
Aye: 6 - Perea, Karbassi, Maxwell, Chavez, Bredefeld and Esparza