City of Fresno  
2600 Fresno Street  
Fresno, CA 93721  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
Monday, July 1, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Special Meeting  
Council Chambers (In Person and/or Electronic)  
Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission  
Chair - Kimberly McCoy  
Vice Chair – Jon Dohlin  
Commissioner - Christina Soto  
Commissioner - Harman Singh  
Commissioner - Jose Leon Barraza  
Commissioner - Kelly Kucharski  
Commissioner - Laura Ward  
Commissioner - Mona Nyandoro Cummings  
Commissioner - Scott Miller  
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Public participation during Commission meetings is always  
encouraged and can occur in one of the two following ways:  
1) Participate In Person: Council Chambers, City Hall, 2nd Floor, 2600 Fresno Street,  
Fresno, CA 93721  
a) To speak during a Commission meeting in person: fill out a speaker card  
(available in the Council Chamber) and place it in the speaker card collection  
basket at the front of the Council Chamber. You may also approach the speaker  
podium upon the Commission Chair’s call for public comment.  
a) The above link will allow you to register in advance for remote participation in  
the meeting via the Zoom platform. After registering, you will receive a  
confirmation email containing additional details about joining the meeting.  
b) To speak during a Commission meeting while attending remotely: while in the  
Zoom application, click on the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom of the  
screen. Then select “RaiseHand” at the bottom of the Participants window. Your  
digital hand will now be raised. You will be asked to “unmute” when your name is  
called to speak. You will not be visible via video and there will be no opportunity to  
share your screen.  
All public speakers will have up to 3 minutes to address the Commission pursuant to Rule  
No. 10 of the Rules of Procedure for the City Council of the City of Fresno (available in the  
City Clerk’s Office).  
SUBMIT DOCUMENTS / WRITTEN COMMENTS - Pursuant to Rule 11 (c) of the Rules of  
Procedure, no documents shall be accepted for Commission review unless submitted to the  
City Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the Commission Agenda item be heard. Documents /  
written comments related to an agenda item can be submitted by one of the following  
1) eComment – eComment allows the public to submit agenda related comments  
through a website prior to the meeting. Submitted comments are limited to 1440  
characters and will be a part of the official record.  
selecting the “eComment” link.  
b) e-Comment is available for use upon publication of the agenda and closes 24  
hours prior to the meeting start time [pursuant to Rule 11(c)].  
c) e-Comment is not permitted for Land use or CEQA items  
d) The e-Comment Electronic User Agreement can be viewed at:  
2) E-mail – Agenda related documents and comments can be e-mailed to the Office of  
the City Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the agenda item being heard, pursuant to Rule  
a) E-mail the Clerk’s Office at  
b) E-mails should include the agenda date, and the related agenda item number.  
VIEWING CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS (non-participatory) - For your convenience,  
there are several ways to view Commission meetings live:  
to view the live meeting).  
2) Community Media Access Collaborative website:  
3) YouTube - City of Fresno Council, Boards and Commissions Channel:  
5) Cable Television: Comcast Channel 96 and AT&T Channel 99  
Should any of the five viewing methods listed above experience technical difficulties, the  
Commission meeting will continue uninterrupted. Commission meetings will only be paused  
to address verifiable technical difficulties for all users participating via Zoom or in the  
Council Chamber.  
The City of Fresno’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  
Anyone requiring reasonable ADA accommodations, including sign language interpreters,  
or other reasonable accommodations such as language translation, should contact the  
office of the City Clerk at (559) 621-7650 or To help ensure availability  
of these services, you are advised to make your request a minimum of three business days  
prior to the scheduled meeting.  
1. Call to Order  
2. 5:30 P.M. Roll Call  
3. Pledge of Allegiance  
4. Approve Agenda  
Unscheduled Communication: Members of the public may address the  
Commission regarding items that are not listed on the agenda and within the subject  
matter jurisdiction of the Commission. Each person will have up to three (3) minutes  
to present.  
6. Hearings:  
Hearing - Reconsideration of the PRAC Cultural Arts  
Subcommittee list of recommended grantees, award  
amounts, project titles and a brief summary of the project  
location, scope, schedule and anticipated impact to PRAC  
and acceptance of the recommended grantees.  
7. Adjournment  
Upcoming Workshops, Discussion Items, and Hearings  
2024 Meeting Schedule  
July 15, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
August 19, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
September 16, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
September 30, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
October 14, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
October 28, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
November 4, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
November 18, 2024 - Regular Meeting  
December 16, 2024 - Regular Meeting