Adopt the 29th Amendment to the Annual
Resolution (AAR) No. 2023-185 appropriating
$9,049,000 for the Police Department’s Organized Retail Theft
Prevention Grant (requires five affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s
5. Authorize the Chief of Police to enter into
Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the City of Clovis Police Department to hire
personnel, obtain equipment and supplies, in accordance with the
procurement process as required by the Fresno Municipal Code, to
support program specific and dedicated operations for organized retail
theft enforcement, investigations and administration in the amount of
$6,068,700 over the three-year performance period of the grant;
6. Authorize the Chief of Police to enter into
Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the Fresno County Probation Department for
overtime for Deputy Probation Officers, obtain equipment and supplies,
in accordance with the procurement process as required by the Fresno
Municipal Code, and community awareness campaigns to collaborate
with FPD to take a proactive approach in preventing and responding to
organized retail theft, motor vehicle or motor vehicle accessory theft, or
cargo theft in the amount of $1,089,975 over the three-year
performance period of the grant;
7. Authorize the Chief of Police to enter into
Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the Fresno County District Attorney’s Office
to hire part-time personnel, overtime for District Attorney Investigators,
obtain equipment and supplies, in accordance with the procurement
process as required by the Fresno Municipal Code, to exclusively
dedicate to prosecuting specific offenders under this grant and
enhance the capabilities of the regional Cyber and Forensic Lab
thereby contributing to the aggressive prosecution of such offenders in
the amount of $854,519 over the three-year performance period of the
8. Authorize the Chief of Police to enter into
Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with California State University of Fresno,
Foundation to prepare a pre-and post-Local Evaluation Report in the
amount of $75,000 over the three-year performance period of the grant;
9. Affirm the City Manager’s determination that Flock Safety is uniquely
10. Approve the Agreement between the City of Fresno Police Department
and Flock Safety, in an amount not to exceed $1,498,690.41 for three
(3) years for the subscription services of Automated License Plate
Readers (ALPR), cameras, and software.
Councilmember Arias moved this item to Contested Consent to discuss the
organized retail theft prevention grant program.
Council discussion on this item included: grant details; staffing and
reallocation; the impact on specialty units; Prop 47 and legal challenges;