City of Fresno  
Tower Theater  
815 E Olive Ave.  
Fresno, CA 93728  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
Tuesday, July 16, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Regular Meeting - CANCELLED  
In Person and/or Electronic,  
Tower Theater Lounge, 815 E Olive Ave., Fresno, CA 93728  
Tower District Specific Plan Implementation Committee  
Chairperson - Christopher Johnson  
Vice Chair - Janay Conley  
Board Member - Annie Lokrantz  
Board Member - Michael Birdsong  
Board Member - Myra Coble  
Board Member - James Kitch  
Board Member - Joseph Catania  
The meeting can also be viewed live at 5:30 P.M. on Comcast Channel 96 and AT&T  
channel 99.  
The following options are available for members of the public who want to address  
Tower District Specific Plan Implementation Committee:  
1. You are invited to a Zoom webinar.  
a) Register in advance for this webinar:  
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about  
joining the webinar.  
b) If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, then use the drop  
down menu and click on “rename” to rename yourself.  
c) Those addressing Committee must state their name for the record.  
2. Join by phone: 1-669-900-9128  
Webinar ID: 951 8694 8275  
a) Those addressing the Committee must state their name and address for the  
3. Email:  
a) Attendees may also email comments to be read during the meeting. Please include  
the agenda date and item number you wish to speak on in the subject line of your  
email. Include your name, and address for the record, at the top of the body of your  
b) Emails will be a maximum of 450 words.  
c) All comments received will be distributed to the Tower District Specific Plan  
Implementation Committee prior and during the meeting and will be a part of the  
official record.  
d) Notwithstanding subsection c) above, unless otherwise required by law to be  
accepted by the City at or prior to a Tower District Specific Plan Implementation  
Committee meeting, no documents shall be accepted for review unless they are  
submitted to Long Range Planning at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of  
the meeting at which the associated agenda item is to be heard.  
All participants will be on mute until they are called upon at which point they will be  
unmuted. To prevent participants from having their video on, we will remove the  
option to show their video.  
Pursuant to the Executive Order, and in compliance with the Americans with  
Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in the Tower District  
Specific Plan Implementation Committee meeting, please contact the Planning  
Division, 559-621-8277 within 48 hours of the meeting.  
I. Call to Order & Roll Call  
II. Approve Agenda  
III. Approve Meeting Minutes  
IV. Council District Updates  
V. Staff Updates  
VI. Continued Matters  
VII. New Matters  
VIII. Unscheduled Oral Communications  
IX. Adjournment