City of Fresno  
City Hall  
2600 Fresno Street  
Fresno, CA 93721  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Monday, March 25, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Regular Meeting  
In Person and/or Electronic  
City Hall, Council Chambers  
Historic Preservation Commission  
Chair - James Sponsler  
Vice Chair - Jason Hatwig  
Commissioner - Paul Halajian  
Commissioner - Don Simmons  
Commissioner - Julie Federico  
Commissioner - Elizabeth Laval  
Commissioner - Sarah E. Johnston  
Jennifer Clark, Director; Lisha Chen, Historic Preservation Specialist;  
Janice Monroe, M.A. II; Myrna Rivas, Administrative Clerk  
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ā€“ Any interested person may appear at the public hearing  
and present written testimony or speak in favor or against the matters scheduled on  
the agenda. Public participation during Fresno City Historic Preservation  
Commission meetings is always encouraged and can occur in one of the two  
following ways:  
1. Participate In Person: Council Chambers, City Hall, 2nd Floor, 2600 Fresno  
Street, Fresno, CA  
a. To speak during a Commission meeting in person: You may approach the  
speaker podium upon the Chairā€™s call for public comment.  
2. Participate Remotely via Zoom using the following link:  
a. The above link will allow you to register in advance for remote participation  
in the meeting via the  
confirmation email containing additional details  
b. To speak during a Commission meeting while attending remotely in the  
Zoom application, click on the icon labeled ā€œParticipantsā€ at the bottom of  
the screen. Then select ā€œRaise Handā€ at the bottom of the Participants  
window. Your digital hand will now be raised. You will be asked to ā€œunmuteā€ when  
your name is called to speak. You will not be visible via video and there will  
be no opportunity to share your screen.  
Zoom platform. After registering, you will receive a  
about joining the meeting.  
All public speakers will have up to 3 minutes to address the Commission pursuant to  
Rule No. 13 of the Historic Preservation Commission Bylaws of the City of Fresno  
(available in the City Clerkā€™s Office).  
For your convenience, there are ways to view Historic Preservation Commission  
meetings live:  
2. Cable Television: Comcast Channel 96 and AT&T Channel 99  
Should any of these viewing methods listed above experience technical difficulties,  
the Commission meeting will continue uninterrupted. Commission meetings will only  
be paused to address verifiable technical difficulties for all users participating via  
Zoom or in the Chambers.  
The City of Fresnoā€™s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  
Anyone requiring reasonable ADA accommodations, including sign language  
interpreters, or other reasonable accommodations such as language translation,  
should contact the office of the City Clerk at (559) 621-7650 or To  
help ensure availability of these services, you are advised to make your request a  
minimum of 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.  
Meeting was called to order by Chair Sponsler at 6:00 P.M.  
Jennifer Clark, Lisha Chen and Janice Monroe were also present.  
Present 6 -  
Chair James W Sponsler, Commissioner Paul Halajian,  
Commissioner Don Simmons, Commissioner Julie Federico,  
Commissioner Elizabeth Laval, and Commissioner Sarah  
Absent 1 - Vice Chair Jason Hatwig  
6:00 PM  
Procedures were read aloud by Chair Sponsler.  
January 22, 2024 Historic Preservation Meeting Minutes  
6:02 PM  
On motion of Commissioner Laval, seconded by Commissioner  
Johnston,the above MINUTES were APPROVED. The motion carried  
by the following vote:  
Aye: 6 -  
Chair Sponsler, Commissioner Halajian, Commissioner  
Simmons, Commissioner Federico, Commissioner Laval and  
Commissioner Johnston  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Hatwig  
6:03 PM  
On motion of Commissioner Simmons, seconded by Commissioner  
Laval, that the AGENDA be APPROVED. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
Aye: 6 -  
Chair Sponsler, Commissioner Halajian, Commissioner  
Simmons, Commissioner Federico, Commissioner Laval and  
Commissioner Johnston  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Hatwig  
Workshop on High Speed Rail station area facilities and impact on Historic  
6:04 PM  
Clark reported that the Commission requested information from the High  
Speed Rail Station, specifically the Fresno Historic Facility.  
Margaret Cederoth, (High Speed Rail Authority HSRA) and Melissa  
Gaudreau, presented a brief update on the program. Gaudreau presented  
specifically on the Historic Fresno Passenger Depot. The pedestrian bridge  
will be open even when the station is closed. There are plans to build 1 acre  
Plaza's with access to parking and vehicle charging. The station is  
intentionally a bridge for both sides of the tracks Fresno.  
The Historic Station Facility is an area of interest. In July 2023, a 20 million  
dollar Federal Raise Grant was awarded to do the construction of seismic  
retrofits, and ADA compliant retrofits.  
Of the 165,000 sq ft, 80,000 are for the train platform, reported Cederoth.  
The Commissioners explained that Chinatown has historically been  
shortchanged as an attraction. They asked questions about the size of and  
what attractions will bring people to the plazas. They asked when access to  
Chinatown will be improved, Toni Tonoko,(HSRA) shared that plans are to  
open Chinatown and Tulare Street in the Fall 2024.  
Gaudreau shared plans on the Historic Fresno Station. Period of  
significance range is 1889 to 1932. The investigative work began in 2022.  
We are currently working on a basis of design. The site and buildings have  
been surveyed, determining which buildings are of historic significance.  
The Commissioners and Staff thanked the HSRA for the presentation.  
Staff Update of the revised Resolution to include 3504 E Huntington Blvd  
as a contributor to the Huntington Boulevard Historic District  
6:43 PM  
Chen received a request from the new property owner at 3504 E. Huntington  
Blvd. to include the property to the Historic District of Huntington Blvd. The  
property has not undergone any changes that interfere with its historic  
integrity and therefore approves this request. Next steps for Chen will be to  
make an amendment to the original Resolution adding 3504 E Huntington  
Blvd. to the Local Historic Registry.  
The Commissioners were thrilled to add it to the Registry.  
The original exhibits on the agenda incorrectly referred to the properties  
address as 3045 E Huntington, which is incorrect. The property is at 3504 E  
Huntington Blvd.  
There was no public comment  
Update regarding site of start of Fresno and San Francisco Mail Route  
6:49 PM  
Sponsler presented an update on the Fresno and San Francisco Mail Route.  
He stated that a monument or a plaque will be prepared for a flowerbed near  
the Chuckchansi Park. The monument or plaque will not interfere with the  
Park in any way. Halajian asked Sponsler what his "vision" was for the  
designation of the route is. Sponsler stated that he will take the Historic  
Trail to the State Registry.  
Monthly update regarding historic ā€œGā€ sign located at old Guarantee  
building (HP#167), located at 1177 Fulton Street.  
6:54 PM  
Craig Speece from State Center Community College District presented an  
update on the "G" sign. He reported that the sign is down. They were able  
to cut the sign down, but left internal components in place, hoping to utilize  
them when installing the new sign. Renderings of the new sign will be  
presented at April's Historic Preservation Meeting.  
Monthly update on the Jose Garcia Brewer Adobe Building (HP #227  
located at 5901 W. Shaw (APN 51004038).  
6:58 PM  
Chen reported that the property owner of the Jose Garcia Adobe Brewer,  
Mazen Al-hindi was unavailable to attend the nights meeting. However, in  
February, Clark, Staff, Chen and Al-hindi met at City Hall. At this meeting  
Al-hindi stated that preserving the site was a technical and economic  
hardship and he asked for help. A list of professional contractors and  
potential developer was given to Al-hindi.  
In Mid-March Al-hindi stated that two professionals responded with two  
options. One option was to take apart the walls brick by brick and rebuild  
them. The second option was to encase the walls with plywood to make  
them stable during demolishment. Neither option guaranteed success and  
require professional engineer and architects. Al-hindi was still concerned  
with the financial hardship.  
Johnston suggested, HABS HAER historic documentation of the building  
could be a last ditch effort in salvaging the existence of the Brewer Adobe.  
The Commissioners discussed the options, though ultimately they want to  
remind Al-hindi what he agreed to when he asked for approval to build the  
apartments, that was to maintain those walls.  
UPDATE on Regular Monthly Topics:  
1. Staff Updates  
2. Architectural Subcommittee Updates  
3. Economic Incentive Subcommittee Update  
4. Plaque Design Subcommittee Update  
5. Historic Preservation Month Subcommittee  
6. Property Disclosures Subcommittee Update  
7:08 PM  
Chen reported there are three items she would like to discuss with the  
Commission. The adaptive reuse of the Helm building was brought to her  
attention. No substantial adverse changes to the exterior of the Helm  
Building, videos of the interior were received and there are substantial  
interior defining features and we have requested for them to be preserved.  
The PARCS department is proposing some work for Camp Fresno. The  
three staff cabins of Camp Fresno were evaluated and found not eligible for  
Fresno Air traffic relocation and reconstruction of the parking lot. The  
Airport is proposing to demolish the existing facility, though the tower  
retains a high level of historic integrity and meets the criteria for listing  
criteria C or 3 based on the work of an international style of architecture  
Master Architect Allen Y. Lew. The Tower may be eligible to become a  
historical resource.  
Clark emphasized to the Commission that time is of the essence and their  
comments on what needs to be studied is due on April 22, 2024, the  
Commissioners next HPC meeting date. A link will be mailed to the  
Commissioners so that they can express their concerns.  
Chen gave an update on the Mitigation applications. There are 3 that have  
been approved and 1 is pending. Also, Staff will begin scheduling site visits  
for Mills Act Recipients, the newest recipients as well as 5 year anniversary  
Sponsler and the Historic Preservation Month Subcommittee have met twice  
to begin the planning for the month. They reported a kickoff event for May  
2nd, trying to give it more emphasis than last year. Sponsler also explained  
that he is hoping to have open houses with QR codes that will give the  
visitor more detailed information about the houses.  
Laval reported on the kick off plans for the month, May 2nd. It is going to be  
the home of the Fresno City and County Historical Archive. Arthop Night  
will be incorporated with it. The bar will be open and it will be a fun event.  
This will be the formal archive site for the Historical Society.  
Laval ask the Commissioners to participate in planning and to encourage  
Halajian's renovation of the Sun Stereo Building on Fulton, has been  
submitted for a design award and is willing to open it up for the Open House  
Sponsler would like all ideas to be sent to Monroe.  
Laval would ask the City Staff to draft a press release to announce the May  
2nd kick off event information.  
Sponsler shared that Hatwig is working on a clone of a beer made by  
Bohemian Lager that was made by Fresno Brewing Company. The beer will  
be available for the month of May.  
Sponsler agreed to be the tour guide for the May 18th, Bike through History.  
Clark requested final needs be submitted so Staff can be of assistance.  
Sponsler will get a calendar to Staff before mid-April.  
7:26 PM  
Sponsler commented that the conversations had with the Realtors  
Association have resulted in Historic Properties for sale are being  
appropriately identified on the MLS as historic.  
IX. - A. Members of the Commission  
IX. - B. Staff  
IX. - C. General Public  
7:29 PM  
A member of the public suggested that since the kick off event will be at the  
Arthop, the Commission should showcase Pat Hunter paintings. She asked  
what a Historic District Designation does for the District, and stated that  
Chinatown would like to be a designated Historic District and utilize the  
opportunities that status would grant them.  
On May 25, there will be a Veterans Memorial Cleanup 1 day event and  
plant flags on site for Memorial Day.  
Chair Sponsler announced the next Historic Preservation Meeting will take  
place on April 22, 2024 in Chambers.  
Chair Sponsler adjourned the meeting at 7:31 PM.