Reject all bids received for the Paul “Cap” Caprioglio
Community Center Remodel Project. (Bid File No. 12403201)
(Council District 4)
Capital Projects Department, Parks, After School and
Recreation and Community Services Department
Approve a Consultant Services Agreement with WRT Inc., of
San Francisco, California in the amount of $900,969, with a
contingency amount not to exceed $120,000, for the design
and construction support services for the Fresno Metropolitan
Flood Control District Basins Project. (Council District 2, 3, 4
and 6)
Capital Projects Department, Parks, After School and
Recreation and Community Services Department
***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Public Works Director,
Capital Projects Director, or their respective designees to
negotiate and execute, on behalf of the City, all
project-related documents and agreements, including
amendments, with utility companies, public or otherwise, for
public work of improvement no greater than the formal bid
limit. (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department
Approve the First Amendment to the consultant services
agreement with Partners in Control Inc., dba Enterprise
Automation, in the amount of $200,000, increasing the total
contract amount to $650,000. (Citywide)
Department of Public Utilities
Award a Product Requirements Contract for Bulk Sodium
Hypochlorite with Thatcher Company of California, Inc., for
three years with an option for two one-year extensions; with a
total not to exceed contract amount of $5,371,126.20, plus
annual Consumer Price Index increases (Bid File
12401016-1) (Citywide).
Department of Public Utilities
Actions pertaining to an Extraterritorial Water and Sewer
Service and Offsite Infrastructure Agreement between Clovis
Unified School District and the City of Fresno (City of Fresno
Sphere of Influence and County of Fresno):