City of Fresno  
2600 Fresno Street  
Fresno, CA 93721  
Meeting Agenda - Final-revised  
Thursday, July 25, 2024  
9:00 AM  
Regular Meeting  
Council Chambers (In Person and/or Electronic)  
City Council  
President - Annalisa Perea  
Vice President - Mike Karbassi  
Miguel Angel Arias, Tyler Maxwell, Luis Chavez,  
Garry Bredefeld, Nelson Esparza  
City Manager - Georgeanne A. White  
City Attorney - Andrew Janz  
City Clerk - Todd Stermer, CMC  
Due to the remote participation of a Councilmember, the public will have the ability to  
address Council remotely via Zoom during the July 25, 2024, City Council meeting [Gov.  
Code §§ 54953(f)(2)(A)(i) and 54953(f)(1)(A)(i)]. To participate remotely via Zoom please  
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Public participation during Fresno City Council meetings is  
always encouraged and can occur by attending a meeting in the Council Chambers on the  
2nd floor of City Hall located at 2600 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721.  
To be called to speak during a meeting, please fill out a speaker card (located throughout  
the chamber) and place it in the speaker card collection basket at the front of the chamber.  
You may also approach the speaker podium upon the Council President’s call for any  
additional public comment.  
Unless otherwise announced, all public speakers will have up to 3 minutes to address  
Council pursuant to Rule No. 10 of the Rules of Procedure for the City Council of the City  
of Fresno (available in the City Clerk’s Office).  
SUBMIT DOCUMENTS / WRITTEN COMMENTS - Pursuant to Rule 11 (c) of the Rules of  
Procedure, no documents shall be accepted for Council review unless submitted to the City  
Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the Council Agenda item be heard. Documents / written  
comments related to an agenda item can be submitted by one of the following methods:  
1) eComment – eComment allows the public to submit agenda related comments through  
a website prior to the meeting. Submitted comments are limited to 1440 characters and  
will be a part of the official record.  
selecting the “eComment” link.  
b) e-Comment is available for use upon publication of the agenda and closes 24  
hours prior to the meeting start time [pursuant to Rule 11(c)].  
c) e-Comment is not permitted for Land use or CEQA items  
d) The e-Comment Electronic User Agreement can be viewed at:  
2) E-mail – Agenda related documents and comments can be e-mailed to the Office of  
the City Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the agenda item being heard, pursuant to Rule  
a) E-mail the Clerk’s Office at  
b) E-mails should include the agenda date, and the related agenda item number.  
VIEWING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS (non-participatory) - For your convenience, there  
are several ways to view Fresno City Council meetings live:  
to view the live meeting).  
3) YouTube - City of Fresno Council, Boards and Commissions Channel:  
5) Cable Television: Comcast Channel 96 and AT&T Channel 99  
Should any of the six viewing methods listed above experience technical difficulties, the  
Council meeting will continue uninterrupted. Council meetings will only be paused to  
address verifiable technical difficulties for all users participating via Zoom or in the Council  
The City of Fresno’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  
Anyone requiring reasonable ADA accommodations, including sign language interpretation  
should contact the office of the City Clerk at (559) 621-7650 or The  
office of the City Clerk should also be contacted if spoken language translation is expected  
to be needed during a meeting. To help ensure availability of these services, you are  
advised to make your request a minimum of three business days prior to the scheduled  
DISCLOSURES - The Political Reform Act of 1974 (Act) restricts campaign contributions  
over $250 from a party to or participant in a proceeding involving a license, permit,  
contract, or entitlement for use before the City. The Act requires disclosure of the  
contribution and creates a conflict where a decisionmaker has received $250 or more from  
a party or participant to a proceeding in the prior 12 months. A decisionmaker must  
disclose on the record during the proceeding that they have received contributions from a  
party, participant, or agent of a party or participant, greater than $250 within the preceding  
12 months and the name(s) of the contributor(s). (See 2 CCR 18438.8(a).) Parties and  
participants to a proceeding are required to disclose on the record if they made  
contributions over $250 within the prior 12 months, and are prohibited from making  
contributions to a decisionmaker during the proceeding and for 12 months after the date a  
final decision is rendered on the proceeding. Violations of these provisions are punishable  
as a misdemeanor.  
9:00 A.M. ROLL CALL  
Invocation by Rabbi Rick Winer from the Temple Beth Israel  
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag  
Fresno Animal Center presents “Pet of the Month”  
Animal Center Department  
9:10 A.M. #1  
HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance amending  
Annexation Number 37 of the City of Fresno Community  
Facilities District Number 11, Final Tract Map Number 6410,  
to change the types of Services, the rate and method of  
apportionment of the special tax, and the Maximum Special  
Tax to be levied (Located on the northeast corner of East  
Church Avenue and South Peach Avenue): (Council District  
1. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Amendment of  
Annexation No. 37 of Community Facilities District No. 11 and  
the Levy of a New Maximum Special Tax; (Subject to Mayor’s  
2. ***RESOLUTION - Calling Special Mailed-Ballot Election;  
(Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Election Results; (Subject to  
Mayor’s Veto)  
4. ***BILL - (For introduction and adoption) - Amending  
Ordinance No. 2011-11 and Levying a Changed Maximum  
Special Tax for the Property Tax Year 2024-2025 and Future  
Tax Years Within and Relating to Community Facilities  
District No. 11, Annexation No. 37, Final Tract Map No. 6410.  
(Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
Public Works Department  
9:10 A.M. #2 (CONTINUED TO AUGUST 15, 2024, AT 9:10 A.M.)  
HEARING to consider of an appeal regarding the denial of  
Conditional Use Permit Application No. P22-03906,  
requesting authorization to establish a State of California  
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 21 (Off-Sale Beer,  
Wine, & Distilled Spirits) alcohol license for Circle “D” Food &  
Liquor store located at 2520 East Olive Avenue on the  
southeast corner of North Fresno Street and East Olive  
Avenue. (Council District 7)  
1. DENY the Appellant’s appeal and UPHOLD the action of  
the Planning and Development Department Director to deny  
CUP Application No. P22-03906 requesting authorization to  
establish a State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control  
Type 21 (Off-Sale Beer, Wine, & Distilled Spirits) alcohol  
license for a Circle “D” Food & Liquor store.  
Planning and Development Department  
9:20 A.M. (CONTINUED TO AUGUST 29, 2024, at 9:20 A.M.)  
HEARING to consider Conditional Use Permit Application No.  
P21-06064, (Council District 1) - Planning & Development.  
1. DENY the appeal and UPHOLD the action of the Planning  
Commission to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No.  
P21-06064 requesting authorization to establish a State of  
California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 20 alcohol  
license (Off-Sale beer and wine) for a proposed Arco AM/PM  
combination automobile service station and convenience  
Planning and Development Department  
9:25 A.M. #1  
Actions pertaining to the acquisition of fee title interest of a  
parcel to benefit the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade  
Separation Project: (Council Districts 1 and 7)  
1. HEARING to consider a Resolution of Necessity for  
acquisition of fee title interest of Assessor’s Parcel Number  
451-064-18, owned by Erik Samuel Honarchian, for the  
construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade  
Separation Project;  
2. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and  
necessity require acquisition of fee interest of Assessor’s  
Parcel Number 451-064-18, owned by Erik Samuel  
Honarchian, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley  
BNSF Grade Separation Project and authorizing eminent  
domain proceedings for public use and purpose. (Requires 5  
Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department  
9:25 A.M. #2  
HEARING to Consider an appeal regarding Cannabis  
Conditional Use Permit Application No. P23-03086 and  
related Environmental Assessment for property located at  
4555 East Kings Canyon Road on the northeast corner of  
East Kings Canyon Road and South Jackson Avenue  
(Council District 5) - Planning and Development Department  
1. ADOPT - Environmental Assessment No. P23-03086  
dated November 9, 2023, a determination that the proposed  
project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality  
Act (CEQA) Guidelines through a Section 15301/Class 1  
Categorical Exemption.  
2. DENY the appeal and UPHOLD the action of the Planning  
and Development Department Director in the approval of  
Cannabis Conditional Use Permit Application No. P23-03086  
authorizing the establishment of a cannabis retail business in  
an approximately 2,100 square foot existing commercial  
building, subject to the following:  
a. Development shall take place in accordance with the  
Conditions of Approval for Cannabis Conditional Use Permit  
Application No. P23-03086 dated January 9, 2024.  
Planning and Development Department  
9:30 A.M.  
Actions pertaining to the acquisition of fee title interest of a  
parcel to benefit the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade  
Separation Project: (Council Districts 1 and 7)  
1. HEARING to consider a Resolution of Necessity for  
acquisition of fee title interest of Assessor’s Parcel Numbers  
446-232-37S and 446-232-41, owned by Donald J. Dal Porto  
and Shirley M. Dal Porto, Trustees of the Donald and Shirley  
Dal Porto Trust dated August 23, 1983, as amended and  
restated October 14, 2005, for the construction of the  
Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project;  
2. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and  
necessity require acquisition of fee interest for rights of way  
for public street purposes of APNs 446-232-37S and 446-232  
-41, owned by Donald J. Dal Porto and Shirley M. Dal Porto,  
Trustees of the Donald and Shirley Dal Porto Trust dated  
August 23, 1983, as amended and restated October 14,  
2005, for the construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF  
Grade Separation Project and authorizing eminent domain  
proceedings for public use and purpose. (Requires 5  
Affirmative Votes)(Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department  
9:35 A.M.  
HEARING to consider Plan Amendment and Rezone  
Application No. P22-00388, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.  
6360, Planned Development Application No. P22-00387, and  
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) State  
Clearinghouse (SCH) No. 2022080152 for a proposed  
326-lot single-family residential development on the northeast  
corner of North Armstrong Avenue and the East McKinley  
Avenue Alignment (Council District 7) - Planning and  
Development Department  
1. CERTIFY Final EIR SCH No. 2022080152 for a proposed  
326-lot single-family residential development, apply the  
Council's independent judgment and analysis to the review,  
and then adopt the resolution certifying the FEIR, as having  
been completed in compliance with the California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) on the proposed Final EIR  
and comments thereon; and,  
a. ADOPT Findings of Fact as required by Public Resources  
Code Section 21082(a) and CEQA Guidelines, Section  
15091; and,  
b. APPROVE the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting  
Program as required by Public Resources Code Section  
21081.6 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15092; and,  
c. ADOPT the Statement of Overriding Considerations as  
required by Public Resources Code, Section 21081(b) and  
CEQA Guidelines, Section 15093.  
2. RESOLUTION - Approving Plan Amendment Application  
No. P22-00388 proposing to amend the Fresno General Plan  
and McLane Community Plan from the Low Density  
Residential (±28.6 acres) planned land use designation to the  
Medium Density Residential (±28.6 acres) planned land use  
3. BILL (for introduction and adoption) - Approving Rezone  
Application No. P22-00388 proposing to amend the Official  
Zone Map to reclassify the ±28.6 acre property from the RS-3  
(Single Family Residential, Low Density) zone district to the  
RS-5 (Single Family Residential, Medium Density) zone  
4. APPROVE Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6360 which  
requests authorization to subdivide an approximately 28.6  
-acre property for purposes of creating a 326-lot single family  
residential subdivision on the northeast corner of North  
Armstrong Avenue and the East McKinley Avenue Alignment  
subject to the findings and compliance with the Conditions of  
Approval included within the Staff Report to the Planning  
Commission dated July 3, 2024.  
5. APPROVE Planned Development Permit Application No.  
P22-00387 which requests authorization to establish a gated  
community with private streets and modified property  
development standards subject to compliance with the  
Conditions of Approval dated July 3, 2024.  
Planning and Development Department  
9:40 A.M.  
Actions pertaining to the acquisition of fee interest of a parcel  
to benefit the expansion of Radio Park: (Council District 7)  
1. Adopt findings of a Mitigated Negative Declaration  
pursuant to Sections § 15070, 15075, 15150, and 15152 of  
the California Quality Act Guidelines, for Assessor’s Parcel  
Number 446-020-10;  
2. HEARING to consider a Resolution of Necessity for  
acquisition of fee title interest of Assessor’s Parcel Number  
446-020-10, owned by Mohamed Nasser Salem, for the  
Radio Park Expansion Project;  
3. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and  
necessity require acquisition of fee interest of Assessor’s  
Parcel Number 446-020-10, owned by Mohamed Nasser  
Salem, for the Radio Park Expansion Project and authorizing  
eminent domain proceedings for public use and purpose.  
(Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
Capital Projects Department, Parks, After School and  
Recreation and Community Services Department  
9:50 A.M.  
Actions pertaining to the acquisition of fee interest of a parcel  
to benefit the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade Separation  
Project: (Council Districts 1 and 7)  
1. HEARING to consider a Resolution of Necessity for  
acquisition of fee title interest of Assessor’s Parcel Numbers  
451-141-05 and 451-141-16, owned by Tehal Singh Thind  
and Daljit Kaur, for the construction of the Blackstone  
McKinley BNSF Grade Separation Project;  
2. ***RESOLUTION - Determining that public interest and  
necessity require acquisition of fee interest for rights of way  
for public street purposes of APNs 451-141-05 and 451-141-  
16, owned by Tehal Singh Thind and Daljit Kaur, for the  
construction of the Blackstone McKinley BNSF Grade  
Separation Project and authorizing eminent domain  
proceedings for public use and purpose. (Requires 5  
Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department  
10:00 A.M.  
Appearance by Fernando Elizondo to discuss the use of  
recycled water at Roeding Park. (District 1 Resident)  
Office of the City Clerk  
10:05 A.M.  
Appearance by Carol Goiburn to discuss the right to live in a  
peaceful world. (District 4 Resident)  
Office of the City Clerk  
5:00 P.M.  
HEARING to Consider an appeal regarding Development  
Permit Application No. P21-00989 and related Environmental  
Assessment for property located at 7056 North Prospect  
Avenue on the northeast corner of West Herndon and North  
Prospect Avenues (Council District 2) - Planning and  
Development Department.  
1. ADOPT - Environmental Assessment No. P21-00989  
dated February 9, 2024, a determination that the proposed  
project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality  
Act (CEQA) under a CEQA Guidelines Section 15332/Class  
32 Categorical Exemption.  
2. GRANT the appeal and UPHOLD the Planning and  
Development Director’s approval of Development Permit  
Application No. P21-00989 authorizing the construction of an  
82-unit private gated multi-family development, subject to the  
a. Development shall take place in accordance with the  
Conditions of Approval for Development Permit Application  
No. P21-00989 dated May 15, 2024.  
Planning and Development Department  
Approval of the minutes for June 20, 2024, regular meeting  
and June 27, 2024, regular meeting  
Office of the City Clerk  
Actions pertaining to professional water lobbying, consulting,  
and regulatory services:  
1. Approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services  
Agreement with The Gualco Group Inc., for a period of one  
year in the amount not to exceed $60,000 annually, plus  
reimbursable costs incurred under the agreement not to  
exceed $2,500 per year; and  
2. Authorize the City Manager, or designee, the authority to  
execute the First Amendment and grant the optional one-year  
Office of Mayor & City Manager  
Approve the reappointment of Julie Federico to the Historic  
Preservation Commission to a term ending June 30, 2028.  
Office of Mayor & City Manager  
Approve a change order to the Master Service Agreement  
with Innovative Computing Systems, Inc., for $26,000, for  
document management software  
City Attorney's Office  
***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the submission of applications  
for CalRecycle grant program funds, including up to $350,000  
annually for Waste Tire Enforcement, up to $100,000 per  
two-year grant term for Waste Tire Cleanup, and up to  
$40,000 per two-year grant term for Waste Tire Amnesty, and  
acceptance of funding in amounts to be determined by  
CalRecycle, and authorizing the City Attorney and/or  
designee to sign all necessary implementing documents  
(Subject to Mayor’s Veto).  
City Attorney's Office  
Actions pertaining to the expansion of the Litigation Unit in  
the City Attorney’s Office:  
***RESOLUTION - Adopt the First Amendment to the Position  
Authorization Resolution (“PAR”) No. 2024-121, adding one  
full-time Senior Deputy City Attorney, one full-time Deputy  
City Attorney, two full-time City Attorney Investigators, one  
full-time Paralegal, and one full-time Legal Secretary  
positions in the City Attorney’s Office.  
City Attorney's Office  
RESOLUTION - Of the Council of the City of Fresno,  
California, Making Certifications and Claims Concerning  
Measure C Extension Local Transportation Purposes  
Pass-Through Projects And Program Funds Annual  
Allocation For Fiscal Year 2024-2025 And Requesting  
Allocation Of Available Funds  
Budget and Management Studies Department  
Approve the third amendment to the Bank of America contract  
for banking services for an additional term to expire on June  
30, 2025.  
Finance Department  
Approve the award of a cooperative purchase agreement to  
Golden State Fire Apparatus, Inc. of Sacramento, California,  
a Pierce Manufacturing distributor, for the purchase of two  
Pierce heavy fire apparatuses in the amount of $2,911,410  
for the Fresno Fire Department  
General Services Department  
Award a requirements contract for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)  
Fuel Station Maintenance to Chart International Inc of New  
Prague, Minnesota with offices in Rancho Dominguez and  
Valencia, California for two years, with four optional one-year  
extensions for $27,380 per year and a not-to-exceed  
contingency of $10,000 per year, plus annual CPI  
adjustments (Bid File 12401803)  
General Services Department  
Approve the purchase of laptops, desktops, tablets, servers  
and storage including related peripherals and services from  
Dell Technologies (Dell) in an amount not to exceed  
$4,000,000, utilizing Minnesota NASPO ValuePoint Master  
Agreement Number 23026, California Participating Addendum  
Number 7-23-70-55-01.  
Information Services Department  
***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the City Manager or designee  
to apply for a grant of up to $500,000 from the California  
Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) to provide programming  
at Camp Fresno for underserved youth and Authorizing the  
City Manager or designee to sign all related documents on  
behalf of the City. (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
Parks, After School and Recreation and Community Services  
Actions pertaining to environmental engineering services at  
Maxie L. Parks Community Center:  
1. Approve a Second Amendment for Consultant Services  
with Kleinfelder, Inc. for Environmental Engineering Services  
in the amount not to exceed of $85,200 to provide additional  
services for Maxie L. Parks site located at 2165 South Elm  
Street, Fresno, CA 93706.  
2. Authorize City Manager or designee to execute the  
agreement on behalf of the City of Fresno.  
Parks, After School and Recreation and Community Services  
Actions pertaining to a State and Local Fiscal Recovery  
Funds Grant Agreement between the City of Fresno and  
Central California Land Trust:  
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to  
Section 15301/Class 1 of the California Environmental  
Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and  
2. Approve a State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Grant  
Agreement in the amount of $800,000 with Central California  
Land Trust for the acquisition and rehabilitation of two  
single-family homes to be sold and preserved as affordable  
Planning and Development Department  
Actions pertaining to land use for Tiny Homes (Bid File  
1. Adopt a finding of an Affordable Housing Exemption in  
accordance with Section 15194 of the California  
Environmental Quality Act.  
2. Approve an Agreement to provide up to 24 tiny homes to  
the Lowell Community Development Corporation to provide  
affordable housing to low income households at or below  
60% of the area median income.  
Planning and Development Department  
Approve the Third amendment to the service Agreement with  
Poverello House for professional triage center services at  
Naomi’s House and Clarion Pointe, and to increase funding  
by $525,405.56 in Homeless, Housing Assistance, and  
Prevention funds (HHAP) for total program award  
Planning and Development Department  
Approve First Amendment to the $1.8 million HOME  
Investment Partnerships Program Agreement with Blythe  
Village LP to increase the HOME funding contribution by an  
additional $800,000, per funding Resolution No. 2024-085,  
for a total of $2.6 million in HOME Investment Partnership  
Program funding to the project. (District 1)  
Planning and Development Department  
Approve a First Amendment to the Emergency Solutions  
Grant (ESG) agreement between the City of Fresno and  
Poverello House to extend the term of the agreement through  
November 30, 2024, and increase the funding by $20,707.57  
for a total award of $222,069.57 for Street Outreach within  
the City of Fresno.  
Planning and Development Department  
Actions pertaining to a Permanent Local Housing Allocation  
Agreement between the City of Fresno and Karahunj, LLC for  
the construction of a multi-family senior affordable rental  
housing project location at 1514 East Bullard Avenue, Fresno  
(District 6):  
1. Adopt a Categorical Exemption per staff determination  
pursuant to Section 15332/Class 32 of the California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines  
2. Approve a Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA)  
Agreement with Karahunj, LLC, in the amount of $1,000,000  
for the construction of the Solterra Senior Living Affordable  
Rental Housing Development Phase I, located at 1514 East  
Bullard Avenue, Fresno, California 93710  
Planning and Development Department  
Actions pertaining to the Fresno Police Department’s  
technology contract with Axon Enterprises, Inc.  
1. Award a sole source contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc.,  
hereinafter referred to as “Axon” in an amount not to exceed  
$18,368,264.68 for five years ($1,247,549.76 year one,  
$1,871,789.27 year two, $3,702,094.40 year three,  
$5,659,592.77 year four and $5,887,238.48 year five) for the  
purchase, maintenance and upgrade of 800 body-worn  
cameras and TASERS, unlimited video and data storage  
through, a computer aided dispatch system  
(CAD system), a records management system (RMS system)  
and multiple software programs to increase efficiency,  
transparency and accountability within the department.  
2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt a Resolution authorizing the  
establishment of a contract for the purchase and service of  
body-worn cameras, TASERS, RMS and CAD systems, data  
storage and other related software with Axon Enterprises, Inc.  
without advertised competitive bidding (Subject to Mayor’s  
Police Department  
Actions pertaining to the 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial  
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program:  
1. Authorize the Chief of Police to accept $416,847 in total  
grant funding for the 2023 JAG Program from the U.S.  
Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance for the  
City and County of Fresno  
2. Authorize the Chief of Police to execute all related  
documents for the acceptance, modification, extension and  
administration of 2023 JAG Program  
3. Authorize the Chief of Police to execute an agreement  
between the City of Fresno and the County of Fresno  
regarding the 2023 JAG Program  
4. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 3rd Amendment to the  
Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2024-122  
appropriating $338,500 for the Police Department’s Edward  
Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant Program  
(Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto)  
Police Department  
Actions pertaining to the Manchester Skate Park Project:  
(Council District 7)  
1. Affirm the City Manager’s finding that Provost & Pritchard  
Engineering Group Inc., dba Provost & Pritchard Consulting  
Group, is uniquely qualified;  
2. Approve the professional engineering and architectural  
services agreement with Provost & Pritchard Engineering  
Group Inc., dba Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group, of  
Fresno, California in the amount of $95,500, and a $10,000  
contingency, for the design and construction support services  
for the Manchester Skate Park Project.  
Capital Projects Department, Parks, After School and  
Recreation and Community Services Department  
Actions pertaining to two City owned parcels located at 4561  
North Wishon Avenue, Fresno, California (Assessor Parcel  
Numbers 426-071-23T and 426-071-24): (City of Fresno  
Sphere of Influence and County of Fresno)  
1. Adopt a finding that the proposed transfer of a vacant  
parcel with an abandoned and sealed water pump station is  
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act  
pursuant to the common sense exemption in that it can be  
seen with certainty that there is no possibility the proposed  
changes will have a significant effect on the environment  
pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California  
Environmental Quality Act Guidelines;  
2. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring Assessor Parcel Numbers  
426-071-23T and 426-071-24 located at 4561 North Wishon  
Avenue, Fresno, California to be exempt surplus land  
(Subject to Mayor’s Veto);  
3. Approve the execution of the Agreement for Purchase and  
Sale of Real Property and Escrow Instructions and authorize  
the City Manager, or designee, to execute the Purchase and  
Sale Agreement, associated Grant Deeds, and all documents  
relevant to the sale with Gary D. Catron and Leslie D. Catron,  
Trustees of the Catron Family Trust uta dated April 12, 2022,  
for the transfer of the Subject Property.  
Capital Projects Department and Department of Public  
Actions pertaining to the Veterans Boulevard Interchange  
Weekly Landscape Maintenance Services Project. (Council  
District 2):  
1. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 4th Amendment to the  
Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2024-122  
appropriating $324,900 for the Veterans Boulevard  
Interchange Weekly Landscape Maintenance Services;  
(Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
2. Award a Requirements Contract in the amount of  
$264,109.39 with a $26,410.94 contingency to Elite  
Maintenance & Tree Service, Inc. of Clovis, California, as the  
best value for Weekly Landscape Maintenance Services in  
the Veterans Interchange Project Area. (Request for Proposal  
No. 12401839)  
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department  
Actions pertaining to the disposition of a City owned,  
undeveloped parcel situated at the northeast corner of South  
Hughes Avenue and West Dan Ronquillo Drive (Council  
District 3):  
1. Adopt a Categorical Exemption per Environmental  
Assessment Number P21-06225, pursuant to Section  
15332/Class 32 of the California Environmental Quality Act  
2. Adopt the attached Resolution of Intention Number 1153-D  
to vacate a portion of public street right of way at the  
northeast corner of South Hughes Avenue and West Dan  
Ronquillo Drive;  
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring a portion of a public street  
right of way located at the northeast corner of South Hughes  
Avenue and West Dan Ronquillo Drive to be exempt surplus  
land (Subject to Mayor’s Veto);  
4. ***RESOLUTION - Finding Good Cause and Clear and  
Convincing Benefit to the public pursuant to Fresno Municipal  
Code section 4-204, relating to the disposition of real surplus  
property located at the northeast corner of South Hughes  
Avenue and West Dan Ronquillo Drive; (Requires 5  
Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto);  
5. Approve the execution of the Agreement for Purchase and  
Sale of Real Property and Escrow Instructions to sell a 0.15  
-acre (6,642 square feet) City owned, undeveloped parcel of  
land, identified as a portion of Assessor’s Parcel Number 458  
-090-83, located at the northeast corner of South Hughes  
Avenue and West Dan Ronquillo Drive in the amount of  
$18,911.00 to GS Central Valley Investments, LLC a  
California limited liability company, and authorize the City  
Manager or designee to execute the Purchase and Sale  
Agreement and associated Grant Deed for the transfer of the  
subject property.  
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department  
RESOLUTION - Approving the summary vacation of a portion  
of Arthur Avenue between West Herndon Avenue and West  
Spruce Avenue. (Council District 2)  
Public Works Department  
Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC)  
Semi-Annual Report (November 2023 through April 2024).  
Public Works Department  
RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Submission of a Grant  
Application to the Fresno Council of Governments 2024/25  
Measure C New Technology Reserve Grant Program for  
Advanced Transit and Transportation Projects Totaling up to  
$3 Million in Requests for Funding; and Authorizing the  
Execution of a Grant Application and Grant Agreement  
documents by the Public Works Director or Designee.  
(District 6)  
Public Works Department  
Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to  
accept $1,415,099 from the Department of Resources  
Recycling and Recovery - SB1383 Local Assistance Grant  
Program, awarded to the Department of Public Utilities’ Solid  
Waste Management Division (Citywide).  
Department of Public Utilities  
Actions pertaining to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure  
System (Citywide):  
1. Affirm the City Manager’s finding that Badger Meter, Inc.,  
is uniquely qualified to perform services related to the City of  
Fresno’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure system, in  
accordance with Administrative Order 6-19;  
2. Approve a Software Purchase and Services Agreement  
with Badger Meter, Inc., for a term of five years and a  
not-to-exceed amount of $4,731,378.75.  
Department of Public Utilities  
Authorize a one-year FAX revenue agreement, with two  
optional one-year extensions between the City of Fresno  
(City) and California State University, Fresno (CSUF), to  
provide transit services for CSUF students, faculty, and staff  
on Fresno Area Express (FAX) fixed-route buses for a total  
compensation not to exceed $125,000 annually.  
Department of Transportation  
Actions pertaining to UPholdings affordable housing  
development located at 3787 N. Blackstone, Fresno,  
California (District 4):  
1. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt a Resolution authorizing  
acceptance of funding from the California Department of  
Housing and Community Development Round 7 Affordable  
Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program  
Award in the amount of $15,581,049.00 for Transportation  
Related Amenities and Sustainable Transportation  
Improvements associated with the Dakota affordable housing  
project and authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to  
enter into and execute a standard agreement to secure the  
AHSC program funds and participate in the AHSC Program  
(Subject to Mayor’s veto).  
Department of Transportation  
Actions pertaining to a State and Local Fiscal Recovery  
Funds Grant Agreement between the City of Fresno and  
Central California Land Trust:  
1. Adopt Environment Assessment No. P24-945, dated July  
25, 2024, a determination that the proposed project qualifies  
for categorical exemption as set forth in the California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section  
15301/Class 1 and Section 15302/Class 2.  
2. Approve an agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric  
Company (PG&E) in the amount of $194,704.11 for  
construction services to implement an electrical service  
extension to the Department of Transportation/Fresno Area  
Express (FAX) bus facility located at 2223 G Street and  
authorize the Director of Transportation or designee to  
execute all required documents.  
3. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt a resolution authorizing an  
exception to the formal bidding procedures and award a Sole  
Source Agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric Company  
(PG&E) for the extension of electrical service to the FAX  
facility within the Municipal Service Center (Subject to  
Mayor’s Veto).  
Department of Transportation  
***RESOLUTION - to amend Resolution 2016-41 to require  
an annual report be made due to Council no later than April  
30th of each year. (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)  
Vice President Karbassi  
BILL (For Introduction) - Amending Chapter 12, Article 4.12 of  
the Fresno Municipal Code Relating to the Fee Waiver  
Program Definition of Residential Infill Projects (Citywide)  
Councilmember Esparza  
WORKSHOP - City of Fresno Retirement Systems  
Office of Mayor & City Manager  
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)  
City of Fresno v. County of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court  
Case No.: 24CECG01199  
City Attorney's Office  
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)  
GPP II, LLC v. Central Valley Community Sports Foundation;  
City of Fresno; Fresno Superior Court Case No.:  
City Attorney's Office  
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)  
Case Name: Johnny Barbosa, et al. v. City of Fresno, et al.;  
Fresno Superior Court Case No.: 23CECG03438  
City Attorney's Office  
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1)  
Case Name: Ella Burton v. City of Fresno, et al.; Fresno  
Superior Court Case No.: 22CECG00712  
City Attorney's Office  
Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2)  
Potential Case Name: City of Fresno Fire & Police  
Retirement System, et al. v. City of Fresno  
City Attorney's Office  
SECURITY - Government Code Section 54957(a): Discuss  
security of City Hall.  
Office of Mayor & City Manager  
Government Code Section 54957.6  
City Negotiators: Jennifer Misner; Sumeet Malhi  
Employee Organization(s): 1. International Union of  
Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Local  
39); 2. Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA); 3. Fresno  
Police Officers Association (FPOA Basic), Unit 4; 4.  
International Association of Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 5  
(Fire Basic); 5. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027  
(ATU); 6. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,  
Local 100 (IBEW); 7. Fresno Police Officers Association  
(FPOA Management) Unit 9; 8. International Association of  
Firefighters, Local 202, Unit 10 (Fire Management); 9. City of  
Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA); 10.  
City of Fresno Management Employees Association  
(CFMEA); 11. Fresno Airports Public Safety Officers  
Association (FAPSOA)  
Office of Mayor & City Manager  
AUGUST 15, 2024  
9:10 A.M. #1 - HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance to annex territory and  
levy a special tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number  
11, Annexation Number 150  
AUGUST 15, 2024  
9:10 A.M. #2 - HEARING to consider of an appeal regarding the denial of  
Conditional Use Permit Application No. P22-03906, requesting authorization to  
establish a State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 21  
(Off-Sale Beer, Wine, & Distilled Spirits) alcohol license for Circle “D” Food &  
Liquor store located at 2520 East Olive Avenue  
AUGUST 15, 2024  
9:15 A.M. - Consideration of Annexation Application No. P22-03846, Pre-zone  
Application No. P22-04069 and the related Environmental Assessment No.  
P22-03846/P22-04069 pertaining to approximately 20.23 acres of property on the  
north and south sides of West Ashlan Avenue between North Polk and North  
Gregory Avenues (Council District 1).  
AUGUST 29, 2024  
9:15 A.M. - RESOLUTION to vacate a portion of public street right of way at the  
Northeast corner of South Hughes Avenue and West Dan Ronquillo Drive.  
AUGUST 29, 2024  
9:20 A.M. - HEARING to consider Conditional Use Permit Application No.  
P21-06064, (Council District 1) - Planning & Development. DENY the appeal and  
UPHOLD the action of the Planning Commission to deny Conditional Use Permit  
Application No. P21-06064 requesting authorization to establish a State of  
California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 20 alcohol license (Off-Sale  
beer and wine) for a proposed Arco AM/PM combination automobile service  
station and convenience store.  
SEPTEMBER 26, 2024  
9:15 A.M. - HEARING to adopt Resolutions and Ordinance to Annex Territory and  
Levy a Special Tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number  
9, Annexation Number 60 (territory known as Assessor’s Parcel Number  
487-150-44S, 487-150-45S, and 487-150-46S) (Southwest corner of East Jensen  
Avenue and South Holloway Avenue) (Council District 5)  
SEPTEMBER 26, 2024  
9:20 A.M. - HEARING – To adopt Resolutions and Ordinance to annex territory  
and levy a special tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District No.  
18, Annexation No. 001 (Located on the northwest corner of West Indianapolis  
Avenue and North Garfield Avenue) (Council District 1)  
SEPTEMBER 26, 2024  
9:25 A.M. - HEARING to adopt resolutions and ordinance to annex territory and  
levy a special tax regarding City of Fresno Community Facilities District Number  
11, Annexation Number 151 (Final Tract Map Number 6362) (Located on the  
northwest corner of West Indianapolis Avenue and North Garfield Avenue)  
(Council District 1)  
• October 16, 2024 (Wednesday) - Employee of the Fall Quarter  
• November 20, 2024 (Wednesday) - Employee Service Awards - 10:00 A.M.  
August 15, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)  
August 29, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)  
September 12, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)  
September 26, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)  
October 10, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)  
October 31, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)  
November 7, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)  
November 21, 2024 - 9:00 A.M. (Regular Meeting)