contingency, for additional professional engineering services
required for the design of plans and general construction
documents for the Herndon Avenue Widening between Polk
Avenue and Milburn Avenue Project. (Council District 2)
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department
Actions pertaining to the disposition of a City owned,
undeveloped parcel located on the east side of Broadway
Avenue, north of Divisadero Street in Fresno, California
(Council District 3):
1. Adopt a Categorical Exemption per Environmental
Assessment Number P23-01843, pursuant to Section
15303/Class 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) Guidelines,
2. RESOLUTION - Approving the Summary Vacation of
those portions of the public street easements located on the
east side of Broadway Avenue, north of Divisadero Street,
3. ***RESOLUTION - Declaring a 475.3 square foot portion
of public street right of way located on the east side of
Broadway Avenue, north of Divisadero Street, Fresno,
California to be exempt surplus land (Subject to Mayor’s
4. ***RESOLUTION - Finding Good Cause and Clear and
Convincing Benefit to the Public pursuant to Fresno
Municipal Code section 4-204, relating to the disposition of
real surplus property located on the east side of Broadway
Avenue, north of Divisadero Street; (Requires 5 Affirmative
Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s veto),
5. Approve the execution of the Agreement for Purchase and
Sale of Real Property and Escrow Instructions to sell a 0.011
-acre (475.3 square feet) City owned, undeveloped portion of
land, located on the east side of Broadway Avenue, north of
Divisadero Street, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number 459
-304-01, in the amount of $1,238.00 to Margaret R. Boyajian
Courtis and Jeffrey L. Boyajian, and authorize the City
Manager or designee to execute the Purchase and Sale
Agreement and associated Grant Deed and escrow
documents on behalf of the City for the transfer of the subject
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department