to Arts and Culture Grant guidelines.
Parks, After School and Recreation and Community Services
***RESOLUTION - Adopting the Sixth Amendment to Fiscal
Year 2024 Salary Resolution No. 2023-183, amending
Exhibit 14, Unit 14, Management Classes (CFMEA) by
adding the new classification and providing a monthly salary
step plan range for Clinic Manager, effective November 6,
2023 (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).
Personnel Services Department
Approve a $253,673 HOME Investment Partnerships
Program, Community Housing Development Organization
Agreement with Habitat for Humanity Fresno County, Inc., for
the construction of a single-family house at 64 E. Atchison
Street in southwest Fresno (Council District 3).
Planning and Development Department
Approve an agreement for professional architectural
engineering services with NJA Architecture, of Lodi, CA for
$1,072,670, with an $80,000 contingency, for community
outreach, infrastructure assessment, master planning, and
schematic development services for the West Fresno
Community Centers Rehabilitation Planning Project (Council
District 3).
Capital Projects Department, Parks, After School and
Recreation and Community Services Department
Actions pertaining to the Concrete Liner Installation at the
Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility Sludge Drying
Beds 1 and 2 (Bid File 12400215) (Council District 6):
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to
Sections 15301/Class 1 and 15302/Class 2 of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines
2. Award a construction contract to Unified Field Services
Corporation of Bakersfield, California, in the amount of
Capital Projects Department and Department of Public
Approve the First Amendment to Service Contract with
Partners in Control Inc., dba Enterprise Automation, to
increase the value of the Service Contract by $97,754, for a