Approve the Third Amendment to the Professional
Architectural Service Agreement with O’Dell Engineering
Inc., of Fresno, CA, in the amount of $140,500, increasing
the total contract amount to $610,400, with a remaining
contingency of $3,500, for professional engineering services
to provide design and construction support services for the
development of accessibility improvement plans for the Play
Structure Improvements Project (Council Districts 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 ,7).
Capital Projects Department, Parks, After School and
Recreation and Community Services Department
Approve the First Amendment to the Professional
Architectural Services Agreement with
Temple-Andersen-Moore Architects, LLP, in the amount of
$60,000, increasing the total contract amount to $187,880,
with a remaining contingency of $10,000, due to increased
scope of services for the Paul “Cap” Caprioglio Community
Center Remodel Project (Council District 4)
Capital Projects Department, Parks, After School and
Recreation and Community Services Department
Approve the First Amendment to the Professional
Engineering Services Agreement with Stearns, Conrad and
Schmidt Consulting Engineers, of Long Beach, California to
expand the scope of services for the design of the
Renewable Natural Gas Diversion into Natural Gas Pipeline
Project, increasing the total contract amount by $137,356.58,
for a total increased contract amount of $360,115.22, with a
remaining contingency of $20,000.00, and extend the
agreement term from December 30, 2023 to December 31,
2026 (Council District 3 and unincorporated Fresno County).
Capital Projects Department and Department of Public
Approve Contract Change Order No. 3 with American Paving
Company, to increase Contract Time by thirty-five (35)
working days, for the Barstow Avenue Class IV Bikeway
Project - Project ID PW00972 (Council District 4).
Capital Projects Department and Public Works Department
Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering
Services with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. for $180,913,
with an $18,000 contingency, for Preliminary Engineering