General Services Department
BY: ROBIN O’MALLEY, Facilities Manager
General Services Department, Facilities Management Division
CRAIG RICCI, Project Manager
General Services Department, Facilities Management Division
Actions pertaining to the Spiral Parking Garage 7 High Priority Repairs project located at 801 Van Ness Avenue:
1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines
2. Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Brooks Ransom Associates, of Fresno, California, in the amount of $69,500 with a $8,000 contingency, for the design, preparation of construction documents, and construction support services for the Spiral Parking Garage 7 High Priority Repairs project.
3. Authorize the Director of General Services or designee to execute all related documents
Staff recommends to adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines; and Approve an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Brooks Ransom Associates, of Fresno, California, in the amount of $69,500, with a $8,000 contingency for the design, preparation of construction documents, and construction support services for the Spiral Parking Garage 7 High Priority Repairs project; and Authorize the Director of General Services or designee to execute all related documents.
The Spiral Parking Garage 7 has been in use for over 50 years and needs a variety of repairs to keep it structurally sound for years to come. Assessment of the parking garage was performed in 2016 by Walter P. Moore and Associates whose report recommended High, Medium, and Low priority repairs for the structure. The proposed Spiral Parking Garage 7 High Priority Repairs project addresses all the high priority repairs singled out in the assessment including but not limited to, concrete slab repairs, repair cast-in place facade fins, repair precast facade panels, and structural improvements and repairs as well as repainting the garage. These proposed repair items will provide a overall improvements to the garage and will extend the parking structure’s lifespan.
The Spiral Parking Garage 7, located at 801 Van Ness Avenue, provides 587 total parking stalls that are used for both monthly and daily parking for Downtown Fresno. The seven-level structure is located on the corner of Van Ness Avenue and Inyo Street and provides optimal parking for several businesses in the surrounding area. The structure was built in the late 1960’s and there are several elements within the structure that will benefit from this project.
Assessment of the parking garage was performed in 2016 by Walter P. Moore and Associates whose report recommended High, Medium, and Low priority repairs for the structure.
The project addresses all the high priority repairs singled out in the assessment including but not limited to, concrete slab repairs, repair cast-in place facade fins, repair precast facade panels, and other structural improvements as well as repainting the garage. These proposed repair items will provide a public safety improvement and will extend the parking structure’s lifespan.
On May 1, 2023, staff published a Request for Qualifications inviting consultants to submit for services on an “as needed” or “on call” basis for Facilities Management Divisions Projects. Brooks Ransom Associates was selected as an “as needed” or “on call” Structural Engineering Firm for a three-year term.
The City Attorney has approved the contract as to form.
Staff has determined that a Categorical Exemption is appropriate, based on Section 15301 Existing Facilities of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which exempts repair, maintenance, or minor alterations of existing public facilities involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use. Furthermore, Staff has determined that none of the exceptions to Categorical Exemptions set forth in the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2, apply to this project. Staff recommends Council, based upon its own independent judgment, adopt a finding of a Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines for the Spiral Parking Garage 7 High Priority Repairs project.
Local Preference was implemented and Brooks Ransom Associates is a local business, as defined by the Fresno Municipal Code.
Funds for this project have been approved as part of the FY2024 ARPA allocation. There will be no impact to the General Fund.
Attachment: Agreement