FROM: Billy Alcorn, Fire Chief
Fire Department
Approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Contract with Gaetke Medical Corporation and 1582, LLC in the amount of $18,600 for a total contract amount of $279,600 for Annual Fitness/Wellness Evaluations (Annual Physicals) for the Fresno Fire Department sworn personnel.
Staff recommends Council approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Contract with Gaetke Medical Corporation and 1582, LLC for Annual Fitness/Wellness Evaluations (Annual Physicals) for the Fresno Fire Department sworn personnel.
It is recommended that Council approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Contract with Gaetke Medical Corporation and 1582, LLC for Annual Fitness/Wellness Evaluations (Annual Physicals) for the Fresno Fire Department sworn personnel in the amount not to exceed $279,600 (adding $18,600 to the original contract). In January 2022, the Fire Department submitted a grant application with AFG) to provide funding for NFPA 1582 physicals with enhanced screening for cancer and heart disease. On August 19, 2022, the Fresno Fire Department was awarded a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant and accepted by Council on September 29, 2022. This awarded grant amount is $236,590.90 with a local match of $23,659.10 Acceptance of this grant was approved by Council on September 29, 2022. In the FY 24 Adopted Budget, the Fire Department was also approved for $44,000 for hazmat physicals. With repeated exposure to smoke and hazardous materials, it is the goal of the Fire Department to afford its members with a quality of life both during and after their careers. Early detection is key to preventing members from being victims of cancer and heart disease.
NFPA 1582 sets forth a comprehensive medical evaluation that matches the workloads of firefighters and the ability of a firefighter to medically and safely perform those duties. The standard was introduced in 1992 and has undergone several revisions; the latest revision was in 2022.
While pre-employment physicals are completed in accordance with standards set by NFPA 1582 and NFPA 1583, little to no follow-up is conducted once an employee passes the pre-employment physical exam. Although the Department has provided physicals in the past, there is no ongoing program that would advise of health issues unless specifically noted by a physician, with the exception of Hazardous Materials Response Team members who receive biannual physicals with baseline blood tests due to the nature of their work.
The objective for the grant application, and subsequent request for proposal, is to provide all members with a comprehensive NFPA 1582 integrated physical with enhanced screening for cancer and heart disease. This diagnostic exam includes a Cancer Screening Program which meets NFPA 1582. The exam screens for cancers that are prevalent in the fire service and will benefit our members by providing a reliable means for early detection of life-threatening disease. The inherent nature of the profession exposes firefighters to carcinogens each time they respond to a fire related incident. With all our efforts, we realize we cannot prevent all work-related illnesses. Knowing this, we feel a responsibility to provide a means for early detection of long-term health risks including cancer and heart disease.
On August 19, 2022, the Fresno Fire Department was awarded a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant and accepted by Council on September 29, 2022. This awarded grant amount is $236,590.90 with a local match of $23,659.10.
On February 22, 2023, a Notice Inviting Proposals was published in the Business Journal and the Request for Proposals was posted on Planet Bids with links available on the City of Fresno’s website. Two firms responded. The two proposals were reviewed, and Gaetke Medical Corporation was selected based on cost per member being the lowest.
Consultant has completed satisfactory performance of all services required pursuant to this Agreement, but additional work was required for hazmat exam testing, which increased expenses by $18,600. The First Amendment will add additional funding to the contract. The appropriations for this additional contract amount was already approved by Council in the FY 24 adopted budget, specifically for hazmat physicals.
This is not a project pursuant to CEQA guidelines Section 15378.
Local preference is not applicable because this is a first amendment to a contract, dated June 8, 2023.
Funding will have no impact on the City of Fresno’s General Fund. Additional funding for the First Amendment was already approved in the General Fund in the FY 24 Adopted Budget, specifically for hazmat physicals.
Attachments: Gaetke Medical Corp Agreement Consultant Services
First Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement