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File #: ID 25-149    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 1/21/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/27/2025 Final action: 2/27/2025
Title: Approve Contract Change Order No. 02 in the amount of $149,515.21, with Twenty-Nine additional working days for the redesign of the First Street bridge canal liner and balancing of Contract Bid Item overruns and underruns with American Paving Company of Fresno, California for the Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations Project - Project ID PW00771. (Bid File 12400024-1) (Council Districts 4 and 7)
Sponsors: Capital Projects Department, Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 25-149 Original Contract American Paving Co., 2. 25-149 Contract Change Order No. 1.pdf, 3. 25-149 Contract Change Order No. 2.pdf, 4. 25-149 Vicinity Map.pdf



FROM:                     nicholas d. mascia, PE, Interim Director

                                          Capital Projects Department



                                          Public Works Department


BY:                                          JOSHUA S. RHODES, PE, Assistant Director

                                          Capital Projects Department, Construction Management Division


KELLY YOST, PE, Construction Manager

                                          Capital Projects Department, Construction Management Division




Approve Contract Change Order No. 02 in the amount of $149,515.21, with Twenty-Nine additional working days for the redesign of the First Street bridge canal liner and balancing of Contract Bid Item overruns and underruns with American Paving Company of Fresno, California for the Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations Project - Project ID PW00771. (Bid File 12400024-1) (Council Districts 4 and 7)





Staff recommends that the City Council approve Contract Change Order No. 02 with American Paving Company of Fresno, California which increases the contract amount by $149,515.21, for a revised contract total of $744,312.72, with Twenty-Nine (29) additional working days for the redesign of the First Street bridge canal liner and balancing of Contract Bid Item overruns and underruns, for the Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations Project and authorize the Capital Projects Department Director, or designee, to sign this Contract Change Order No. 02 on the City’s behalf.




On August 29, 2024 this contract was awarded in the amount of $587,120.00 to American Paving Company of Fresno, California for the Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations Project to implement preventative maintenance treatments to three canal crossing bridge locations at: (1) First Street bridge over Dry Creek, south of McKinley; (2) Maple Avenue bridge over Mill Ditch, south of McKinley; and (3) Millbrook Avenue bridge over Mill Ditch, at McKinley. The Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II Project entails relatively minor repairs and activities to keep the bridges in good condition, slow down future deterioration, and avoid large expenses in major bridge rehabilitation or bridge replacement. City Council Approval of Contract Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $149,515.21 with 29 additional working days is necessary to compensate American Paving for additional work required to regrade the subgrade for the canal liner and provide additional pipe encasements for an existing gas main and Sanitary Sewer that were not shown on the project plans as well as balancing of Contract Bid Item overruns and underruns This increase will result in a revised contract total of $744,312.72. The overall project is primarily funded by the Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP), with the local grant match and the change order costs coming from SB1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funds.




On August 29, 2024, a contract was awarded in the amount of $587,120.00 to American Paving Company for the Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations Project. The Notice to Proceed was issued with a start date of October 11, 2024, and a contract completion date of January 2, 2025.


There has been one (1) prior Contract Change Order approved totaling $7,677.51, resulting in a revised contract total of $594,797.51. There has been one (1) day added to the contract time by the previously executed Contract Change Order, in addition to three (3) weather days and no suspension days, resulting in a revised contract completion date of January 8, 2025.


City Council approval of Contract Change Order No. 02 for an additional $149,515.21 is required by Resolution 2017-158, which sets the approval thresholds for individual Contract Change Orders which exceed 1% of the total contract price or $100,000.00 or aggregate Contract Orders that exceed 10% of the original Contract amount.  The amount of Contract Change Order No. 02 is $149,515.21, which is an aggregate total of 26.8% of the original Contract amount. This increase will result in a revised contract total of $744,312.72. There will be 29 working days added to the Contract Time by this Contract Change Order, 1 Working day added by Contract Change Order No.1, 4 weather days, and no Suspension days resulting in a revised Contract Completion date of February 21, 2025. 


The Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations Project includes preventative maintenance repair treatments at the following three bridge locations:

                     First Street bridge (Br. No. 42C0198) over Dry Creek, south of McKinley

                     Maple Avenue bridge (Br. No. 42C0217) over Mill Ditch, south of McKinley

                     Millbrook Avenue bridge (Br. No. 42C0611) over Mill Ditch, at McKinley


The Community Workforce Agreement (PLA), adopted by Council in September 2021, does not apply to this contract because the engineer’s estimate for this project was less than $1 million, pursuant to the terms of the PLA.


Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Capital Projects Department Director, or designee, to sign Contract Change Order No.2 for the Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations on behalf of the City.




Staff performed a preliminary environmental assessment of the project and determined that it falls within the Categorical Exemption set forth in CEQA guidelines, Section 15301 (Existing Facilities), because the project consists of preventative maintenance, will be performed on existing public facilities, and will not result in an expansion of use. Furthermore, staff has determined that none of the exceptions to Categorical Exemptions set forth in CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 apply to this project.




Local preference is not applicable due to the Federal funding requirements.



The Rebid Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program Phase II at Various Locations Project is located within Council Districts 4 and 7. The overall project is grant-funded by the HBP, with local match funding and these additional change order expenses coming from SB1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funds. This Change Order will have no impact on the General Fund.



Construction Contract- American Paving Company

Contract Change Order No. 1

Contract Change Order No. 2

Vicinity Map