Public Works Department
BY: WILLIAM C. HERR, Assistant Director
Public Works Department, Construction Management Division
DARDEN P. ROCHE, Chief Engineering Inspector
Public Works Department, Construction Management Division
Approve Contract Change Order No. 03 in the amount of an estimated $174,390.40 for increases in unit cost amounts to Dave Christian Construction Co., Inc. for the North Abby Street HMA Pavement Overlay from Divisadero Street to Olive Avenue, Project ID PW00784 (Bid File 3785) (Council District 3).
Staff recommends that the City Council approve Contract Change Order No. 03 with Dave Christian Construction Co., Inc for a total estimated increase in Contract Amount of $174,390.40 for the completion of the project for the North Abby Street HMA Pavement Overlay from Divisadero Street to Olive Avenue.
On June 10, 2021, a Contract was awarded in the amount of $879,984.00 to Dave Christian Construction Co., Inc. for the North Abby Street HMA Pavement Overlay from Divisadero Street to Olive Ave. City Council Approval of Contract Change Order No. 03 will allow for an additional estimated $174,390.40 to increase multiple unit cost amounts due to price increases in labor, material, equipment and fuel. The repaving had been delayed for two years due to delays on the PG&E Rule 20 Utility Undergrounding District occurring in the same area. The project was originally fully funded with Federal Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) funds. The funding for the contract change order to pay for increased labor, material, equipment and fuel costs was included in the Senate Bill 1 projects list for FY2024 as previously adopted by the Council.
On June 10, 2021, a Contract was awarded in the amount of $879,984.00 to Dave Christian Construction Co., Inc. for the North Abby Street HMA Pavement Overlay from Divisadero Street to Olive Ave. The Notice to Proceed was issued with a starting date of October 5, 2021, and a completion date of December 16, 2021. The initial work completed during October 2021 included the required concrete curb ramp work for ADA compliance. The project was suspended on October 26, 2021 due to delays in the PG&E Rule 20 Utility Undergrounding District work within the same project limits. With the suspension days to date and one approved weather day through June 22, 2023, the new date of completion is August 22, 2023, contingent on when date of suspension release has been established.
City Council approval of Contract Change Order No. 03 for an additional estimated $174,390.40 is required by Resolution 2017-158, which sets the approval thresholds for Contract Change Orders which in aggregate exceed ten percent of the original contract price. There are two contract change orders that have been approved by the Director in the amount of $2,800.00 which is 0.3% of the original contract. The amount of Contract Change Order No. 03 is an estimated $174,390.40 for a total of 20.1% of the original Contract amount.
The North Abby Street HMA Pavement Overlay, from Divisadero Street to Olive Avenue project was initiated in FY2017 when the City was awarded a Federal grant from the RSTP improvement program. The grant funds were obligated, and the project was budgeted in the FY 2018 Capital Budget as adopted by City Council.
The scope of the project includes grinding existing asphalt and installing an asphalt-concrete overlay, reconstructing curb ramps to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, replacement of damaged traffic detector loops, installation of required pedestrian push button posts and the application of new pavement markers and striping. The roadway configuration will remain as it exists today including on-street parking and three travel lanes, however, the lanes were narrowed to accommodate a Class II bike lane.
Staff performed a preliminary environmental assessment of this project and determined that it falls within the Categorical Exemption set forth in CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301(c) Class 1 which exempts the repair and maintenance of existing facilities that involves negligible or no expansion of an existing use. This exemption applies because this project involves the reconstruction of an existing roadway and does not involve the expansion of the roadway to accommodate additional traffic. The purpose of the project is to replace the surface pavement and provide a smooth riding surface for the motorists. Furthermore, staff has determined that none of the exceptions to Categorical Exemptions set forth in the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 apply to this project.
The local preference was not implemented because this project is funded with a federal grant.
The North Abby Street HMA Pavement Overlay, from Divisadero Street to Olive Avenue project is located in the City of Fresno, Council District 3. The project is primarily funded with a Federal RSTP grant. The overall cost associated with the contract change order is an estimated $174,390.40. Due to grant funding limitation, SB1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) funds were added to cover the cost for the change order, as part of the FY2024 SB1 projects list previously approved by the Council. This project will not have any impact to the General Fund. All funds necessary for the change order are included in the current fiscal year budget as previously adopted by the Council.
Contract Change Order No. 03