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File #: ID 25-77    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/2/2025 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 1/15/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of Annexation Application No. P22-03846, Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069 and the related Environmental Assessment No. P22-03846/P22-04069 pertaining to approximately 20.23 acres of property on the north and south sides of West Ashlan Avenue between North Polk and North Gregory Avenues (Council District 1) - Planning and Development Department. 1. RECOMMEND ADOPTION (to the City Council) of the Negative Declaration prepared for Environmental Assessment No. P22-03846/P22-04069 dated December 6, 2024, for the proposed project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and Addendum dated January 15, 2025. 2. RECOMMEND APPROVAL (to the City Council) of Annexation Application No. P22-03846 (for the Ashlan-Polk Nos. 3 and 4 Reorganization) proposing detachment from the Kings River Conservation District and North Central Fire Protection District and annexation to the City of Fresno. 3. RECOMMEND APPROVAL (to the City Council) of Pre-zone Application ...
Sponsors: Planning and Development Department
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A - Aerial Map, 2. Exhibit B - Vicinity Map, 3. Exhibit C - Fresno General Plan Land Use & Zoning Map, 4. Exhibit D - Proposed Pre-zone Exhibit, 5. Exhibit E - Proposed Annexation Boundary Exhibit, 6. Exhibit F - Fresno Municipal Code Findings, 7. Exhibit G - Public Hearing Notice Radius Map (1,000 feet), 8. Exhibit H - Environmental Assessment P22-03846/P22-04069 [12-6-2024] & Addendum [1-15-2025], 9. Exhibit I – Department of Public Works Memorandum [6-13-2024], 10. Exhibit J – Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM [5-15-2024]





January 15, 2025



FROM:                     ASHLEY ATKINSON, Assistant Director

                                          Planning and Development Department


THROUGH:                     ISRAEL TREJO, Planning Manager

Planning and Development Department


BY:                                          JUAN LARA, Planner III

                                          Planning and Development Department




Consideration of Annexation Application No. P22-03846, Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069 and the related Environmental Assessment No. P22-03846/P22-04069 pertaining to approximately 20.23 acres of property on the north and south sides of West Ashlan Avenue between North Polk and North Gregory Avenues (Council District 1) - Planning and Development Department.


1.                     RECOMMEND ADOPTION (to the City Council) of the Negative Declaration prepared for Environmental Assessment No. P22-03846/P22-04069 dated December 6, 2024, for the proposed project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and Addendum dated January 15, 2025.


2.                     RECOMMEND APPROVAL (to the City Council) of Annexation Application No. P22-03846 (for the Ashlan-Polk Nos. 3 and 4 Reorganization) proposing detachment from the Kings River Conservation District and North Central Fire Protection District and annexation to the City of Fresno.


3.                     RECOMMEND APPROVAL (to the City Council) of Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069 proposing to pre-zone: approximately  9.54 acres of the subject property from the County of Fresno RR/NB (Rural Residential/Neighborhood Beautification) zone district to the City of Fresno RS-5/ANX (Single-Family Residential, Medium Density/Annexed Rural Residential Transitional Overlay) zone district; and approximately 9.78 acres of the subject property from the RR/NB (Rural Residential/Neighborhood Beautification) zone district to the City of Fresno RS-5/cz (Single-Family Residential, Medium Density/conditions of zoning) zone district.





Harbour & Associates has filed Annexation Application No. P22-03846 and Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069 pertaining to approximately 20.23 acres of property located on the north and south sides of West Ashlan Avenue between North Polk and North Gregory Avenues.


Annexation Application No. P22-03846 proposes to initiate annexation proceedings for the Ashlan-Polk Nos. 3 and 4 Reorganization proposing incorporation of the subject properties within the City of Fresno, and detachment from the Kings River Conservation District and North Central Fire Protection District.


Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069 requests authorization to pre-zone approximately 9.54 acres of the subject property from the Fresno County RR/NB (Rural Residential/Neighborhood Beautification) zone district to the City of Fresno RS-5/ANX (Single-Family Residential, Medium Density/Annexed Rural Residential Transitional Overlay) zone district, and approximately 9.78 acres of the subject property from the Fresno County RR/NB (Rural Residential/Neighborhood Beautification) zone district to the RS-5/cz(Single-Family Residential, Medium Density/conditions of zoning) zone district.


The subject properties are located within the boundaries of the Fresno General Plan and West Area Community Plan, and both plans designate the subject properties for the Medium Density Residential (5 to 12 du/ac) planned land use designation.





The subject properties are located in the County of Fresno, but within the City of Fresno’s Sphere of Influence (SOI). The SOI is a boundary for land that is expected to be annexed by the City as development is proposed, but until then remains under the jurisdiction of the County of Fresno. The proposed zone district will take effect once the annexation is approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Fresno.


The subject properties are generally rural residential with one vacant property that is part of an approved single-family subdivision. The land surrounding the subject properties consists of vacant, rural residential, and single-family residential properties.


Previous Approval

On June 19, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Annexation Application No. P22-03846, Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069, and the associated Environmental Assessment and Addendum to the City Council. However, a recent court ruling on the General Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) necessitated revisions to the Environmental Assessment and subsequent Addendum to ensure compliance with the ruling. As a result, these items must be brought back to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council.


Approved Subdivision (T-5756)

On March 25, 2008, the City Council approved Rezone Application No. R-07-10 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM for a 102-lot single-family residential subdivision pertaining to approximately 19.17 acres of property located on the south side of West Ashlan Avenue between North Polk and North Gregory Avenues. A subsequent minor revision to the map was approved by the Planning and Development Director on September 3, 2024, pursuant to FMC Section 15-4302.A (Exhibit J). The proposed annexation and pre-zone applications were submitted in order to pre-zone the subject property to the Medium Density Residential planned land use and incorporate the western half of the previously approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM into city limits so that a Final Map can be recorded with the City of Fresno.


ANX Overlay District

The City of Fresno ANX (Annexed Rural Residential Transitional Overlay) zone district will only be applied to properties within the proposed annexation boundary on the north side of West Ashlan Avenue. Pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code (FMC) Section 15-1606(B)(1)(b), the ANX overlay district allows for the continued use of properties at the time of annexation to the city so long as the existing use(s) have been lawfully allowed by the County at the time immediately preceding the annexation, subject provisions of FMC Chapter 15, Article 4 (Non-Conforming Uses, Structures, Site Features, and Lots).


Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 18 & Conditions of Zoning

The development of the western half of the approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM will be required to annex into CFD No. 18 to offset Police and Fire costs associated with annexation into the City. This will be incorporated as a condition of zoning specific to the tract map property within the annexation area. The proposed condition of zoning is as follows:


“The southern-most property of the annexation area (APN: 511-011-06) along the south side of West Ashlan Avenue shall require annexation into Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 18 upon approval of the Final Map and comply with the City of Fresno, Department of Public Works, Memorandum dated June 13, 2024 (Exhibit I).”


Public Services


Public Utilities

Pursuant to FMC Section 6-303, the Department of Public Utilities allows for any existing septic tank(s) on the properties to continue in use for a three-year period, after which the property owner would be required to connect to the City’s sewer infrastructure. A sewer main exists at the intersections of West Ashlan and North Hayes Avenues, and West Ashlan and North Polk Avenues. As a condition of approval for the previously approved tract map, an 8-inch sewer main will be constructed and extended from the existing 8-inch main located at the intersection of West Ashlan and North Polk to the west property line of the tract to serve the proposed development.


An existing septic tank may be allowed to continue in use until said property develops or until a sewer main is constructed in front of said property (in which instance, there will be a three-year period to connect).


There is an existing 14-inch water main along the property frontages on West Ashlan Avenue within the annexation area. Upon annexation, existing water wells can be retained for domestic and agricultural purposes as long said well does not require further drilling, well casing replacement or well replacement.


In accordance with State Law, property owners are allowed to continue solid waste service with their existing contractor/private hauler for a period of five years following annexation. Following the five-year transition period, property owners are required to sign-up for City of Fresno solid waste service.


Fire Department

The applicant, subdivider, or developer is subject to and responsible for payment of any/all required fees for the entirety of the annexation area pursuant to the policies of LAFCO and the City of Fresno; including any cost incurred to the City of Fresno by the detachment of all the annexation’s property from the North Central Fire Protection District.

Land Use Plans and Policies

The project is consistent with the following Fresno General Plan goals and objectives related to land use and the urban form:


Goal 13: Emphasize the City as a role model for good growth management planning, efficient processing and permit streamlining, effective urban development policies, environmental quality, and a strong economy. Work collaboratively with other jurisdictions and institutions to further these values throughout the region.


Objective LU-1: Establish a comprehensive citywide land use planning strategy to meet economic development objectives, achieve efficient and equitable use of resources and infrastructure, and create an attractive living environment in accordance with goal 13 of the Fresno General Plan.


Policy LU-1-e calls for adopting implementing policies and requirements that achieve annexations to the City that conform to the General Plan planned land use designations and open space and park system, and are revenue neutral and cover all costs for public infrastructure, public facilities, and public services on an ongoing basis consistent with the requirements of ED-5-b.


Policy PU-3-h calls for developing annexation strategies to include the appropriate rights-of-way and easements necessary to provide cost effective emergency services.


The proposed annexation will conform to the current planned land use designations of the Fresno General Plan and West Area Community Plan.


Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with respective general and community plan goals and objectives and will not conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of the City of Fresno.


The proposed project may be found consistent with all applicable local ordinances, regulations, policies, and standards.


Neighborhood Meeting


A Neighborhood Meeting was held on March 24, 2022, at the Stonegate Apartments located at 1424 North Blythe Avenue, consistent with the requirements of FMC Section 15-5006, including notice of the meeting to property owners and residents. None of the property owners and residents within the annexation boundary attended the meeting.


Council District 1 Project Review Committee

At the time the subject applications were accepted, the Council District 1 Project Review Committee was inactive, thus the project was not brought before the committee.

Notice of Planning Commission Hearing

The Planning and Development Department mailed notices of this Planning Commission hearing to all property owners within 1,000 feet of the subject property, pursuant to FMC Section 15-5007 (
Exhibit G).





An environmental assessment initial study was prepared for this project in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.  This process included the distribution of requests for comment from other responsible or affected agencies and interested organizations.


On March 25, 2008, the City Council approved Rezone Application No. R-07-10 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM for a 102-lot single-family residential subdivision pertaining to approximately 19.17 acres of property located on the south side of West Ashlan Avenue between North Polk and North Gregory Avenues. The environmental impacts of the previously approved tract map were analyzed under a Finding of Conformity environmental assessment that was adopted in 2007.

Because the physical development of the subject properties under Annexation Application No. P22-03846 and Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069 has already been evaluated, Environmental Assessment No. P22-03846/P22-04069 was limited to the anticipated environmental impacts of pre-zoning the property and annexing it to within the City boundaries. It was determined that no new environmental impacts beyond what was already evaluated under Rezone Application No. R-07-10 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM would occur as a result of Annexation Application No. P22-03846 and Pre-zone Application No. P22-04069

Based upon the attached environmental assessment and the previously adopted finding of Conformity, staff has determined that there is no evidence in the record that the project may have a significant effect on the environment and has prepared a Negative Declaration for this project.  A public notice of the attached Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment Application No. P22-03846/P22-04069 (Exhibit H) was published in the Fresno Bee on December 6, 2024, with no comments received to date.


Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164(a), a Lead Agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously adopted Negative Declaration if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent Negative or Mitigated Negative Declaration have occurred. An analysis has been performed pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 to determine whether a subsequent environmental review is required for this project. Based upon this analysis, the following findings are made to support the determination that no subsequent environmental review is required:


1.                     No substantial changes are proposed in the project that will require major revisions to the EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects, because the project is being implemented as planned. Specifically, the addition of a condition of zoning only requires one portion of the proposed annexation area to also be annexed into CFD No. 18 to provided police and fire services to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM.


2.                     No substantial changes occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken that will require major revisions to the EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects.


3.                     There is no new information that was not known and could not have been known at the time of the previous EIR showing that:


a.                     The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR;


b.                     Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR;


c.                     Mitigation measure or alternatives previously found to be not feasible are now feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project.


Based upon these findings, it has been determined that a subsequent Negative or Mitigated Negative Declaration is not required for this approval, and therefore staff has prepared an addendum to the Negative Declaration solely to assess the condition of zoning. Please see the attached environmental assessment (Exhibit H).





Based upon analysis of the applications, staff concludes that the required findings contained within FMC Sections 15-5812 and 15-6104 et. seq. These findings are attached as Exhibit F.





The appropriateness of the proposed project has been examined with respect to its consistency with goals, objectives and policies of the Fresno General Plan and the West Area Community Plan; compliance with the provisions of the FMC; its compatibility with surrounding existing or proposed uses; and its avoidance or mitigation of potentially significant adverse environmental impacts. These factors have been evaluated as described above and by the accompanying findings, environmental assessment, and exhibits. The proposed project meets the required findings contained with FMC Sections 15-5812 and 15-6104. Upon consideration of this evaluation, it can be concluded that the proposed project is appropriate for the subject properties. Action by the Planning Commission will be a recommendation to the City Council.





Exhibit A - Aerial Map

Exhibit B - Vicinity Map

Exhibit C - Fresno General Plan Land Use & Zoning Map

Exhibit D - Proposed Pre-zone Exhibit

Exhibit E - Proposed Annexation Boundary Exhibit

Exhibit F - Fresno Municipal Code Findings

Exhibit G - Public Hearing Notice Radius Map (1,000 feet)

Exhibit H - Environmental Assessment P22-03846/P22-04069 [12-6-2024] &

Addendum [1-15-2025]

Exhibit I - Department of Public Works Memorandum [6-13-2024]

Exhibit J - Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5756/UGM [5-15-2024]