July 16, 2020
Public Works Department
THROUGH: Randall W. Morrison, PE, Assistant Director
Public Works Department, Engineering Division
BY: SCOTT P. SEHM, Public Works Manager
Public Works Department, Design Services
Approve an Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement with the Veteran’s Administration for the Traffic Signal Installation Project at the intersection of Clinton Avenue and Angus Street (Council District 7)
Staff recommends that the City Council approve an Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement with the Veteran’s Administration for the proposed traffic signal project at Clinton Avenue and Angus Street and authorize the Public Works Director or his designee to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.
Public Works staff has worked in partnership with the Veteran’s Administration to develop a cooperative agreement for the sharing of costs associated with the design and construction of a new traffic signal installation that will provide protected left-turn phasing to the eastbound and westbound directions of travel as well as an all-ped phase (ped scramble) at the intersection of Clinton Avenue and Angus Street. With approval of this Agreement by the Council, the City will receive 50% of the total project costs, up to $320,000, from the Veteran’s Administration and proceed with the design and put the project out to competitive bid for construction. The balance of funding is through SB1 gas-tax revenue.
Staff is seeking Council approval of the attached Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement which will allow the City to get reimbursed 50% of the project costs, up to $320,000, from the Veteran’s Administration. These funds will complement SB1 gas-tax revenue to fully fund the estimated project cost of $644,600 as proposed in the FY2021 capital improvement budget.
The proposed traffic signal at Angus Street and East Clinton Avenue will include ADA-compliant returns, audible pedestrian push buttons, countdown pedestrian heads, safety lighting, and will include an exclusive pedestrian phase (ped scramble) to enhance the safety of pedestrians crossing this intersection in any direction and included at the request of the Veteran’s Administration hospital, located at the northwest corner, whose staff will be using this crosswalk to access their new parking facility at the southwest corner. This project is included in the 2019 Public Works Traffic Signal Priority List.
The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement to form.
Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement with the Veteran’s Administration to secure the funding contribution for the project.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378, this item does not qualify as a project under the California Environmental Quality Act requirements as this is an agreement for reimbursement.
Local preference does not apply to the item included in this report as this is for a funding mechanism relating to the project. Local preference (if applicable) will be considered at the time of contract award.
The project is located in Council District 7. The overall cost for the project is estimated at $644,600 and will be funded by SB1 tax revenues and the funding contribution from the Veteran’s Administration. This project was included in the FY2020 list of projects for SB1 revenues, as adopted by the Council. The proposed project will have no impact to the General Fund.
Vicinity Map
Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement