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File #: ID 22-144    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 1/12/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/27/2022 Final action: 1/27/2022
Title: Reject all bids for the California/Tupman Park Playground and Safety Surfacing Installation. Bid File 3772 (Council District 3).
Sponsors: Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 22-144 Bid Evaluation, 2. 22-144 Notice of Staff Determination of Contract Award




FROM:                     SCOTT L. MOZIER, PE, Director

Public Works Department


BY:                                          WILLIAM C. HERR, Assistant Director

                                          Public Works Department, Facilities and Construction Management Divisions


                                          TIM GROH, Project Manager

Public Works Department, Facilities Management





Reject all bids for the California/Tupman Park Playground and Safety Surfacing Installation.  Bid File 3772 (Council District 3). 





Staff recommends City Council Reject the lone and single bid received November 23, 2021, for the California/Tupman Park Playground and Safety Surfacing Installation Project.  




California-Tupman Park is a well-attended park, and the proposed tot lot installation will provide greater play opportunity for children and improved ADA access to other areas of the park. The project proposes to install a City provided play structure with drainage system, a soft fall surface below the play structure, and concrete pathways leading to the play area.  One sealed bid was received from American Paving Company.  Their bid amount was $260,700 which is 160% above the engineers estimate.  Staff recommends City Council reject the sole bid received November 23, 2021, for the California/Tupman Park Playground and Safety Surfacing Installation Project.




The City of Fresno Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Department would like to construct a tot lot play area within the California-Tupman Park.  California-Tupman Park is a well-attended park in southwest Fresno and the tot lot installation will provide greater play and outdoor opportunity. 


Pursuant to AO 6-19 PARCS staff prepared and entered into an agreement for consultant services on behalf of the City of Fresno for the design and preparation of construction documents for the California/Tupman Park Playground and Safety Surfacing Installation Project.  Plans and specifications were prepared by Precision Engineering Inc.  A Notice Inviting Bids was published on October 19, 2021, distributed to ten building exchanges, and posted on the City’s website. The plans and specifications were distributed to twenty prospective bidders.  One sealed bid proposal was received from American Paving Company Inc. and opened in a public bid opening on November 23, 2021, with a bid amount of $260,700. The bid amount is 160.7% above the Engineer’s Estimate of $100,000.


Additionally, Chapter 14 of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) handbook requires there be at least two responsible bidders to award a project.  


Staff recommends City Council Reject the sole bid received November 23, 2021, for the

California/Tupman Park Playground and Safety Surfacing Installation Project. 




By the definition provided in section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines this item is not a project for the purposes of CEQA because this is a rejection of all bids.




Local preference was not considered as staff is recommending rejecting all bids.




The California/Tupman Park Playground and Safety Surfacing Installation Project was included in the adopted FY2022 PARCS Budget.



Bid Evaluation 

Notice of Staff Determination of Contract Award