Planning and Development Department
BY: CHARLES CLARK, Building Official
Planning and Development Department
Actions pertaining to the Mobile Home Park program of the Building and Safety Services Division (Citywide):
1. HEARING to Consider Adoption of the 563rd Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to add mobilehome park land use and zoning and mobilehome Park construction and installation fees
2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 563rd Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to add mobilehome park land use and zoning fees and mobilehome park construction and installation fees (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
Staff recommends Council hold a hearing to Consider Adoption of the 563rd Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to add mobilehome park land use and zoning fees and mobilehome park construction and installation fees. Staff also recommends Council adopt the 563rd Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule (MFS) Resolution No. 80-420 adding mobilehome park land use and zoning fees and mobilehome park construction and installation fees.
Per Mobilehome Parks Act, Ordinance No. 2021-028, the City Council authorized the assumption of responsibility for the enforcement and implementation of regulations of the California Health and Safety Code and the building standards published in the California State Building Standards Code relating to mobile home parks within the City of Fresno. Staff recommends approval of the related MFS amendment codifying the adopted fee schedule pursuant to Section 10-1903 of the Ordinance, as well as mobilehome park zoning and land use fees.
In July 2021, the City Council authorized Ordinance No. 2021-028 recognizing the transfer of jurisdiction and oversight of Mobilehome Parks (MHP) from the State of California to the City of Fresno. This action involved 27 mobile home parks with 3,754 mobile home units within them. This assumption of responsibility includes the review and approval of construction and installation permit applications, including related building inspections, by the Building and Safety Services Division of the Planning and Development Department.
Although limited information was provided by the state, per previous jurisdictional experience, the City’s Chief Building Official estimates an anticipated workload projection of approximately 150+ permits, 350+ inspections, and 45 plan reviews per month.
Per California Health & Safety Code § 18503, the Department of Housing and Community Development shall, by administrative rule and regulation, establish a schedule of fees for all construction, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and installation permits. Such fees shall apply to and be paid to the enforcement agency.
Pursuant to this delegation of authority in Ordinance No. 2021-028, the City is now the enforcement agency for purposes of imposing and collecting these fees (Health & Safety Code § 18207). Further, pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code section 10-1903, the City adopted the fee schedules as contained in the Acts at Division 13 Part 2.1, 2.3 and implementing regulations. Thus, staff recommends approval of the associated MFS amendment, codifying the fees created by the State into the City’s Master Fee Schedule.
Further, staff recommends establishing fees for conditional use permits and development permits related to the construction of mobilehome parks. Consistent with other cost-recovery fees of the Planning and Development Department, staff performed time studies to identify the average time to process these applications and multiplied them by division’s fully burdened hourly rate-resulting in the proposed fees.
Pursuant to the definition in California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378, this action is not a project.
Local preference was not implemented as this item does not involve a bid or award of a services or construction project.
It is anticipated that program activities will result in approximately $466,000 of revenue from collected fees, annually.
Ordinance No. 2021-028
MFS Resolution
MFS Redline