July 16, 2020
Public Works Department
THROUGH: Randall W. Morrison, PE, Assistant Director
Public Works Department, Engineering Division
BY: JOHN HONEY, PE, Professional Engineer
Public Works Department, Engineering Division
Reject all bids for the Armstrong Avenue and Lane Avenue Traffic Signal Project - Bid File No. 3743 (Council Districts 5)
Staff recommends Council reject all bids received May 12, 2020, for the Armstrong Avenue and Lane Avenue Traffic Signal Project and direct Staff to rebid the project.
The City of Fresno seeks to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Armstrong Avenue and Lane Avenue. The Scope of work includes installation of sidewalk, curb and gutter, ADA curb ramps, and traffic signals and equipment. This project will enhance the vehicle and pedestrian operations at this intersection and will facilitate pedestrian traffic to and from nearby John S. Wash Elementary School. The project is funded locally through Senate Bill 1 (SB1) tax revenue.
Staff recommends Council reject all bids received due to a bid discrepancy between the plans and bid specifications. Upon rejection of the bids, staff will reevaluate the bid package and immediately rebid the project.
The Armstrong Avenue and Lane Avenue Traffic Signal Project was initiated in FY19 when the project was budgeted using local funds. The project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Armstrong Avenue and Lane Avenue. The scope of work also includes installing sidewalk, curb and gutter, and ADA curb ramps. Design was performed by Willdan Engineering. Design began in April 2019 and took approximately one year to complete.
The Notice Inviting Bids was advertised and published in the Business Journal on April 24, 2020 and posted on the City’s website. Ten building exchanges received Notice Inviting Bids. The specifications were distributed to 21 prospective bidders. Four sealed bid proposals were received and opened in a public bid opening on May 12, 2020, with the bids ranging from $414,900 to $539,420. American Paving Co. is deemed the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The apparent low bid price was 3.1% below the Engineer’s Estimate.
Staff believes there is a discrepancy between the plans and bid specifications related to a major bid item, which may have led to higher than expected bids. This could have also impacted the competitiveness of the bid results. Staff seeks to reject all bids and rebid the project. Staff will take this opportunity to update and coordinate the plans and specification to improve competition.
By the definition provided in section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, this item is not a project for the purposes of CEQA because this is a rejection of all bids.
Local preference was not considered as staff is recommending to reject all bids.
Implementation of staff recommendation will have no impact to the General Fund. This project has been funded with SB1 Gas Tax funds through the adopted budget.
Bid Evaluation
Vicinity Map