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File #: ID 22-80    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 1/3/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/27/2022 Final action: 1/27/2022
Title: Approve Contract Change Order No. 04 for a Twenty-Five (25) Contract Working Day Extension to HPS Mechanical Inc. for Lift Station 1, 13 and 14 Improvements at E. Jensen Avenue, N. Jackson Avenue and W. Alluvial Avenue, Project ID RC00171 (Council Districts 2, 3 and Fresno County).
Sponsors: Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 22-80 Contract Change Order No. 04




FROM:                     SCOTT L. MOZIER, PE, Director

Public Works Department


BY:                                          WILLIAM C. HERR, Assistant Director

                                          Public Works Department, Facilities and Construction Management Divisions


                                          BRAD OBERG, Senior Engineering Inspector

                                          Public Works Department, Construction Management Division




Approve Contract Change Order No. 04 for a Twenty-Five (25) Contract Working Day Extension to HPS Mechanical Inc. for Lift Station 1, 13 and 14 Improvements at E. Jensen Avenue, N. Jackson Avenue and W. Alluvial Avenue, Project ID RC00171 (Council Districts 2, 3 and Fresno County).





Staff recommends that City Council approve Contract Change Order No. 04 with HPS Mechanical Inc. for a Twenty-Five (25) Contract Working Day Extension. No changes will be made to the contract amount for Lift Station 1, 13 and 14 Improvements at E. Jensen Avenue, N. Jackson Avenue and W. Alluvial Avenue.




This Change Order provides for an additional Twenty-Five (25) Contract Working Days to allow for unforeseen PG&E delays needed to disconnect existing power in order to begin demolition activities at lift station 1. In addition, there was a delay in the procurement of necessary piping materials from the manufacturer needed to complete the work.  No changes will be made to the contract amount for Lift Station 1, 13 and 14 Improvements at E. Jensen Avenue, N. Jackson Avenue and W. Alluvial Avenue.




On June 25, 2020, a Contract was awarded in the amount of $1,317,392 to HPS Mechanical,Inc  for the Lift Station 1,13 and 14 improvements at E. Jensen Avenue, N. Jackson Avenue and W. Alluvial Avenue. The Notice to Proceed was issued with a starting date of June 1, 2021, and completion date of November 18, 2021. With all applicable time extensions, the Contract Completion date is December 23, 2021.  There have been three Contract Change Orders executed to date for a total amount $50,750 and a net change of 3.9% of the original contract price.                                                 


City Council approval of Contract Change Order No. 04 allows Twenty-Five (25) additional contract working days for HPS to complete this project due to unforeseen utility delays and pipe material delays.


Staff recommends that City Council approve Contract Change Order No. 04 on behalf of the City of Fresno.




This is not a project for the purposes of CEQA pursuant to CEQA guidelines section 15378(b)(5), as it is an administrative action that will not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment.




Local Preference was not considered because this action does not include a bid or an award of a City construction contract.




This Contract Change Order does not increase the cost of the construction contract.



Contract Change Order No. 04