January 27, 2022
Police Department
BY: PHILLIP COOLEY, Deputy Police Chief
Administrative Division
Actions pertaining to the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC):
1. Authorize the Chief of Police to enter into an agreement with the PORAC to reimburse the City of Fresno for the full cost of one full-time police officer elected to serve on the PORAC Board of Directors for a two-year term, effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023, or until Officer Damon Kurtz departs PORAC for any reason, in an amount not to exceed $178,858 for the first year of Agreement. All estimated costs for calendar year 2023 are reflected in Exhibit A.
Staff recommends City Council authorize the Chief of Police to enter into an agreement with the PORAC to reimburse the City of Fresno for full annual cost of one full time police officer elected to serve on the PORAC Board of Directors for a two-year term, effective calendar year January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023. The reimbursements will continue until Officer Damon Kurtz departs PORAC for any reason, in an amount not to exceed $178,858 for the first year of the Agreement. All estimated costs for calendar year 2023 are reflected in Exhibit A.
The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) has agreed to reimburse the City of Fresno for the full cost, salary and benefits, of a Fresno Police Officer who has been elected to the PORAC Board of Directors for a two-year term, effective calendar year January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023. The reimbursements will continue for as long as Officer Damon Kurtz is elected to the Board. Any increases in salary, while the Agreement is in effect and based on approved Fresno Police Officers Association (FPOA) MOU negotiations, will also be reimbursed.
Officer Damon Kurtz was elected to the PORAC Board of Directors effective January 1, 2019 and PORAC reimbursed the City for 100% of his costs for the first year. Officer Kurtz was re-elected to serve a two-year term from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021, and PORAC again reimbursed the City for the full cost. PORAC has agreed to reimburse the City for another two-year term for the upcoming calendar year January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023. The Reimbursement includes Officer Kurtz’s salary, fringe, uniform allowance, health insurance, retirement, sick and vacation leaves, workers compensation, POST premium pay, and assignment pay.
Support of this agreement enables the City of Fresno to show its support of the mission of PORAC which is to maintain a leadership role in organizing, empowering and representing the interests of rank-and-file peace officers; identifying the needs of the law enforcement community and providing programs to meet those needs; representing and protecting the rights and benefits of peace officers; creating an environment in which peace officers interact and work toward achieving common goals and objectives; conducting research, providing education and training, and defining and enhancing standards of professionalism; and promoting public awareness that encourages and maintains the image of a professional peace officer.
This is not a “project” for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378.
Local Preference was not considered because accepting funding from the State does not include a bid or award of a construction or services contract.
PORAC will fund $178,858 which is 100% of the cost for one full-time police officer elected to serve on the Board of Directors for a two-year term from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023 or until Officer Kurtz departs for any reason. Funding for the January 1 through June 30, 2022 is included in the Police Department’s FY 22 budget. Funding for July 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 will be added to the FY 23 budget. Funding will be added to subsequent fiscal years if Officer Kurtz is re-elected to the Board of Directors.
PORAC Agreement with Exhibit “A”