Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
BY: SHELBY MACNAB, Assistant Director
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
JENNIFER SOLIZ, Division Manager
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 586th amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to revise swimming instruction, field reservation, and Camp Fresno fees in the Parks, After School, Recreation, and Community Services Department (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
Staff recommend that the City Council adopt the 586th amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to revise swimming instruction, field reservation, and Camp Fresno fees in the Parks, After School, Recreation, and Community Services (PARCS) Department.
The attached Resolution to adopt the 586th amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 82-420 will revise the PARCS Department’s fees for Camp Fresno, swim lessons, and the reservation costs for in-line hockey rinks.
On an annual basis the City updates the Master Fee Schedule. The PARCS Department’s proposed amendments were presented to the Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission (PRAC) on December 16, 2024. Per the Measure P ordinance, PRAC is required to review and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on fees related to parks, trails, and open space. PRAC voted 8-0 in support of the proposed amendments except for the increased subsequent swim lesson fees for City of Fresno residents. There was a discussion noting that the youth fee waiver would apply, and that the first swim session would remain free to youth residents. PRAC requested additional information which was provided to Commissioners on January 14, 2025.
The annual revision of the Master Fee Schedule was presented to Council on January 9, 2025. Council adopted all proposed fees with the exception of fees related to swim, and the in-line hockey rink. Council requested additional information prior to adopting the proposed fees. Council also requested that staff evaluate cabin rental fees for Camp Fresno. Camp Fresno rental fees have been evaluated to increase cost recovery for maintenance and operating costs. Rental fees contribute to maintaining and enhancing the infrastructure at Camp Fresno, including ongoing lifecycle replacements and preventative maintenance. At this time, only non-resident fees are being updated.
The proposed amendment to the Master Fee Schedule has been revised to include the following updates:
• Remove the proposed charges for subsequent swim lessons for City of Fresno youth ages 3-17 previously presented to Council on January 1, 2025.
• Increase swim lesson rates for City of Fresno resident adults from $50 to $100 per session.
• Increase swim lesson rates for non-resident adults to $133 per session.
• Identify in-line hockey rinks as a separate fee with a 2-hour minimum, instead of grouping with field fees as originally proposed.
• Increase Camp Fresno rental rates for non-residents to address cost recovery.
The proposed amendment also includes adjustments to the effective date of fees for Camp Fresno tent camping sites. At the January 9, 2025 Council meeting, Council adopted the Camp Fresno “tent camping site” fees to become effective July 1, 2025. Since reservations open prior to that date, the proposed amendment to the Master Fee Schedule also adjusts the effective date of the fees to become effective upon adoption of this resolution.
The PARCS Department recommends that the City Council adopt the revised fees as outlined in the attached MFS redline and summary. Fees shall become effective upon adoption of this resolution. The City Attorney’s Office and the Budget and Management Studies Department have reviewed this item.
Pursuant to the definition in California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378, the proposed changes to the Master Fee Schedule are not a “project.”
Local preference was not implemented as this item does not include a bid or award of a construction or service contract. Local preference is not applicable to this item.
The revised fee structure will generate approximately $11,170 in revenues over the current fee structure. The effective date of this amendment is upon adoption.
MFS Amendment Resolution 586 with Redline and Summary