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File #: ID 22-132    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Continued
File created: 1/11/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/27/2022 Final action:
Title: ***RESOLUTION - adopting the 46th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2021-178 to appropriate $20,526,200 for operating programs and previously approved capital improvement projects in the Public Works Department (citywide) (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
Sponsors: Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 22-132 Capital Projects Project Type Summary, 2. 22-132 Capital Projects Detail List, 3. 22-132 46th Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution No. 2021-178




FROM:                     SCOTT L. MOZIER, P.E., Director

                                          Public Works Department


BY:                                          YVONNE L. DIAZ, Administrative Manager 

                                          Public Works Department, Administration Division                     




***RESOLUTION - adopting the 46th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2021-178 to appropriate $20,526,200 for operating programs and previously approved capital improvement projects in the Public Works Department (citywide) (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).





Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the 46th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2021-178 to appropriate $20,526,200 for operating programs and previously approved capital improvement projects in the Public Works Department.




Staff recommends the Council adopt a resolution approving the rebudget of various funding for operating programs and previously approved capital projects so that the appropriations in FY 2022 are sufficient to cover anticipated expenditures.  The recommended resolution will appropriate $20,526,200 in funding to the current fiscal budget year.




Annually, the Department reviews its operating program and capital project appropriations and recommends adjustments to complete anticipated construction during the year.  This review ensures that adequate appropriations are in place to complete the programs and projects given the most recent information.


Based on a review of operating and capital improvement project budgets, a number of budgets require adjustment to meet the planned expenditures for the fiscal year.  Some highlights of the rebudget are:


                     The Operating Budget will be increased $4,556,400 in order to utilize the carryover revenue from FY 2021 activities in FY 2022 to deliver service to the community.  The carryover is composed of Administration, Construction Management, Engineering, Facilities, Landscape Maintenance, Street Maintenance, Sustainability, Traffic Operations and Planning, and Traffic Signal and Streetlight projects being completed in FY 2022.


                     Appropriations for Street and Bridge Projects are proposed to be adjusted by $13,713,700.  The increase is principally due to $7,325,800 for the Veteran’s Blvd Phase 3 SR99 Interchange and Grade Separation and $2,900,700 for the Jensen Overlay Cornelia and Chateau Fresno.  A detailed list of all projects and locations is included in the attached Capital Projects Detail List.


                     Appropriations for Traffic Signal Projects are proposed to be adjusted by $1,602,800.  The increase is principally due to Traffic Signal at Clinton and Valentine, ITS Dynamic Downtown, and Traffic Signals at L Street at Tulare and Fresno Streets.  A detailed list of all projects and locations is included in the attached Capital Projects Detail List. 


                     Appropriations for Street Light Projects are proposed to be adjusted by $53,000.  The adjustment represents carryover for the Blackstone Street Lighting Divisadero to Shields and Shaw Street Lighting Cedar to Chestnut.


                     The Bicycle and Trail Projects are proposed to be adjusted by $385,400.  The adjustment represents carryover for the First St Cycle Track Tulare to Ventura, Maple Ave Cycle Track and Pedestrian Scramble Shaw to Gettysburg, the Trail Network Wayfinding Plan, Pedestrian and Bike Trail Developer Reimbursements, and Shields Ave Trail Blackstone to Fresno.


                     Appropriations for Miscellaneous projects are proposed to be increased by $214,900.  This increase is for Veteran’s Blvd Right-of-Way, Right-of-Way Acquisitions for Tracts 6215 and 6214, to allow for a developer reimbursement for Tract 5538, and for Community Facilities District 17 - Sewer Lift Station.   


The recommended Resolution would amend the appropriations within the identified operating programs and capital projects to allow for the completion of work this fiscal year.  To meet the projected funding requirements, $20,526,200 in funding must be appropriated.  The proposed adjustments are summarized in the table attached.  Detailed adjustments are in the Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution attached.




By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378 this item does not qualify as a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act.




Local preference was not implemented because this item does not include an award of a contract.




There is no new net fiscal impact to the General Fund.  All proposed costs will be paid for from new and existing revenue sources.  See attached Resolution for specific funds and associated costs.



Capital Projects Project Type Summary

Capital Projects Detail List

46th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2021-178