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File #: ID 22-945    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 6/1/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/23/2022 Final action: 6/23/2022
Title: Approve a consultant services agreement with CSDA Design Group to provide professional noise abatement related consultant services for the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Residential Sound Insulation Program in an amount not to exceed $958,771.55 (Council District 4)
Sponsors: Airports Department
Attachments: 1. Agreement, 2. Site Map




FROM:                     HENRY THOMPSON, Director of Aviation

                     Airports Department


THROUGH:                     MARK W. DAVIS, Airports Planning Manager

                     Airports Department


BY:                     ELODIA CAVAZOS, Acoustical Program Coordinator

                     Airports Department





Approve a consultant services agreement with CSDA Design Group to provide professional noise abatement related consultant services for the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Residential Sound Insulation Program in an amount not to exceed $958,771.55 (Council District 4)





Staff recommends Council authorize the Director of Aviation to execute a consulting agreement with CSDA Design Group (CSDA) to provide consultant services for the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Residential Sound Insulation Program in an amount not to exceed $958,771.55.




The acoustic treatment of eligible homes in the vicinity of FAT has been ongoing since 1994 with funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as part of its Residential Sound Insulation Program, locally known as the Sound Mitigation Acoustical Remedy Treatment (SMART) Program.  To date, 1,271 homes have been acoustically treated at no cost to the homeowners.  FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) federal fiscal year 2021 grant funding for the SMART program has been received allowing the Department to implement the next phase of the Program.  The proposed consulting services agreement with CSDA will provide program administration, testing, design and construction management for the acoustic treatment of 60 single-family residences.




The SMART Program is an element of the FAA approved Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) for FAT that provides Federal funding to reduce interior noise levels in residential units located within a designated noise-impacted area around the airport.  Participation in the Program is voluntary. Owners of homes located inside the 65 CNEL boundary, as identified on the FAA approved Noise Exposure Map, are contacted about participating in the program and scheduled for additional review and testing to determine eligibility.  Sixty of the eligible untreated single-family homes experiencing the highest noise levels were selected based on their proximity to the airport. The 65 CNEL is established through a FAA noise modeling program that takes into account a number of factors, including:  (i) noise monitoring around the airport, (ii) types of aircraft using FAT, and (iii) frequency and time of flights.  There are a total of 2,217 residential parcels within the current SMART program 65 CNEL noise contour with 38 currently in the construction phase and 976 remaining to be considered for acoustic treatment.


Through a competitive Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process the Airports Department (Department) solicited Statements of Qualification from consulting services firms with the capability and experience necessary to provide comprehensive planning, public outreach, testing, design, and construction administration for acoustic modification of single-family homes, multi-family homes and noise sensitive facilities.  The Department advertised the RFQ in The Business Journal and on the airport’s website along with a direct mailing to known interested firms.  Three professional consulting firms responded to the RFQ.  Their qualifications were evaluated and rated by a committee of five in accordance with the provisions of the RFQ and FAA regulations. CSDA Design Group of San Francisco, CA was determined to be most qualified to perform the Project.


The scope of work and fee contained in the agreement represent extensive review and negotiation with the consultant and the FAA including an independent third-party fee evaluation.  The FAA has approved the agreement as negotiated.


The agreement utilizes Standard Document #FYI-S-18.0, preapproved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office and used without modification as certified by Airports staff.




This is not a “project” pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378.




The City’s Local Preference Ordinance (FMC 4-108) does not apply since Federal funding is being used.




The SMART Program provides an enhanced quality of life for homeowners, improves neighborhoods, and creates construction related jobs.  This design work is 100% funded by an FAA AIP grant.  The project is included in the City’s FY23 adopted budget.  There is no impact to the City's General Fund from this action.



                     -                     Agreement

                     -                     Site Map