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File #: ID 24-1297    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 9/17/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/26/2024 Final action: 9/26/2024
Title: Actions pertaining to South Central Fresno AB 617 Community Truck Reroute Study and related Health Assessment: (Council Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7), 1. Approve a Third Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, to extend the agreement to December 31, 2024; 2. Approve a Third Amendment to Research Agreement with the University of California, Merced, related to the Health Assessment, to extend the agreement to December 31, 2024; 3. Approve a Second Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (District) for the South Central Fresno AB 617 Community Truck Reroute Study and relate Health Assessment to extend the agreement to December 31, 2024.
Sponsors: Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. 24-1297 Attachment A - Third Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, 2. 24-1297 Attachment B - Second Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, 3. 24-1297 Attachment C - First Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, 4. 24-1297 Attachment D - Original Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, 5. 24-1297 Attachment E - Third Amendment to Research Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced, 6. 24-1297 Attachment F - Second Amendment to Research Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced, 7. 24-1297 Attachment G - First Amendment to Research Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced, 8. 24-1297 Attachment H - Original Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced, 9. 24-1297 Attachment I - Second Amendment to the District Reimbursement Agreement, 10. 24-1297 Attachment J - First Amendment to the District Reimbursement Agreement, 11. 24-1297 Attachment K - District Reimbursement Agreement




FROM:                     SCOTT L. MOZIER, PE, Director

                                          Public Works Department                     


BY:                                          JILL M. GORMLEY, TE, Assistant Director

                                          Public Works Department, Traffic & Engineering Services Division


                                          ANDREINA AGUILAR, Chief Engineering Technician

                                          Public Works Department, Traffic & Engineering Services Division




Actions pertaining to South Central Fresno AB 617 Community Truck Reroute Study and related Health Assessment: (Council Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7),

1.                     Approve a Third Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, to extend the agreement to December 31, 2024;

2.                     Approve a Third Amendment to Research Agreement with the University of California, Merced, related to the Health Assessment, to extend the agreement to December 31, 2024;

3.                     Approve a Second Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (District) for the South Central Fresno AB 617 Community Truck Reroute Study and relate Health Assessment to extend the agreement to December 31, 2024.





Staff recommends that City Council approve a Third Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, for time extension related to the Truck Reroute Study; approve a Third Amendment to Research Agreement with the University of California, Merced, in substantially the form attached, for time extension related to the Health Assessment; and approve a Second Amendment to the Reimbursement Agreement with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, in substantially the form attached, for time extension related to the Health Assessment. Staff presented a workshop at the September 12, 2024 City Council meeting. After assessing the discussions at the workshop and the current consultant schedules, City staff have determined amendments to extend the agreements are needed to allow more time to present the findings of the the AB 617 Community Truck Reroute Study and related Health Assessment to the City Council. The amendments are for additional time only without any additional cost. The remaining scope of work including City Council meeting participation will utilize previously approved funding for the project.




The City of Fresno (City) awarded a Consultant Agreement to Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, on April 28, 2022 for the South Central Fresno Assembly Bill 617 (AB 617) Community Truck Reroute Study. At the same time, the City also awarded a Research Agreement to University of California, Merced for the related Health Assessment and entered into a Reimbursement Agreement with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. City staff has determined these amendments are needed to allow Arcadis, formerly IBI Group and the University of California, Merced team to present the study findings at an upcoming City Council meeting.  These amendments are for time extensions only. Sufficient funds are in place to for the teams to present the findings.




The City of Fresno (City) awarded a Consultant Agreement to Arcadis, formerly IBI Group, on April 28, 2022 in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for the South Central Fresno Assembly Bill 617 (AB 617) Community Truck Reroute Study and related Health Assessment. The First Amendment extended the agreement 91 days from March 31, 2024 to June 30, 2024. The Second Amendment extended the agreement an additional three months to September 30, 2024, added additional services and increased the contract amount an additional fifty-two thousand six hundred and seventy dollars ($52,670) bringing the Truck Reroute Study to a total amount of three-hundred and two thousand six-hundred and seventy dollars ($302,670). The additional services included additional opportunities for stakeholders and community members to review draft documents and provide feedback, an additional three (3) community meetings, translation of the draft report, and costs accrued during public review of the Existing Conditions Report. This Third Amendment grants a contract extension to December 31, 2024 to allow Arcadis to attend an upcoming City Council meeting to present the finds of the study. No additional funds are being requested with the Third Amendment.  The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the amendment to agreements to form.


The City also awarded a Research Agreement to the University of California of Merced for the related Health Assessment on April 28, 2022 in the amount of three hundred three thousand four hundred seventy three dollars ($303,473). The First Amendment extended the agreement from December 31, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The Second Amendment extended the agreement to September 30, 2024. No additional funds were allocated with these amendments.  The City finds it beneficial to present the Truck Reroute Study and related Health Assessment to the public and City Council at the same time, as the Health Assessment informs the Truck Reroute Study. Therefore, an extension of the Research Agreement is requested to December 31, 2024 to allow the University of California, Merced team to attend an upcoming City Council meeting to present the finds of the Health Assessment alongside the Truck Reroute Study. No additional funds are being requested with the Third Amendment. The proposed action will approve the amendment in substantially the form attached. The City Attorney will need to review and approve the amendment as to form prior to execution by the City.


The City partnered with the District to prepare both the AB 617 Truck Reroute Study and the Health Assessment, entering into a Reimbursement Agreement with the District on April 28, 2022. The First Amendment extended the agreement from March 31, 2024 to September 30, 2024. The Second Amendment will extend the agreement to December 31, 2024. No additional funds are being requested with the Second Amendment. The proposed action will approve the amendment in substantially the form attached. The City Attorney will need to review and approve the amendment as to form prior to execution by the City.




By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378, the award of these contracts does not qualify as a “project”.




Not applicable.




The General Fund is not impacted. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (District) will reimburse the City of Fresno up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for the Truck Reroute Study and related Health Assessment. The City of Fresno will contribute Measure C Flexible Subprogram funding in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) towards the Truck Reroute Study. Funding is included in the FY2025 adopted budget.



Attachment A -Third Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group

Attachment B - Second Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group

Attachment C - First Amendment to Consultant Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group

Attachment D - Original Agreement with Arcadis, formerly IBI Group

Attachment E - Third Amendment to Research Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced

Attachment F - Second Amendment to Research Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced

Attachment G - First Amendment to Research Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced

Attachment H - Original Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Merced

Attachment I - Second Amendment to the District Reimbursement Agreement

Attachment J - First Amendment to the District Reimbursement Agreement

Attachment K - District Reimbursement Agreement