September 24, 2015
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
BY: SHAUN R. SCHAEFER, Community Recreation Supervisor II
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
Action relating to the Youth Job Prep Program
1. Approve two one-year contracts with Fresno Unified School District for $308,000 ($196,000 and $112,000) to conduct the Youth Job Prep Program running through June 30, 2016
2. ***RESOLUTION - 16th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2015-104 appropriating $230,500 from Fresno Unified School District to conduct the Youth Job Prep Program (Requires 5 affirmative votes)
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the two attached one-year contracts with Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) for a total of $308,000 and approve the 16th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2015-104 to appropriate $230,500 to conduct the Youth Job Prep Program (YJPP). The contract funds will enable PARCS to operate a high school aged job skills development at ten Fresno Unified School District high school sites. The contract resources will go towards funding the day to day operation of the YJPP Program during Academic Year 2015/2016.
PARCS will provide a youth job training program that will focus on job skills preparation and portfolio building for students during the academic school year of 2015/2016. FUSD and PARCS have become partners in providing after school recreation programs for primary school and job training high school aged youth. The attached contracts were prepared by the FUSD for consideration and approval by both the FUSD School Board and the Fresno City Council. This agreement would establish a one-year job training program for $308,000 at all FUSD high schools. Based on prior year contracts with FUSD, the FY 2016 budget includes $77,500 for the YJPP program. The appropriation request of $230,500 is necessary for this department to be able to provide the expanded YJPP program at the new high school locations. If this agreement is approved the total operating budget for YJPP for the 2015/2016 fiscal year will be $308,000.
The contracts will allow PARCS staff to expand the Youth Job Preparation Program at nine high school sites. This after school program began in August and will fund this activity for the 2015/2016 academic school year. The YJPP will provide five instructional cohorts of 3 weeks in duration, at nine high school sites. Funding for the YJPP program will include operating costs and four (4) 20-hour per week staff members to provide job seeking instructional training at each high school site.
Since the 1960’s, the City of Fresno Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Department and Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) have partnered on providing summer and after-school recreation programming. Both agencies share the vision of energizing young students through physical fitness, proper nutrition, hands-on project building and youth development employment readiness and business skills training. Our common goals have made this partnership strong and have improved service delivery that has directly benefited the student participants.
PARCS has been operating the YJPP since September of 2006. In academic year 2014/2015 this program operated at four FUSD high schools which included Edison, Sunnyside, McLane, and Fresno High Schools. Because of positive results, good participation rates, and the award to FUSD of a large Career Pathways grant, FUSD wishes to expand the contract to nine (9) sites. This contract will allow PARCS to expand the program to now include Roosevelt, Bullard, Hoover, Duncan, Design Science and Patino high schools. The Design Science and Patino High Schools will share one location and be a shared site. Funding for the program will provide each site with operating costs and four 20-hour per week instructors. The instruction will include job placement, application submissions, college and career exploration, financial literacy, and service learning opportunities.
YJPP provides daily job skills development and portfolio building during after school hours of Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. In addition to the classroom portion of the curriculum, this program will also offer the annual Youth Leadership Conference, a large scale Job Fair and regional college trips to Northern and Southern California schools such as Stanford, Cal, UCLA and USC. The program also provides students and employers with the opportunity for mock interviews, business tours and internships. Students who graduate from the program are provided tangible skills on how to seek employment and how to prepare for a job interview.
These Agreements were reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and Risk Management Offices.
The contracted services will be provided at FUSD school sites. By definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 they do not qualify as “projects” and therefore are exempt from CEQA requirements.
Local preference is not applicable, since this item will not include a bid or award of a construction or services contract.
The staff costs and administrative costs will be recovered under the agreement; so no General Fund dollars are requested to implement the program. Acceptance of the funds will have no impact to the General Fund, as up to $308,000 of revenue will be received from FUSD as reimbursement for up to $308,000 of program expenses.
FUSD YJPP Contract