September 24, 2020
Planning and Development Department
THROUGH: DAN ZACK, Assistant Director
Planning and Development Department
BY: THOMAS W. GAFFERY IV, Deputy City Manager
Office of the Mayor and City Manager
Actions pertaining to the City of Fresno purchase of license plate recognition and parking pay station hardware and management software.
1. ***RESOLUTION - 16th amendment to Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2020-159 appropriating $462,000 for installation of Parkeon pay-on-foot parking pay station hardware and management software in Roeding and Woodward Park as well as Vigilant Solutions license plate recognition equipment and software (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
2. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff determination, pursuant to Section 15301 (a), (b), and (c) of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines.
3. Award a contract to Vigilant Solutions in the amount of $217,341, for the purchase of License Plate Recognition equipment and software.
4. Award a contract to Parkeon in the amount of $244,600, for the purchase of 26 pay-on-foot parking pay stations, equipment connectivity and hosted web-based data management software.
5. Authorize the Planning and Development Director, or designee, to execute the contract on the City’s behalf.
Staff recommend that Council award uniquely qualified contracts in the amount of $217,341 to Vigilant Solutions for the purchase, installation, and support of license plate recognition equipment and hosted web-based data management software and award a uniquely qualified contract for $244,600 to Parkeon, for the purchase, installation, and support of 26 parking pay stations/multi-space meters, equipment connectivity and hosted web-based data management software.
The Planning & Development Department recommends Vigilant Solutions as the source for mobile and fixed License Plate Recognition (LPR) equipment and software to integrate with Parkeon’s pay-on-foot parking pay stations and contactless payment option. The LPR equipment will reduce the labor intensive enforcement of parking related violations in timed, paid and permit enforced zones. The LPR technology will also be used as a tool to monitor vehicles in violation of multiple parking violations.
Installation of Parkeon parking pay stations will eliminate the customer bottlenecks, dissatisfaction with customer service and wait times, confusing operational hours and dramatically reduce the labor cost of a third party operating vendor currently utilized to staff entrance booths, at Roeding and Woodward Park.
Parkeon and Vigilant Solutions both have existing service agreements with the Fresno Police Department and the Planning and Development Department, staff anticipates that using the same platforms will provide operational efficiencies and cost savings. In addition, both vendors have existing integrations with the City’s parking citation vendor, Turbo Data Systems.
The City of Fresno Parking Division currently provides pay-on-foot payment systems at seven off-street parking lots in Downtown Fresno. Implementation of these pay stations have provided customers with multiple payment methods; credit card, cash, coin, the ParkMobile app, and validation codes supported by City Departments. The technology has also provided City staff with rich analytics. These pay-on-foot pay stations will be equipped with contactless payment systems and “Park & Sanitize” technology, a hand-sanitizing unit that attaches to parking terminals to provide reassurance to motorists about paying for parking at terminals while concerns persist about coronavirus.
The installation of the pay-on-foot machines as well as mobile and fixed LPR cameras will allow for the removal of staffed payment booths at Roeding and Woodward Regional Parks. Vigilant’s software will also allow for “virtual permits” for parks annual passes, as well as employees, partner organizations, and volunteers. Additionally, Vigilant’s software provides rich analytics regarding parking lot occupancy, time of day utilization, duration of visit, and other important planning metrics. The City will control data retention, access, and user permissions.
Parkeon’s existing service agreement for pay-on-foot parking hardware and office software services was approved in August 2019 and is effective for three years with two one-year extensions. Vigilant Solutions also currently provides LPR hardware and services to Fresno Police Department through an existing Enterprise Service Agreement. Staff anticipates using the same software reporting platforms for both City Departments for consistency and operational efficiency.
Staff has determined this project is exempt under CEQA Guideline 15301 Class 1, which provides exemption for the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or other minor alteration of existing public structures and facilities, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency’s determination. The proposed pay stations and LPR equipment are within the Class 1 exemption because they involve negligible or no expansion of use and the only operational change would be existing City of Fresno Parking Enforcement Officers enforcing parking regulations in these facilities instead of patrons paying upon entry to the parks. None of the exceptions to Categorical Exemptions set forth in the CEQA Guidelines, section 15300.2 apply to this project.
Local preference was not implemented because no bidders qualified for the local business preference pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code Section 4-108(a).
The Provider Relief Funding under the CARES Act will reimburse $461,941 for the Parkeon pay-on-foot parking pay stations and Vigilant’s license plate recognition equipment and management software.
16th AAR No. 2020-159
Vigilant Proposal
Parkeon Proposal
Unique Qualification Vigilant
Unique Qualification Parkeon