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File #: ID19-1721    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/22/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/13/2019 Final action: 6/13/2019
Title: Approve the award of a cooperative purchase agreement to Pape Kenworth of Fresno, CA, for the purchase of six Kenworth T300 trucks in the amount of $435,983
Sponsors: Department of Transportation
Attachments: 1. Acceptance and Award.pdf, 2. Combined Ads.pdf, 3. Comment and Review.pdf, 4. Evaluation.pdf, 5. Kenworth Contract.pdf, 6. RFP.pdf





June 13, 2019



FROM:                     GREGORY A. BARFIELD, Director

Department of Transportation


BY:                                          BRIAN BARR, Assistant Director

                     Department of Transportation


                     DUANE MYERS, Fleet Manager

                     Department of Transportation, Municipal Fleet Division


                     CLIFF TRAUGH, Senior Management Analyst

                     Department of Transportation, Municipal Fleet Division




Approve the award of a cooperative purchase agreement to Pape Kenworth of Fresno, CA, for the purchase of six Kenworth T300 trucks in the amount of $435,983





Staff recommends Council approve the award of a cooperative purchase agreement to Pape Kenworth of Fresno, CA, for the purchase of six Kenworth T300 trucks in the amount of $435,983.




The Department of Public Utilities, Water Division seeks to purchase six Kenworth T300 trucks to perform treatment, maintenance, and repairs to the city of Fresno water system. The new trucks will be purchased as replacements through a competitively solicited cooperative procurement process administered by Sourcewell, formerly the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA).




The Department of Public Utilities, Water Division is responsible for delivering safe drinking water to approximately 500,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers over a 114 square mile area. This mission is accomplished through continuous maintenance of the system, and scheduled chlorine treatments. These activities require chlorine trucks to make the deliveries and large service trucks to repair and maintain the water lines.


The Water Division currently uses five F-550 trucks to haul pipe fittings, jack hammers, tools, and mini excavators. These trucks are loaded to capacity daily, which has led to pre-mature break downs, and ultimately engine failures. The new pipe fitter trucks will be based on a Kenworth T300 series cab and chassis, which has a 33 percent higher capacity over the F-550 series trucks. This upgrade from class five to class six will make the trucks robust enough to haul all needed equipment to and from the jobsite safely and efficiently.


The current chlorine truck is a T300 series Kenworth with a specially constructed 1,500 gallon cholorbutyl-coated tank. This body and tank will be refurbished and re-used when the replacement cab and chassis arrives. The new truck will be built to a specification similar to the original, updated with the latest emissions technology, exceeding the US 2010 emissions standard. 


The six trucks identified for replacement are on a 10-year or 100,000 mile replacement schedule, which has been established by the Municipal Fleet Division as the optimum replacement time. Currently, the trucks are between 10 and 15 years old, staff recommends replacement of these units as soon as possible in order to keep up with the continuous maintenance schedule of the water system.


The T300 trucks will be purchased following a competitively solicited cooperative procurement process administered by Sourcewell, formerly NJPA. Sourcewell utilizes a rigorous request for proposal (RFP), which includes development of solicitation document and proposal evaluation criteria, public advertisement, a five- to six-week response period, and a pre-proposal conference.  Upon closing of the response period, a committee evaluates proposals to determine the responsiveness against the pre-determined RFP evaluation criteria.  Multi-year contracts are awarded based on the evaluation scores.


The price per unit for the pipe fitter trucks is $71,124.32 and $80,361.43 for the chlorine truck. This price includes the Sourcewell, cooperative purchasing discount applied to City purchases, as well as sales tax at 7.975 percent. The Purchasing Division has approved this contract and recommends Council to approve. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved to form.




By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378, the award of this contract does not qualify as a “project.”




Local preference is not applicable as this purchase is through a cooperative purchase agreement.




No general funds will be used to purchase these items. The funding to cover the purchase cost of the Kenworth T300 trucks has been included in the FY19 adopted budget under the operations of the Department of Public Utilities, Water Division. The source of funding for this project is the Municipal Fleet Division, Replacement Fund and the Water Division, Operating Fund generated primarily through the collection of user fees.


No general funds will be used to purchase these items. The funding to cover the purchase cost of the Kenworth T300 trucks has been included in the FY19 adopted budget under the operations of the Department of Public Utilities, Water Division. The source of funding for this project is the Municipal Fleet Division, Replacement Fund and the Water Division, Operating Fund generated primarily through the collection of user fees.



Acceptance and Award

Combined Ads

Comment and Review


Kenworth Contract