FROM: Randall W. Morrison, PE, Director
Capital Projects Department
Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department
BY: francisco V. magos II, PE, Assistant Director
Capital Projects Department, Utilities and On-Site Project Management Division
L. NATHAN SANCHEZ, Projects Administrator
Capital Projects Department, Utilities and On-Site Project Management Division
Reject all bids received for the Radio Park Renovation Project. (Bid File 12402889) (Council District 7)
Staff recommends the City Council reject all bids received for the Radio Park Renovation Project (Project) and direct staff to repackage and rebid the Project to allow for a more competitive bid.
Staff recommends that the City Council reject all bids received for the Radio Park Renovation Project. The lowest responsive and responsible bid received was $10,099,056.10 which is 38.52% above the Engineer’s Estimate and exceeded the funding allocation for the Project. Upon rejection, staff will work to repackage the plans and specifications to allow for a more competitive bid. Staff is determined to expedite the rebidding keeping in mind the holidays and potential plans and specification edits to bring the project scope of work within the project budget.
Radio Park is a 7.5-acre park located at the southeast corner of North First Street and East Clinton Avenue with a portion of the property leased to the Fresno Art Museum. Radio Park currently has a soccer field, small restroom facility, tot lot, benches, tables, and trash receptacles that are near the end of their lifecycle and in need of updating. The Radio Park Renovation Project would include improvements to existing facilities such as the replacement of the existing restroom building to include outdoor drinking fountains and shower facilities to support a new splash pad, play areas with accessible elements, accessible walking paths, additional trees throughout the park, expanded parking lot, additional picnic areas, and new decorative perimeter fencing. Also included with the proposed renovation would be the construction of new amenities such as new shade structures, seat walls, tower climbing play structure with slide, amphitheater, decorative art panels on the radio tower fencing, as well as art kiosks and concrete pad foundations for future sculptures or art pieces.
A Notice Inviting Bids was advertised and published in the Business Journal, Planet Bids, and posted on the City’s website on July 26, 2024. The project plans and specification were distributed to seventy-three (73) prospective bidders and posted at eight (8) building exchanges. Two (2) online bid proposals were received and opened in a public bid opening on September 3, 2024, with the bid amounts ranging from $10,099,056.10 to $10,344,370.20. American Paving Co. was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a bid amount of $10,099,056.10. The bids will expire November 6, 2024.
Upon evaluation of the bids, staff determined that the lowest responsive and responsible bidder exceeded the engineer’s estimate by 38.52%. The significant increase in bid cost can be attributed to higher than anticipated costs for tree removal and rough grading. Staff recommends rejection of all bids received and will work to repackage the plans to allow for a more competitive bid for the Radio Park Renovation Project.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15378, the rejection of the bid does not qualify as a “project’ as defined by the CEQA requirements.
Local Preference was not considered as this is an action recommending the rejection of all bids.
The Radio Park Renovation Project is in Council District 7 and will have no impact to the General Fund. The Project will be funded utilizing Prop 68 grant funds appropriated to the Radio Park Renovation Project via the FY25 Annual Appropriations Resolution. Other local funding sources include Developer Impact Fees.
Bid Evaluation
Vicinity Map
Location Map