Personnel Service Department
BY: SUSAN CHUDY, Senior HR/Risk Analyst
Actions pertaining to the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board (FRWDB) - Young Adult Services Work Experience Agreement for an amount not to exceed $140,400 for the grant period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023
Staff recommends that Council authorize WIOA Young Adult participants to be placed at City of Fresno Department work sites funded by the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board (FRWDB); and allow the Personnel Services Director to enter into and execute the agreement and any amendments or modifications.
The City of Fresno has been identified as a collaborative partner to provide meaningful work for up to 40 participants in a program grant administered by the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board (FRWDB) to provide youth and young adults work experience in city government jobs year-round. The FRWDB will compensate program participants directly in the form of participant wages for an amount not to exceed $140,400 for the entire grant. The grant period is from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. The City of Fresno participation and partnership is a continuation to the approved grant from last year.
The Youth and Young Adult workforce grant was managed by the PARCS Office of Neighborhood Safety and Community Engagement (ONSCE) from June 2021 until September 2021. The grant then transitioned to the Personnel Services Department in September 2021 to provide opportunities throughout all City departments to host the youth program. The target population for this work experience program is low-income youth and young adults with minimal or no prior work experience between the ages of 14 - 24. Participant criteria includes youth in-and-out-of-school with one or more barriers to employment. FRWDB is responsible for participants sourcing, recruitment, and conducting participant basic skills and career assessments to identify interest, aptitudes, and skills. FRWDB oversees the successful completion of Job Readiness Workshops that are designed to teach soft skills, effective work habits and work site behaviors such as attendance, punctuality, appearance, communication and teamwork. Additionally, they provide coursework that includes resume writing and interview preparation. Supportive services provided by FRWDB include financial support to help participants overcome barriers such as transportation, work attire, childcare and more. Each program participant is assigned an FRWDB Academic and Career Advisor to assess participants for potential employment and ensure employer match is based on the participant’s interests and aptitudes within the Government Sector. Due to various reasons, a low number of candidates were initially attracted to the program so the contract is being extended. Improvements were made to coordinate effectiveness with FRWDB to recruit more applicants to place them with the City of Fresno. The process for a candidate to be placed begins with FRWDB through their assessment, addressing barriers, and soft skills training. Candidates are employed by FRWDB and Personnel Services work with City departments to identify opportunities for placements. Candidates select an opening of interest and are interviewed as an essential skill to building employment readiness. Personnel Services monitors the employee’s 200 hours and is a liaison with FRWDB to address any concerns. City departments train and mentor each participant. This program integrates into the broad strategy to employ youth with barriers into the City of Fresno by working closely with community-based organizations, maximizing resources to address identified barriers, and to create a meaningful work experience at the City of Fresno through mentoring and hands on opportunities. Personnel Services tracks the outcome of their placement working towards employment with the City in assistance with applying for permanent employment, temporary employment through the One Fresno Youth Jobs Corps Program, or recommendations for other employment opportunities. Currently there are eight individuals participating at varying stages including current employment, background check, and pending department interview. The goal of the program is to introduce 40 FRWDB candidates to employment by working a maximum of 200 hours and to connect them to other employment opportunities with the City.
This approval is not a project for the purposes of CEQA Guidelines Section 15378
Local preference was not considered because accepting grant funds does not include a bid or award of a construction or service contract.
There will be no net impact to the General Fund. The agreement provides full cost recovery for all participant payroll and associated costs (i.e. workers’ compensation, taxes, etc.) during the period of the agreement. This funding will enable various departments to offer job experiences to local youth and young adults residing in the City of Fresno. The full grant amount is included in the FY2023 proposed budget.
Attachment: FRWDB - Young Adult Services Work Experience Agreement