Department of Transportation
BY: LINDA TAYLOR, Administrative Manager
Department of Transportation
SHARLEE FLORES, Senior Management Analyst
Department of Transportation
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Fresno, Department of Transportation/Fresno Area Express (FAX), and the Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce (FMBCC) to support and recognize the partnership and collaboration on many transportation initiatives.
Staff recommend that the City Council approve the MOU between FAX and the FMBCC to support and recognize the partnership and collaboration on many transportation initiatives.
The Department seeks Council approval of the attached MOU between FAX and the FMBCC for the collaborative efforts made by both parties to ensure transportation is accessible, cleaner, and more readily available in different forms for Fresno residents. Under the terms of the MOU, FAX and the FMBCC will continue to seek funding opportunities to grow, support, and expand the principles of promoting clean transportation for the community provided by either party or jointly through local, state, federal, or private funding sources.
FAX’s mission is to provide innovative, accessible, and sustainable mobility solutions that enhance the quality of life for all residents. FAX has created Mobility as a Service (MaaS) which represents commitment to that mission by offering an integrated and seamless transportation experience tailored to meet the diverse needs of the community. MaaS offers a variety of low-cost and environmentally friendly modes of transportation, and is working to improve first and last mile connections to public transit. First and last mile connections are a core component of MaaS because of the need for bridging the gap between how someone can readily get from their home to a bus stop or from a bus stop to work (for example).
FAX’s MaaS division is built on strong partnerships with organizations that share the vision of accessible and equitable transportation for all. These partnerships are essential in broadening the range of services offered; thereby, ensuring that every resident has access to the transportation options they need.
FAX has been collaborating with the FMBCC on several key initiatives to provide sustainable and economically empowering modes of transport. Through the FMBCC’s BizWerks electric vehicle (EV) project, bike, car, and van share options provide flexible and affordable transportation alternatives that are vital for residents who may not have access to a personal vehicle. Initiatives like this are supported by the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) program, which provides resources to communities to implement neighborhood-level projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve public health. The initiative is also supported by the California Municipal Opportunities (CMO) fund, which focuses on investments in infrastructure and services that enhance community resilience and sustainability.
Opportunities for collaboration between FAX and the FMBCC in transportation services are growing and the partnership described in the MOU serves as the foundation for maintaining a strong and lasting relationship to succeed in current and future initiatives.
The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved as to form the proposed agreement.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378 the approval of this agreement does not qualify as a project as defined by the CEQA requirements.
Local preference is not applicable as this request for MOU approval does not constitute a procurement of goods or services.
There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund from this action. There will be no revenue transferred by either party to the other party.
MOU Between FAX and the FMBCC