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File #: ID 23-736    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/2/2023 In control: Pending Approval
On agenda: 6/15/2023 Final action: 6/15/2023
Title: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board's (FRWDB's) application through the California Workforce Development Board (State Board) for Local Board Certification for the period of July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025.
Sponsors: Personnel Services Department
Attachments: 1. Local Area Subsequent Designation and Local Board Recertification Application For Program Year 2023-25




FROM:                     GEORGEANNE A. WHITE, City Manager

                                          Office of the Mayor & City Manager



BY:                                          BLAKE KONCZAL, Executive Director

                                          Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board


PHYLLIS STOGBAUER, Senior Deputy Director

                                          Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board




Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board’s (FRWDB’s) application through the California Workforce Development Board (State Board) for Local Board Certification for the period of July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025.




Staff recommends Council approve and authorize the Mayor or their designee to execute the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board’s application through the California Workforce Development Board (State Board) for Local Board Certification for the period of July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025




The California Workforce Development Board (State Board) and the Employment Development Department (EDD), acting under the authority of the Governor, released a draft directive on March 13, 2023, that established policies and procedures for the subsequent designation of local areas and recertification of local boards. 


To be eligible for subsequent designation and board recertification, the Local Board must meet the following criteria and submit the Local Area designation and Local Board Recertification application: 1) Meet the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Local Board membership requirements, 2) Meet or exceeded performance accountability measures, 3) Achieved sustained fiscal integrity and 4) Engaged in Regional Planning. 


The FRWDB has met all of the required criteria.  The completed application has been attached for your consideration.


The WIOA requires that the Local Board and the Chief Local Elected Official(s) (CEOs) for the Local Workforce Area approve and execute the application.  The directive requires applications to be submitted to the state by May 19, 2023.  In the event the Local Area is unable to obtain local approval by the submission deadline, the FRWDB may submit an unsigned copy of the application with an explanation for the absent signature(s) and the date by which the signed original will be sent.  Local Areas will not receive full subsequent designation status until the signed application is submitted to the state.  The application was presented to the FRWDB Executive Committee for approval at their meeting of April 19, 2023. Upon your approval of this item, the application, with all required signatures will be submitted to the State Board before June 30, 2023. 




WIOA Section 106 required Local Areas to apply for initial designation and required the Governor to approve requests for Local Areas that were designated as a Local Area under WIA, performed successfully, and had sustained fiscal integrity. After the period for which a Local Area was initially designated, WIOA Section 106 calls for a subsequent designation process and requires the Governor to approve a request for subsequent designation from a Local Area if the area performed successfully, sustained fiscal integrity, and engaged in the regional planning process.




This item is not a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act.




Local preference was not implemented because this item does not include an award of a service or construction contract.




There is no net City cost associated with the recommended action, as this is an application for a designation and has no monetary considerations.



Local Area Subsequent Designation and Local Board Recertification Application For Program Year 2023-25