June 21, 2018
Public Works Department
BY: RANDALL W. MORRISON, PE, Assistant Director
Public Works Department, Engineering Division
SCOTT TYLER, PE, Public Works Manager
Public Works Department, Project Management Section
JIM POLSGROVE, Supervising Engineering Technician
Public Works Department, Project Management Section
Actions pertaining to the Herndon Trail Improvements between Ingram and College Avenues - Bid File No 3567 (Council District 2)
1. Adopt a Finding of Conformity prepared for Environmental Assessment No. EA-17-020 dated November 17, 2017.
2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $423,325 to Witbro Inc., dba Seal Rite Paving and Grading for the Herndon Trail Improvements between Ingram and College Avenues Project (Council District 2)
Staff recommends City Council adopt a Finding of Conformity prepared for Environmental Assessment No. EA-17-020 dated November 17, 2017, award a construction contract in the amount of $423,325 to Witbro Inc., dba Seal Rite Paving from Fresno, California, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Herndon Trail Improvements between Ingram and College Avenues Project (Project) and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to sign the contract on behalf of the City of Fresno.
The City of Fresno seeks to construct a multipurpose trail located on Herndon Avenue between Ingram and College Avenues. The proposed Project consists of construction of a 0.25 mile multi-purpose trail along the north side of Herndon Avenue between Ingram Avenue and College Avenue. This project eliminates a gap in the existing trail route. The project is primarily funded by a Federal grant from the Congested Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program, and Measure “C” Trail funds as the local match.
The Herndon Trail Improvements Project between College and Ingram Avenues was initiated in FY14 when the City was awarded a Federal grant from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ). The grant funds were obligated and the project was budgeted in the adopted FY15 Capital Budget by City Council. The design started following the execution of the consultant contract with Precision Civil Engineering, Inc. on March 31, 2016. The preliminary engineering design took approximately 24 months to complete and included extensive coordination with the Fresno Irrigation District.
On April 6, 2018 a Notice Inviting Bids was posted on the City’s website and faxed to eleven (11) building exchanges. The specifications were distributed to nine (9) prospective bidders. Three (3) sealed bid proposals were received and opened in a public bid opening on May 8, 2018. Bids ranged from $423,325 to $470,160. Witbro Inc., dba Seal Rite Paving from Fresno, California which submitted the bid in the amount of $423,325 was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the project. The bids will expire in 64 days of the bid opening on July 11, 2018. If the bids are rejected, the project will be rebid resulting in a delay of approximately 60 days.
Staff recommends City Council award a construction contract for $423,325 to Witbro Inc., dba Seal Rite Paving from Fresno, California as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Herndon Trail Improvements between Ingram and College Avenues Project and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to sign the contract on behalf of the City of Fresno.
Staff has conducted an initial study dated November 17, 2017 of the above-described project and it has been determined to be a subsequent project that is fully within the scope of the Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR) SCH No. 2012111015 prepared for the Fresno General Plan adopted by the Fresno City Council on December 18, 2014. Therefore, the Development and Resource Management Department proposes to adopt a Finding of Conformity for this project.
With mitigation imposed, there is no substantial evidence in the record that this project may have additional significant, direct, indirect or cumulative effects on the environment that are significant and that were not identified and analyzed in the MEIR. After conducting a review of the adequacy of the MEIR pursuant to Public Resources Code, Section 21157.6(b)(1 ), the Development and Resource Management Department, as lead agency, finds that no substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the MEIR was certified and that no new information, which was not known and could not have been known at the time that the MEIR was certified as complete has become available.
The project is not located on a site which is included on any of the lists enumerated under Section 65962.5 of the Government Code including, but not limited to, lists of hazardous waste facilities, land designated as hazardous waste property, hazardous waste disposal sites and others, and the information in the Hazardous Waste and Substances Statement required under subdivision (f) of that Section.
The local preference was not implemented because this Project is funded with Federal grant funds.
The Herndon Trail Improvements Project between Ingram and College Avenue is located in Council District 2. The overall cost of the project is $604,200 and is primarily funded by a Federal grant from the Congested Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ), and Measure “C” Trail funds as the local match. The project will have no impact to the General Fund. Of the overall budget of the project, $423,325 will be used for the construction contract award.
Bid Evaluation
Fiscal Impact Statement
Vicinity Map
Standard Contract