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File #: ID 22-76    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 12/30/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/27/2022 Final action: 1/27/2022
Title: ***RESOLUTION -Authorizing the Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Director or designee to submit a grant application in an amount $125,000 to the State of California Department Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to fund the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program, and authorizing execution of the grant agreement for the program with OTS by the PARCS Director or designee (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
Sponsors: Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Serv
Attachments: 1. Resolution





January 27, 2022



FROM:                     AARON A. AGUIRRE, Director

Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department


BY:                                          ALDI RAMIREZ, Assistant Director

Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department


DIANE PRINTZ-WHITE, Senior Management Analyst

Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department





***RESOLUTION -Authorizing the Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) Director or designee to submit a grant application in an amount $125,000 to the State of California Department Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to fund the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program, and authorizing execution of the grant agreement for the program with OTS by the PARCS Director or designee (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto). 




Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application requesting up to $125,000 from the OTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program and authorize the PARCS Director or designee to sign all necessary documents to accept and implement the grant.




Staff is requesting the authorization to submit a grant application to the State of California OTS to fund the City of Fresno’s (City’s) Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program. Authorization is also requested to allow the PARCS Director or designee to execute grant agreements for the project, should funding be awarded. The approval of this resolution is time sensitive as it will be included in the application which is due on January 31, 2022.




The State of California OTS administers Federal Highway Safety Program Funds to entities at the State, County, and local levels to design and implement programs that promote highway safety. The goal of the program is to prevent serious injuries and deaths resulting from vehicular crashes, allowing all roadway users to arrive at their destination safely. Program strategies include classroom education, bicycle rodeos, community events, and workshops. These programs are conducted in communities with a high number of pedestrian and/or bicycle related collisions and includes targeted outreach to underserved communities, older adults, and school-aged children. In 2020, there were 172 collisions in the City of Fresno involving pedestrians and 73 involving bicycles.  The City’s Active Transportation Plan (2017) and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee recognize bicycle and pedestrian safety education as one of many important strategies to improve safety. The City’s prior awards totaling $220,000 were not fully expended due to staffing limitations and pandemic restrictions; however, the most recent award of $125,000 is on track to be fully expended, with additional investment to be sought in future years to expand programming.  


The performance period for this grant will run one calendar year, from October 2022 to September 2023.  Receiving this grant will provide the PARCS Department the resources to conduct pedestrian and bicycle safety education programs at multiple sites throughout the City for youth, adults and seniors. The grant will allow staff to hold two traffic safety fairs/ outreach events and two bicycle rodeos in each Council District during the year. Ten City Neighborhood Park sites will be selected for bicycle safety trainings, bike rodeos, pedestrian safety trainings, and walking field trips.  Outreach to the City’s adult and senior population will include pedestrian safety trainings and walking field trips.  Safety education outreach will be provided at six Art Hop events. The grant funding will also make possible the acquisition of 800 bike helmets, which will be distributed to community members in need at bicycle rodeos, safety trainings and community events. A minimum of twenty safety kits will be distributed to Fresno Unified school sites for their crossing guard programs.


The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved this resolution as to form.




By definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, accepting this grant funding is not a “project” for the purpose of CEQA.




Local preference is not included because this resolution does not include a bid or award of a construction or services contract.




This resolution will have no impact on the General Fund; however, if the grant is awarded, the revenues received from the grant, expected to be approximately $125,000 will offset the operations and materials costs associated with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program.


