FROM: Scott MOzier, PE, Director
Public Works Department
BY: jill m. Gormley, TE, Assistant Director
Public Works Department, Traffic & Engineering Services Division
ANDREINA AGUILAR, Chief Engineering Technician
Public Works Department, Traffic & Engineering Services Division
Actions pertaining to professional consulting services for the Active Transportation Plan Update (Citywide):
1. Approve a Professional Consultant Services Agreement with TJKM Transportation Consultants, in the amount not to exceed $398,000.
Staff recommends the City Council approve a professional consulting services agreement between the City of Fresno (City) and TJKM Transportation Consultants (Consultant) to provide professional consulting services for the Active Transportation Plan Update and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to sign the agreement on behalf of the City.
The Public Works Department recommends the Council approve a Professional Consulting Services Agreement with TJKM Transportation Consultants for the City’s Active Transportation Plan (ATP) Update. The ATP is a comprehensive guide outlining the vision for active transportation in the City of Fresno with complete, safe, and comfortable networks of trails, sidewalks, and bikeways that serve all residents. This update is to evaluate the 2017 Active Transportation Plan based on current policies and practices, determine feasibility of the planned infrastructure, engagement with community members, equity, and education. The ATP update is necessary for the city to remain in compliance with state and federal law and continue to seek grant funding for projects throughout the city.
In 2017, the City Council adopted the current Active Transportation Plan (ATP) providing a comprehensive guide outlining the vision for active transportation in the City of Fresno with complete, safe, and comfortable networks of trails, sidewalks, and bikeways that serves all residents. This update is to evaluate the 2017 Active Transportation Plan based on current policies and practices, determine feasibility of the planned infrastructure, engagement with community members, equity, and education. The ATP Update will evaluate and enhance our current network to create a better-connected network for all modes of transportation within the city and with surrounding jurisdictions.
In accordance with Administrative Order (A.O.) 6-19, staff sent out Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Professional Consulting Services on July 19, 2023, via Planet Bids, email, and published in the Business Journal. At the closing of the advertisement period on August 16, 2023, the RFQ received three responses. City staff evaluated each Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) and determined all submittals were qualified to move into the interview process. The SOQ’s were reviewed and each consultant team was interviewed. TJKM Transportation Consultants was selected as the most qualified consultant for these services.
Staff is recommending the Council approve a Professional Consultant Services Agreement with TJKM Transportation Consultants in the amount not to exceed $398,000 to provide professional consulting services for the Public Works Traffic & Engineering Services Division for the Active Transportation Plan Update; and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to sign the agreement, approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office, on behalf of the City.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378, the award of these contracts does not qualify as a “project”.
Local preference was implemented in the consultant selection process.
The funding source for this project is through Measure C Trail and Bike Lane funds included in the adopted FY2024 budget for the Public Works Department.
Consultant Services Agreement - TJKM Transportation Consultants