Police Department
BY: MINDY CASTO, Police Deputy Chief
Support Division
Approve an increase to the current Fortney Towing Evidence Tow Service Contract, Bid File No. 9515, in an amount not to exceed $501,600 to cover the expenses incurred and projected through FY 2024 and to execute the first one-year extension through September 30, 2024.
Staff recommends Council approve an increase to the current Fortney Towing Evidence Tow Service Contract, Bid File No. 9515, in an amount not to exceed $501,600 to cover the expenses incurred and projected through FY 2024 and to execute the first one-year extension through September 30, 2024.
The Fresno Police Department, with City Council approval, entered into a three-year with two one-year option contract with Fortney Towing in 2020, after going through the formal bid process, to store approximately 150 evidence vehicles, with a limit of $135,013.33 per year ($405,039.99 over three years). The contract is set to expire September 30, 2023, but allows for two (2) one-year extensions. Despite releasing as many stored vehicles as possible, the number of vehicles stored with Fortney remains at approximately 385 today and the funds allocated are insufficient. Although efforts have been made to reduce the number of stored vehicles, they are considered evidence and cannot be released without the approval of the District Attorney’s office. We are currently averaging approximately $26,400 per month in storage fees.
Members of the Department’s Street Violence Bureau have remained in regular contact with the District Attorney’s office to identify vehicles that can be released, but their decision has been to hold the vast majority of these vehicles due to pending cases and ongoing appeals. The Traffic Safety section has also made efforts to release any other stored vehicles we are not required to retain.
The majority of stored vehicles are related to murder cases with no statute of limitation. In both 2020 and 2021, the city experienced a spike in murders and suffered COVID-19 related court delays, both of which have contributed to the increased storage time and costs.
To cover future increased storage fees, Fortney Towing has offered to maintain our current contract pricing of 1 cent per tow and $2.50 per day storage costs if we agree to exercise the first one-year contract extension in October 2023. This would require an increase to the contract to account for the increased number of vehicles being stored and the length of time they are being stored. During the first-year extension contract term, we will start the bid process for a new contract to ensure we have a new agreement in place before the end of September 2024.
Original 3-year contract amount: $405,039.99
Council approved increase: $501,600.00
Total revised contract amount: $906,639.99
This is not a “project” for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378.
Local preference is not applicable because we are currently under contract with a local entity.
The fiscal impact to the general fund is expected to remain at approximately $501,600 for fiscal year 2024. The cost to impound and store approximately 350 evidence vehicles per year, based on a five-year average.
Fortney Towing, Inc. Service Contract
First Amendment Fortney Towing, Inc. Service Contract