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File #: ID 23-835    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 5/15/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/15/2023 Final action: 6/15/2023
Title: Approve an Agreement with Turning Point of Central California to operate the Bridge Point Triage Center emergency shelter in the total amount of $888,385 in Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention funds (HHAP).
Sponsors: Planning and Development Department
Attachments: 1. Agreement with Turning Point of Central California - Bridge Point, 2. Conflict of Interest Form - Bridge Point




FROM:                     JENNIFER CLARK, Director

Planning and Development Department


PHIL SKEI, Assistant Director

Planning and Development Department


BY:                                          JILLIAN GAYTAN, Senior Management Analyst

                                          Homeless Services Division




Approve an Agreement with Turning Point of Central California to operate the Bridge Point Triage Center emergency shelter in the total amount of $888,385 in Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention funds (HHAP).





Staff recommends the City Council approve the agreement with Turning Point of Central California (TPOCC) to operate the Bridge Point Triage Center using HHAP funds; and authorize the City Manager to sign all implementing agreements.




The City of Fresno (City) has an existing agreement with TPOCC to operate and provide homeless services at Bridge Point Triage Center funded through Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) funds. The current agreement is expected to be fully expended and will expire on June 30, 2023. In order to continue operations without disruption through June 30, 2024, a new agreement for emergency shelter services must be executed.




In February 2020, the City was awarded HHAP funding in the amount of $6,158,246.18 from the California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council to address homelessness, in September 2021 received $2,911,171 in a second round of HHAP allocations, and on January 18, 2023 received a total of $7,524,257.15 in a third round of HHAP allocations. Health and Safety Code Section 50220.5 (d) allows grantees to use the HHAP funding allocation for operating subsidies in new and existing emergency shelters and for services coordination for homeless populations.


In February 2023, the Planning and Development Department released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking qualified community-based organizations to develop motels into homeless shelters and/or operate homeless shelters and provide services for unhoused individuals. TPOCC’s response to the RFQ demonstrated that the organization is well-qualified to provide emergency shelter services for unhoused individuals.


The services provided under the Triage Center emergency shelter agreement include:

                     Emergency Shelter: The Triage Center will operate 30 emergency shelter beds at a single location for adults experiencing homelessness in City of Fresno. Basic shelter services provided with meals. The maximum length of stay will be 90 days, subject to exceptions for documented situations.

                     Case Management: The Triage Center will provide intensive case management services that focus on helping participants develop a housing plan and overcome barriers to attaining permanent housing. Participants that have been connected to a permanent housing intervention will be referred to a Bridge Housing program to prepare to enter permanent housing.

                     Housing Search and Placement: The Triage Center will provide services and activities necessary to assist program participants in locating, obtaining, and retaining safe permanent housing.

                     Diversion Pre-Screening: The Triage Center will assess all people who present for services for referral to potential Diversion services.

                     Stabilizing Health Intervention: The Triage Center will provide services for stabilization of client health issues, including substance use and mental health disorders.


Approving the agreement will provide funding for TPOCC to provide homeless emergency shelter services at Bridge Point Triage Center totaling $888,385.




This item is not a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act.




Local preference is not applicable because of the use of state funds.




There is no fiscal impact to the City’s general fund because this agreement will be funded through the City’s Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention HHAP allocations from the State of California.                     



1.                     Agreement with Turning Point of Central California-Bridge Point

2.  Conflict of Interest Form- Bridge Point