Department of Public Utilities
BY: AHMAD ALKHAYYAT, PE, MBA, Assistant Director
Department of Public Utilities - Solid Waste Management Division
Approve the First Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with Southwest Strategies LLC., to extend the agreement to December 31, 2026, and increase the contract amount by $128,693.00 to continue education and outreach services for organics and food waste recycling, for a revised total contract amount of $428,437.00. (Citywide)
Staff recommends City Council approve the First Amendment (Amendment) to the Consultant Services Agreement with Southwest Strategies LLC (Southwest Strategies) to extend the agreement to December 31, 2026 and increase the contract amount by $128,693.00 to continue public education and outreach services related to organics and food waste recycling, for a revised total contract amount of $428,437.00, and authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City of Fresno. (Citywide)
On September 14, 2023, City Council approved a Consultant Services Agreement (Agreement) with Southwest Strategies in the amount of $299,744.00 for professional education and outreach services for the Department of Public Utilities - Solid Waste Management Division (SWMD) Residential Food Waste Education and Outreach Program (Project). The contract is for a term through June 30, 2025, and the services are required to comply with requirements imposed through Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) and incorporated into Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. The Project is entirely funded by a grant from CalRecycle for education and outreach services.
The CalRecycle grant that funds the education and outreach services has been expended, and the SWMD has received additional grant funding to continue the education programs launched under the Agreement. The SWMD desires to extend the Southwest Strategies’ scope of services and fee to build on the past education and outreach efforts focused on organics and food waste recycling best practices. The Amendment is necessary to provide additional budget to continue services funded by the grant, and it extends the Agreement to December 31, 2026. It will allow SWMD to complete educational brochures and other collateral material, and to launch a comprehensive media campaign (radio, print, and social media) focused on educating residential customers on the requirements imposed by SB 1383 and how to best utilize the green carts for organics recycling.
The SWMD is actively pursuing compliance with the requirements imposed through SB 1383 and incorporated into Title 14, Division 7, Section 18985.1 of the California Code of Regulations, in addition to all City organics and food waste requirements. The City is required by the regulations to provide relevant information such as requirements, methods, and benefits to organic waste generators receiving organic waste collection services. The SWMD is relying on an outside consultant for these services because public education and media services personnel are not contained within the division.
After a competitive consultant evaluation process, the SWMD selected Southwest Strategies for the Project. It includes creating and implementing a comprehensive, multi-lingual food waste education and outreach program for residential solid waste customers. City Council approved the Agreement with Southwest Strategies on September 14, 2023, in a not to exceed amount of $299,744.00. The services are entirely funded by a grant from CalRecycle for public education and outreach services.
The public education professionals with Southwest Strategies have provided SWMD with a comprehensive public information and outreach program that has been used to update, educate, and inform the City’s residential customers about food waste and organics waste in general. Work completed to date includes establishing a marketing strategy, creating a program name, logo, and branding for the program, and creating a fact sheet in multiple languages, content for social media posts, animated video PSAs, a PowerPoint presentation, and seasonal campaign collateral. The program has been named the “Fresno Organics Recycling” program, and customer education and outreach materials for organics and food waste recycling have been branded with the program name and logo since early in 2024.
Direct mailers were sent to SMWD customers in February and a website was created and launched at SMWD employees have been applying an educational sticker to the green carts on days, and in the neighborhoods, where people have their carts out for collection. The SWMD outreach team has also been educating customers on SB 1383 at the many public events they attend.
The first round of grant funding has been expended, and the SWMD has received as second round of grant funding in July 2024 to continue the education programs launched under the Agreement. Approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement will provide additional funds to enable Project continuation and extend the term through December 31, 2026. Work planned for this Amendment includes developing a pilot program to determine best means for kitchen container distribution, televised public service announcements, digital and radio advertising, preparation of a news release for the one-year anniversary of the program, and other direct engagement and public education activities at community and other events.
In accordance with Fresno Municipal Code Chapter 4, Article 1, and Administrative Order 6-19 (AO 6-19), the SWMD conducted a competitive process to select a consultant to provide professional services for the Project. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was posted on Planet Bids on February 1, 2023. On March 8, 2023, the City received five Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) packages from prospective consultants. Pursuant to AO 6-19, the RFQ required the consultants to provide detailed information regarding the experience of the firm and proposed team along with additional project related scope items necessary to perform the requested services. Upon review of the received SOQs and based upon established criteria and the proposed fee, Southwest Strategies LLC., was selected as the firm providing the best value for the requested services.
Staff recommends the approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement with Southwest Strategies, to increase funding by $128,693.00, for a total amount not to exceed $428,437.00, to provide continued professional education and outreach services associated to the residential food waste education and outreach program.
Upon approval by the City Council, the Amendment will be executed by the Director of Public Utilities, or his designee.
The City Attorney has reviewed the Amendment and approved to form.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378 the continuation of this contract does not qualify as a "project' and is therefore exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act requirements.
Local Preference was not implemented as this is an Amendment to an existing Consultant Services Agreement.
This amendment has no financial impact on the General Fund. Funding for public education and outreach services are budgeted in the FY2025 SWMD Enterprise Fund.
First Amendment
Consultant Service Agreement