June 21, 2018
Public Works Department
BY: ROBERT N. ANDERSEN, PE, Assistant Director
Public Works Department
ROBIN O’MALLEY, Facilities Manager
Public Works Department, Facilities Management Division
YEGHIA D. OULASHIAN, Project Manager
Public Works Department, Facilities Management Division
Approve an agreement with Brooks-Ransom Associates, in the amount of $56,400 with a not-to-exceed contingency of $5,400 for the design of plans and general construction contract documents for the repairs at Garage 8 within the City of Fresno. (Council District 3)
Staff recommends that City Council approve an agreement with Brooks-Ransom Associates in the amount of $56,400 with a not-to-exceed contingency of $5,400 for the design of plans and general construction contract documents for the repairs at Garage 8 located at 1077 Van Ness Avenue and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to sign the agreement on the City’s behalf.
Garage 8 is owned by the City of Fresno and is in need of significant repairs as identified by the Walter P. Moore Assessment of September 2015. This Consultant Agreement with Brooks-Ransom Associates includes the engineering design, plan preparation and general construction contract documents for the repairs for Garage 8. Funding for the project is included in the adopted FY 2018 budget.
Garage 8 is a three story underground parking structure of approximately 375,000 square feet located at 1077 Van Ness Avenue in Downtown Fresno. The 50-year-old structure provides 968 parking space including 18 accessible parking stalls and was built around 1968. In September 2015, Walter P. Moore, an international engineering and architectural firm, conducted an assessment of Garage 8 as part of a condition assessment of all City of Fresno Parking Garages and Lots. The objective of the condition assessment was to establish an overall 10-year Capital Asset Management Plan to enable the City to use as a tool to budget for needed repairs and maintenance.
The results of the assessment were prioritized according to the need of the garage in question and are divided into four categories: High Priority Repairs, Medium Priority Repairs, Low Priority Repairs and Enhancements. High Priority Repairs include but are not limited to life safety and structural issues such as concrete spalls, deterioration, installation of fire proofing, and loose or inadequate barrier protection that need to be addressed in the short term. It is the High Priority Repairs for Garage 8 that are the subject of this consultant agreement.
On September 6, 2017, staff published a Request for Qualifications inviting consultants to submit for services on an “as needed” basis. Brooks-Ransom Associates was selected as an “as-needed” or “on-call” Structural Engineer candidate.
To accomplish the High Priority Repairs of Garage 8, staff is requesting the approval of an Agreement for Consulting Services with Brooks-Ransom Associates in the amount of $56,400 with a not-to-exceed contingency of $5,400. The services provided will include designs for the High Priority Repairs, preparation of plans and construction documents, bidding phase assistance and obtaining laboratory testing services. Staff is recommending approval of the agreement and authorizing the Public Works Director or designee to sign and execute the contract on behalf of the City of Fresno.
The contract as has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office.
This is not a project for the purposes of CEQA pursuant to the CEQA guidelines section 15378(b) (5), as it is an administrative action that will not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment.
Local preference was not implemented, but the selected consultant is a local business.
Funding was included and approved in the Development and Resource Management’s FY 2018 General Fund capital budget for repair and upkeep of city parking facilities as a result of the Walter P. Moore Assessment.
Agreement for Consultant Services