FROM: NICHOLAS D. MASCIA, PE, Interim Director
Capital Projects Department
Department of Public Utilities
BY: francisco V. magos II, PE, Assistant Director
Capital Projects Department, Utilities and On-Site Project Management Division
Capital Projects Department, Utilities and On-Site Project Management Division
Approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Michael K. Nunley & Associates, Inc., of Fresno, California, to extend the term of the contract to October 31, 2026, without changing the overall compensation of the Agreement, for the Design of Booster Pump Replacements at Pump Stations 89A, 133 and 150 and replace design work at Pump Station 133 with design work for Pump Station 176. (Council District 6)
Staff recommends that City Council approve First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Michael K. Nunley & Associates, Inc., (MKN and Associates) to extend the term of the contract from December 31, 2024, to October 31, 2026, without changing the overall compensation of the Agreement, for the Design of Booster Pump Replacements at Pump Stations 89A, 133 and 150 (Project), and replace design work at Pump Station 133 with design work for Pump Station 176, and authorize the Capital Projects Director or designee to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City of Fresno (City).
On June 10, 2022, the Department of Public Utilities entered into an agreement with MKN and Associates of Fresno, California, in the amount of $102,523 with a contingency amount not to exceed $15,379 to provide engineering and construction support services for the Design of Booster Pump Replacements at Pump Stations 89A, 133 and 150. Due to the need to confirm the continued viability of two of the well sites, an extension to the Consultant Services Agreement is now necessary to retain the Consultant’s services through Project completion. Pump Station 133 was deemed to be non-viable and was replaced with Pump Station 176 based on system priority. Funding for this project is included in the Fiscal Year 2025 Water Enterprise Fund.
When the City’s Surface Water Treatment Facility was put into operation in 2004, it changed the water pressure within the water distribution system within the influence of the treatment facility. The City currently makes use of well water to supplement the output of the Surface Water Treatment Facility during high water demand periods. The current booster pumps at a few remaining pump stations are unable to operate properly due to a change of the water distribution system pressures. This project is a continuation of earlier efforts to replace booster pumps at critical pump stations to ensure proper operation to meet the needs of the public during high water demand periods.
Pursuant to these goals, the City entered into a Consultant Services Agreement dated June 10, 2022, with MKN and Associates of Fresno, California, in the amount of $102,523 with a contingency amount not to exceed $15,379 to provide design and construction support services for the Project. Due to the need to confirm the continued viability of two of the well sites, an extension to the Consultant Services Agreement is now necessary to retain the Consultant’s services through Project completion. Pump Station 133 was deemed to be non-viable and was replaced with Pump Station 176 based on system priority.
Staff now recommends City Council approve the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with MKN and Associates, to extend the term of the contract from December 31, 2024, to October 31, 2026, without changing the overall compensation of the Agreement, for the Design of Booster Pump Replacements at Pump Stations 89A, 133 and 150, replace the design work at Pump Station 133 with design work for Pump Station 176, and authorize the Capital Projects Director or designee to sign the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement on behalf of the City of Fresno.
The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the First Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement as to form.
An Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement does not qualify as a project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 15378.
Local preference does not apply to this action because this is an amendment to an existing Consultant Services Agreement.
The Design of Booster Pump Replacements at Pump Stations 89A, 133 and 150 Project is located in Council District 6 and will have no impact to the General Fund. Funding for the design contract was previously encumbered, and other ongoing Project costs will use funds appropriated in the Fiscal Year 2025 Water Enterprise Fund.
First Amendment to the Consultant Agreement
Original Agreement
Vicinity Maps
Location Maps