December 6, 2018
Public Works Department
BY: RANDALL W. MORRISON, PE, Assistant Director
Public Works Department, Engineering Division
M. SCOTT TYLER, PE, Public Works Manager
Public Works Department, Project Management Section
Approve First Amendment to Agreement with Blair Church & Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc., for $29,330 for civil engineering design service and preparation of construction documents for the Polk Avenue Widening Project, Shaw Avenue to Gettysburg Avenue (Council Districts 1 and 2).
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the first amendment to agreement with Blair, Church & Flynn Consulting Engineers (BCF) for $29,330, for civil engineering design services and preparation of construction documents for the Polk Avenue Widening Project, Shaw Avenue to Gettysburg Avenue, and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to execute the first amendment to agreement on behalf of the City of Fresno.
The City of Fresno seeks to construct street improvements and widen Polk Avenue from Shaw Avenue to Gettysburg Avenue. The consultant is currently preparing the plans and specifications for the widening of the west side of Polk Avenue between Shaw Avenue and Gettysburg Avenue including curb and gutter, paving, sidewalks and street lighting. However, the City desires to amend the scope of this design work to include a HAWK type pedestrian crossing and additional widening along a portion of the east side of Polk Avenue. Staff recommends approval of the agreement for the additional civil engineering design work. Staff recommends approval of the first amendment to agreement with BCF for $29,330, for civil engineering design services and preparation of construction documents for the Polk Avenue Widening Project, Shaw Avenue to Gettysburg Avenue.
Polk Avenue currently exists as a two-lane roadway lacking curbs, gutters, sidewalks and drainage facilities. Bottlenecks exist between the newer, fully improved subdivisions and older areas that developed in the County. In accordance with the 2035 General Plan, Polk Avenue is to ultimately be constructed as a four-lane divided arterial between Shaw Avenue and Belmont Avenue, as development occurs west of State Route 99.
The City of Fresno was recently awarded a Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) that provides construction funding for the Polk Avenue widening, including the additional infrastructure being added to the consultant agreement amendment scope. The STBG grant application was part of a package of grants adopted for submission and execution per Resolution No. 2017-288 adopted by the City Council on October 19, 2017.
The original agreement dated April 25, 2017, with BCF totaled $106,500 plus $15,000 for contingencies. Staff negotiated the additional scope to the contract for an increase of $29,330, which brings the total sum of the contract to $135,830 plus $15,000 for contingencies.
Staff has identified a HAWK type pedestrian crossing, and widening of the east side of Polk Avenue in proximity of this proposed pedestrian crossing as desirable improvements to be included in this project.
Staff recommends approval of the first amendment to agreement with BCF, for $29,330 for additions and modifications to the design, and preparation of construction documents for the Polk Avenue Widening Project, Shaw Avenue to Gettysburg Avenue.
City Attorney has reviewed and approved to form the amendment to the consultant agreement.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, the award of a contract does not qualify as a “project”.
Local preference was not implemented; this is an amendment to an existing agreement.
The project will not have any impact to the General Fund. This first amendment will be funded by New Growth Area Street Impact Fees, which are within the amounts included as part of the FY2019 budget as previously adopted by the Council.
Vicinity Map
Consultant Agreement
Amendment No. 1