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File #: ID 22-497    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/17/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/21/2022 Final action:
Title: Actions pertaining to Public Safety Radio signal strength improvement. 1. ***RESOLUTION: Adopt the 57th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No 2021-178 appropriating $250,000 from the Information Services Department (ISD) FY22 carryover (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto); and 2. Affirm the City Manger's determination that Crown Castle is uniquely qualified to perform the services that establish a presence on their tower; and 3. Authorize the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle in the amount of $232,444 for the implementation fees for radio equipment to establish a new signal presence for radio improvement; and 4. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle for monthly rent in the amount of $4,750 per month to attach radio equipment on the tower.
Sponsors: Information Services Department
Attachments: 1. Crown Castle Quote, 2. Crown Castle Tower Site License Agreement, 3. Uniquely Qualified Memo, 4. Resolution




FROM:                     BRYON HORN, Chief Information Officer

Information Services Department




Actions pertaining to Public Safety Radio signal strength improvement.

1.                     ***RESOLUTION:  Adopt the 57th amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No 2021-178 appropriating $250,000 from the Information Services Department (ISD) FY22 carryover (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto); and

2.                     Affirm the City Manger’s determination that Crown Castle is uniquely qualified to perform the services that establish a presence on their tower; and

3.                     Authorize the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle in the amount of $232,444 for the implementation fees for radio equipment to establish a new signal presence for radio improvement; and

4.                     Authorize the Chief Information Officer to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle for monthly rent in the amount of $4,750 per month to attach radio equipment on the tower.





Approve the appropriation of $250,000 from the Information Services Department’s (ISD) FY22 carryover for the implementation of radio equipment for the purpose of establishing a new signal presence for the City of Fresno’s (City) Public Safety Radio network and authorize the Chief Information Officer to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle for a one-time cost of $232,444 for implementation fees and $4,750 per month to rent space on this tower.  Affirm the City Manager’s determination that Crown Castle is uniquely qualified in that they do not allow other vendors to perform work on their property.  Radio signal increases will benefit both the Fire Department and the Police Department.




During the Public Safety Radio System Upgrade project, it was determined that there was a need for increased signal strength in West Fresno.  Staff located a tower owned by Crown Castle that is positioned to meet this need.  For the City to establish a presence on the tower, supporting equipment will need to be installed including a portable communications building, transmitter/receiver, antennas and any associate labor.  Since Crown Castle owns the tower, construction and implementation to get the City’s presence established on the tower must be performed by Crown Castle or its subcontractors.  Therefore, ISD is desiring to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle in the amount of $232,444 to establish this presence.  Funding for this endeavor was identified in ISD’s carryover and the request is for $250,000 to cover the implementation as well as any additional power costs that are above and beyond the implementation costs.


In addition, to remain on the site, ISD will need to enter into an agreement with Crown Castle to rent the space at an amount of $4,750 per month.  Funding for the rent has been built into ISD’s current budget and will be accounted for in future budgets. 




On December 3, 2015, Council Awarded a Contract to CDX Wireless Technology Consulting to commence with an assessment of the City’s Public Safety Radio Network.  CDX was awarded the contract based on an RFP that was issued on July 1, 2015 (Bid File 070115).


On, February 16, 2017, ISD conducted a Radio Systems Needs Evaluation Project Workshop which outlined the need to replace the City’s aging microwave and radio dispatch systems.


December 14, 2017, Council Approved project funding and awarded a cooperative purchase agreement in the amount of $3,626,500 to Nokia, Inc. (Nokia) for the purchase of hardware, software, engineering and installation services to upgrade the City’s Microwave Data Network. Council also awarded a cooperative purchasing agreement in the amount of $1,391,200 to Zetron for the purchase of hardware, software, engineering and installation services to upgrade the City's Radio Console Network.


In January, 2018, ISD began the implementation of a radio system upgrade to replace the City’s aging infrastructure and end of life radio consoles.  During the implementation of the new radio equipment, it was determined that another site be implemented to enhance the City’s radio communications.  This site is owned and operated by Crown Castle and is located on Valentine near Dakota. 




Not a project for the purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act.




Local preference not implemented because local preference is not applicable to non-professional service agreements.




Funding for this purchase is appropriated in the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget.



Crown Castle Quote

Crown Castle Tower Site License Agreement

Uniquely Qualified Memo
