FROM: Randall W. Morrison, PE, Director
Capital Projects Department
Public Works Department
BY: KELLY YOST, PE, Construction Manager
Capital Projects Department, Construction Management Division
WILLIAM JAY RATLIFF, Senior Engineering Inspector
Capital Projects Department, Construction Management Division
Approve Contract Change Order No. 05 with American Paving Company in the amount of $53,327.38 for the Audubon Drive and Nees Avenue Traffic Signal Modification and Roadway Reconstruction Project, Project ID PW00806 (Council District 2).
Staff recommends that City Council approve Contract Change Order No. 05 with American Paving Company in the amount of $53,327.38 for price escalations involved with delays to the project start date due to relocation of PG&E utilities.
PG&E commenced their electrical relocation work in early 2022 with the expectation to complete the relocation work prior to the award of the Audubon Drive and Nees Avenue Traffic Signal Modification and Roadway Reconstruction Project. This is when PG&E discovered an undocumented fiber optic cable that had been pulled into an electrical vault that was being relocated to allow for the roadway widening. The original PG&E agreement with the City of Fresno did not include any fiber related relocation, and the relocation of this cable was a change to the scope of the original agreement. PG&E worked with City of Fresno staff to reengineer the PG&E plans and amend the original agreement between City of Fresno and PG&E. The reengineered plan, amended agreement, and the completion of the work was not completed until April 2023. The delays to PG&E’s utility relocation work resulted in a delay to the start of the City’s Contract Work.
American Paving Company submitted the final documents related to Claim No. 01 on July 12, 2023, detailing the labor and material cost escalations over the period from Contract Award to the start of Contract Work. City staff reviewed the details of the Claim, compared them to costs on similar projects over the same period, and determined the Claim to be fair and reasonable. Contract Change Order No. 05 will provide resolution to Notice of Claim No. 01.
On May 12, 2022, Council awarded a construction Contract in the amount of $598,236.50 to American Paving Company to modify the existing traffic signal and reconstruct the roadway at the intersection of Audubon Drive and Nees Avenue. The Notice to Proceed was issued for a start date of May 18, 2023, with an original Contract Completion Date of September 25, 2023. There have been four (4) Contract Change Orders approved to date totaling $69,805.02 resulting in a revised Contract Price of $668,041.52. There have also been eight (8) days added to the Contract Time by executed Contract Change Orders resulting in a revised Contract Completion Date of October 5, 2023. The project was granted substantial completion status on September 8, 2023.
The scope of the project included opening the second left-turn lane from eastbound Nees Avenue onto northbound Audubon Drive. Use of this additional lane has improved the peak-hour operations of the intersection and allowed for the installation of Class II bicycle facilities through the intersection. To accomplish this, the project reconstructed a portion of Audubon Drive to accommodate the dual lanes needed for the turning traffic and provided a safe distance for vehicles to merge into the one travel lane that continues northeast to Woodward Park and beyond. The construction work on Audubon Drive included removal and replacement of approximately 250 feet of the roadway curve, construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, demolition and reconstruction of a portion of the median island to reduce its width, slurry seal, and new signing and striping.
The PG&E utilities were scheduled to be relocated prior to the Award of this Contract (PW0806). Since they were not, American Paving Company submitted a Claim and Contract Change Order No. 05 will provide resolution to the Claim.
On May 12, 2022, Council adopted a finding of Categorical Exemption set forth in CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301/Class 1 (Existing Facilities), which exempts the minor alterations of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of an existing use, Section 15302/Class 2, which exempts the replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new facilities will be located on the same site as the facility replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the facility replaced, and Section 15304/Class 4, which exempts minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and vegetation, which do not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry or agricultural purposes. These exemptions apply because this project involves the reconstruction of an existing roadway, sidewalks, curb and gutter, and traffic signal construction that does not involve the expansion of the roadway. Approval of the contract change order does not modify the scope or impact the previous findings.
The local preference was not implemented as American Paving Company is a local business.
The Audubon Drive and Nees Avenue Traffic Signal Modification and Roadway Reconstruction Project is located in Council District 2. The project is locally funded by Citywide Traffic Signal Mitigation Impact Fees. The project will have no impact to the General Fund.
Attachments: Vicinity Map
Contract Change Order No. 05