Public Works Department
THROUGH: ANDREW J. BENELLI, PE, City Engineer/Assistant Director
Public Works Department
BY: JILL GORMLEY, TE, City Traffic Engineer/Traffic Operations & Planning Manager
Public Works Department
***RESOLUTION - Adopting a Residential Speed Hump Policy (Citywide) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).
Staff recommends the Council approve a Residential Speed Hump Policy.
Residents in the City of Fresno regularly report speeding vehicles along residential streets. Staff recognizes the need for traffic calming options to slow speeds on residential streets. Speed humps, also commonly referred to as speed bumps, speed tables, and pavement undulations, are a traffic calming option and can be an effective measure to alter driver behavior and reduce negative impacts of vehicles on residential streets. Installation of speed humps on City streets has been restricted since a 2006 policy was adopted by City Council. This policy, as drafted, would define the planning, design and construction of speed humps on residential streets.
In 2006 the City Council adopted a policy to restrict the installation of pavement undulations on City roadways. Pavement Undulation Policy was brought before Council in 2006 because it was thought to be consistent with the Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Resolutions previously approved by City Council on April 9, 2002, and January 27, 2004. However, upon further inquiry, pavement undulations were not expressly prohibited by any RACM Resolution and are not prohibited by either SJVAPCD or the EPA.
The 2006 policy was rescinded by Council on October 28, 2021, and a pilot program to install pavement undulations along two (2) streets in Council District 3 was established. Public Works was to return to the City Council within 90 days with a new policy outlining the procedures for the installation and removal of pavement undulations. As part of the pilot program, speed humps were installed on December 2, 2021, on Bremer Avenue between College Avenue and Poplar Avenue.
To ensure the application of this principle and to be consistent with current City practices staff proposes the adoption of the attached policy.
Pavement undulations are currently existing on many roadways throughout the City, installed before the 2006 prohibition.
The Residential Speed Hump Policy outlines the procedures and processes for the installation of speed humps on local streets. The policy defines eligibility, funding, applications for installations, prioritization of installations, implementation, maintenance, and removal. Draft applications and resident petitions for installation of residential speed humps are attached.
Not all roadways in the City of Fresno are eligible for speed hump installation. Eligibility for speed hump installation is determined by considering metrics such as the speed along a roadway, roadway classification, roadway geometry, and roadway characteristics. Only roadways classified as Local per the City’s General Plan Circulation Element are eligible for speed hump installation. A Local roadway provides access to land uses and typically serves short, low-speed vehicle trips. Roadways classified as a Collector or higher in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element are not eligible for speed hump installation. Roadways classified as Arterials are used for mobility purposes, typically by vehicles traveling at higher speeds. Collectors link the Arterial roadways with Local roadways and also are designed to provide mobility, usually serving vehicles traveling at moderate speeds. Potential speed management measures along arterials and collectors would include roundabouts, road diets, bicycle lanes, lane width reductions, curb extensions, street trees, radar speed limit signs and speed enforcement.
Local roadways eligible for speed hump installation will have a posted or prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH or less, widths less than or equal to 40 feet, have no more than one travel lane in each direction, shall not be a designated truck or transit route, shall be paved and include curb and gutter, and shall not have drainage issues. Speed humps shall not be installed within 200 feet of an intersection, in cul-de-sacs or alleys, on roadways with a raised median or on a roadway with sight distance issues.
Warrants will be prepared by Public Works staff to rank the prioritization of installations each fiscal year. Installations will be ranked and the priority will be determined based on several factors:
a. History of speeding complaints.
b. The 85th percentile speed shall be more than 10 MPH over the speed limit.
c. Daily volume should be greater than 500 vehicles per day (VPD) but no more than 1,000.
d. Collisions involving speed will be considered.
e. Lighting levels along the street will be considered.
f. Evaluation for other traffic calming options.
g. Fire Department, Police Department, FAX, and Council District representative approval of the installation.
h. The number of residences fronting along a block.
Funding for speed hump installation may be allocated in each fiscal year budget. The priority ranking of requests and amount of allocated funds will determine the locations for installation. Residents may also utilize private funds and/or forces for installations. If City crews are used for installations, a fee per the Master Fee Schedule will be assessed for the installation. Council District funds can also be utilized. If private or Council District funds are used for installations the ranking process can be bypassed. Applications and a processing fee can be submitted by residents interested in having speed humps installed along their block. Applications shall be accompanied by a petition signed by 75% of the addresses along the subject block stating they are in approval of the speed hump installation. Applications will be valid for one fiscal year to coincide with potential budgeted funds.
Speed humps installed by City forces will be scheduled between the months of May and October, weather permitting.
Residents can also request the removal of speed humps along their block. Similar to a request for installation, residents wanting to remove a speed hump along their block can submit an application for removal. Applications for removal need to be supported by 60% of the addresses along a block.
In developing the policy, the Department of Public Works has consulted with other affected City departments, including FAX, Planning, Police, Fire, and Public Utilities, to address concerns and minimize impacts on air quality, potential delay in response times for first responders, as well as wear and tear on City vehicles, especially larger equipment such as fire trucks, garbage trucks, and buses.
By the definition in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378, the Complete Street Policy does not qualify as a “project” as defined CEQA.
Local preference was not implemented because the Residential Speed Hump Policy does not include a bid or award a construction or services contract.
The funding mechanism would need to be identified prior to the installation of the speed humps. Residents can choose to use private funds to install speed humps using City forces at rates identified in the Master Fee Schedule. All fees for the evaluation and installation shall be included in the Master Fee Schedule.
Residential Speed Hump Resolution
Residential Speed Hump Policy
Residential Speed Hump Request Form - Draft
Residential Speed Hump Removal Request Form - Draft
Standard Drawing - Draft
Bremer Avenue Speed Humps
Speed Hump Policy PPT