FROM: Scott MOzier, PE, Director
Public Works Department
BY: YVONNE DIAZ, Administrative Manager
Public Works Department, Administration Division
***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 43rd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2024-122 to appropriate $849,900 for new capital improvement projects in the Public Works Department (Citywide) (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto)
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the 43rd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2024-122 to appropriate $849,900 for new capital improvement projects in the Public Works Department.
There are several new capital improvement projects staff are preparing to implement which are funded from State grants, Federal grants and other local sources. The grant funded projects were awarded Measure C Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Measure C New Technology funds through the Fresno Council of Governments, State funds through the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program (AHSC) administered through the California Department of Housing and Community Development and Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant program (STPG) administered through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and Federal transportation funds through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) administered by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block grant funds administered through the U.S. Department of Energy Several projects are funded through the Measure “C” Regional Transportation Program. Staff recommends Council adopt the amendment to the AAR in order to provide appropriations in the Public Works FY2025 Capital Budget to sufficiently cover anticipated expenditures for the cost of these new projects.
Staff is seeking Council approval on the attached AAR amendment which will appropriate funding for nine (9) new capital projects. The projects are funded via a combination of State funding, Federal funding and other local funding with $849,900 of appropriations being requested for current FY2025 expenditures. The remaining project costs of $8,620,700 will be included in the proposed FY2026 capital improvement budget and generally include the construction phases of the projects.
Street/Bridge Projects - This category consists of three projects, with total appropriations requested for this category in the amount of $395,000:
• BPMP Bridge Deck Rehab Phase 3 was previously authorized by Council as part of Bridge Preventative Maintenance plan.
• Peach Ave Widening Jensen to Butler Phase 2 authorized by Council as part of Cooperative agreements with the FCTA on February 1, 2024.
• Ventura Ave (Cesar Chavez Blvd) Seventh & Eight Streets was previously authorized by Council as part of Resolution 2024-029 for grant applications to the Fresno Council of Governments.
Bicycle and Trail Projects - This category includes one project with total appropriations of $77,300:
• Blackstone Dakota ASHC Improvements was previously authorized by the Council as part of Resolution 2024-174 for grant applications to California Department of Housing and Community Development. The project will implement the Blackstone Smart Mobility Class IV bicycle improvements between Shields Avenue and Dakota Avenue.
Miscellaneous Projects - This category includes five projects, with total appropriations requested for this category in the amount of $377,600:
• COF EECBG was previously authorized by Council as part of Resolution 2023-314 for grant applications to the U.S. Department of Energy.
• Sustainable Communities - COF Mobility Design Guide was previously authorized by the Council as part of Resolution 2023-300 for grant applications to Caltrans.
• Friant Road Advance Tech Pilot Project was previously authorized by Council as part of Resolution 2024-156 for grant applications to the Fresno Council of Governments.
• The two Right-of-Way Acquisition projects are for Tract 6360 and Traffic Signal at Grantland and Ashlan. All right-of-way acquisitions have been paid by the developers through the subdivision agreements for each project.
Staff is seeking Council approval on the attached AAR amendment which will appropriate funding for nine (9) new capital projects. The projects are funded via a combination of Federal and State funding and other local funding with $849,900 of appropriations being requested for current FY2025 expenditures.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378 this item does not qualify as a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act.
Local preference does not apply to the projects included in this report as this is a rebudget item only. Local preference (if applicable) will be considered at the time of contract award.
There is no new net fiscal impact to the General Fund. All proposed costs will be paid for from new and existing revenue sources. See attached Resolution for specific funds and associated costs.
New Capital Projects Project Type Summary
New Capital Projects Detail List
43rd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution No. 2024-122