General Services Department
Planning and Development
BY: ROBIN O’MALLEY, Facilities Manager
General Services Department, Facilities Management Division
CRAIG RICCI, Project Manager
General Services Department, Facilities Management Division
Actions pertaining to a Facility Condition Assessment of the City of Fresno owned parking garage structures and surface parking lots located in the Downtown and Tower District areas (Council Districts 1 and 3):
1. Approve a Consultant Agreement with Kitchell/CEM, Inc. in the total amount of $137,500 plus a not-to-exceed contingency amount of $10,000 to conduct a facility condition assessment of the five parking garage structures and eleven surface lots located throughout the Downtown and Tower District areas
2. Authorize the Director of General Services or designee to execute all related documents
Staff recommends Council approve a Consultant Agreement with Kitchell/CEM Inc. in the amount of $137,500 plus a not-to-exceed contingency of $10,000 to conduct a facility condition assessment of the five parking garage structures and eleven surface lots located throughout the Downtown and Tower District areas and authorize the Director of General Services or designee to execute all related documents (Council Districts 1 and 3)
The five parking structures and eleven surface lots were originally built ranging from the late 1950’s to mid-1980’s. The sites are in need of an updated facility condition assessment that includes architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, fire life safety, vertical transportation, chloride ion testing, ADA accessibility compliance. The consultant shall develop a report to include written analysis of building systems, building damage, efficiencies and budget level cost estimates forecasted out to five years.
The last completed assessment was the Walter P. Moore study conducted in 2016. The Parking Division is requesting an updated facilities assessment for the parking garages and surface lots, including the surface lot at the Tower Theater.
The city offers approximately 5,000 off-street parking spaces available for both day and monthly use throughout the downtown and tower district areas.
The five parking structures and eleven surface lots were originally built ranging from the late 1950’s to mid-1980’s. The sites are in need of an updated facility condition assessment that includes architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, fire life safety, vertical transportation, chloride ion testing and ADA accessibility compliance.
The last completed assessment was the Walter P. Moore study conducted in 2016. The study ranked repairs as High, Medium and Low. Total value of identified repairs over a 10-year period was estimated at $9.81M. Since that time High Priority repairs were completed for Convention Center, Garage 9 and Garage 4. High Priority repairs for Garages 7 and 8 are scheduled to be completed in early to mid-2025. The Medium and Low Priority repairs for Garage 4, 8, 9 and Convention Center are currently in the design phase and tracking for construction to be completed in mid-2025.
On October 31, 2022, staff published a Request for Qualifications inviting consultants to submit for services on an “as needed” or “on call” basis for Property Assessment projects. Kitchell/CEM Inc. was selected as an “as needed” or “on call” Property Assessment firm for a three-year term.
The City Attorney has approved the contract as to form.
This item is not a project pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378.
Local Preference was implemented and Kitchell/CEM Inc. is a local business pursuant to Fresno Municipal Code 4-109.
There will be no impact to the General Fund. Funds for the design services have been appropriated in the Parking Division’s FY2024 Non-Recurring Special Projects Charges.
Consultant Services Agreement