Fire Department
Actions related to 2022 Assistance to Firefighters Grant:
1) Award Consultant Agreement to AP Triton in the amount not to exceed $97,914 to conduct a comprehensive and expert Community Risk Assessment-Standards of Cover (CRR-SOC) and create an associated Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Plan
2) ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 32nd Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) 2023-185 appropriating $93,900 for the 2022 Assistance to Firefighters Grant to conduct a comprehensive and expert Community Risk Assessment-Standards of Cover (CRR-SOC) and create an associated Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Plan (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).
Staff recommends that the City of Fresno engage AP Triton to conduct a comprehensive and expert Community Risk Assessment-Standards of Cover (CRR-SOC) and create an associated Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Plan for a not to exceed fee (inclusive of indirect expenses) in the total amount of $97,914.
On November 17, 2023, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was prepared. A Notice Inviting Proposals was published in the Business Journal and the RFP was posted on Planet Bids with links available on the City of Fresno’s website. Two (2) firms responded to the RFP. Each of the responding firms was evaluated on responsiveness to the criteria outlined in the RFP, qualifications and experience with similar municipal engagements, and proposed fees. The Committee determined the firm AP Triton was the most responsive and responsible proposer. The Committee cited the thoroughness and qualifications of AP Triton. Therefore, staff recommends the City of Fresno engage AP Triton to conduct a comprehensive and expert Community Risk Assessment-Standards of Cover (CRR-SOC) and create an associated Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Plan for a not to exceed fee (inclusive of indirect expenses) in the total amount of $97,914.
In March 2023, the Fresno Fire Department applied for a Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) grant through FEMA. On August 25, 2023, the Department was notified of the grant award. At the September 14, 2023 Council Meeting, the City accepted the 2022 FP&S grant award (ID 23-1327). On November 17, 2023, an RFP was prepared. A Notice Inviting Proposals was published in the Business Journal and the Request for Proposals was posted on Planet Bids with links available on the City of Fresno’s website. Two (2) firms responded to the RFP. Each of the responding firms was evaluated on responsiveness to the criteria outlined in the RFP, qualifications and experience with similar municipal engagements, detailed audit plan presented, and proposed fees.
An RFP Evaluation Committee (Committee) was formed to evaluate the proposals. The Committee held its first meeting on December 20, 2023. At that meeting, the Committee discussed in detail each proposal and finalized a decision. The Committee has carefully chosen AP Triton to conduct a comprehensive and expert Community Risk Assessment-Standards of Cover (CRR-SOC) and create an associated Community Risk Reduction (CRR) Plan. The contract will commence as of the date of Council adoption and be effective through approximately November 30, 2024, or as soon thereafter as a final CRA-SCO and CRR Plan are finalized.
The Committee cited several reasons for its selection of AP Triton:
• had a more thorough discussion related to both the SOC and CRA;
• was more focused on all aspects of hazards, risks, facilities, and community;
• had a more thorough explanation related to GIS/data and utilization of the data; and
• GIS Analyst has more experience/education in GIS to better understand the theory.
Staff recommends that Council award the Consultant Services Agreement to AP Triton.
By the definition provided in the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378 this item does not qualify as a “project” and is therefore exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act requirements.
Local preference was not implemented per Fresno Municipal Code Section 4-109(b)(3), as there were not three or more local firms providing the specific consulting service within the area of expertise for the subject matter of work.
This project is funded through a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant. A local match of $4,700 is budgeted in the Fire Departments FY 24 adopted budget.
Report from Evaluation Committee
Consulting Services Agreement
AAR 2023-185