FROM: BROCK D. BUCHE, PE, PLS, Assistant Director - UP&E
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering
BY: PETER MARACCINI, PE, PhD, Professional Engineer
Department of Public Utilities - Utilities Planning & Engineering
***RESOLUTION - Authorizing and directing the preparation and submission of a financial assistance application to the State Water Resources Control Board for planning, design, and construction of sewer infrastructure for the Three Palms Mobile Home Park (Council District 3) (Subject to Mayor’s Veto).
Staff recommends that Council:
1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the preparation and submission of financial assistance applications to the California State Water Resources Control Board, for the planning, design, and construction of sewer infrastructure for the Three Palms Mobile Home Park; and
2. Authorize the Director of Public Utilities, or designee, to execute all financial assistance application documents on behalf of the City of Fresno (City).
Three Palms Mobile Home Park (Three Palms MHP) is currently served by an aging septic system that could contribute to elevated nitrate levels in nearby domestic wells. The community has been found eligible for grant or principal forgiveness funding under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program for the planning, design, and construction of sewer infrastructure that will connect the community to the City’s sewer collection system and remove the aging septic system. The first step to applying for such programs is adoption of an Authorizing Resolution that will allow the City, on behalf of Three Palms MHP, to submit financial assistance applications to the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB).
The SWRCB administers the CWSRF program, which provides funding for projects associated with water quality protection. On July 1, 2008, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2008-0048 to assist in providing funding for disadvantaged and severely disadvantaged communities to address and remediate wastewater challenges, including failing septic systems that can lead to chemical and bacterial contamination of local groundwater supplies and degrade local aquatic environments.
The Three Palms MHP community, located within Council District 3, qualifies as a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) per Board Division of Financial Assistance criteria. The community of approximately 300 residents is located between North Golden State Boulevard and State Route 99, north of West McKinley Avenue and south of West Clinton Avenue. The community is currently served by an aging septic system and is not connected to the City’s sewer collection system.
The City has an eight-inch diameter sewer main adjacent to the property along North Golden State Boulevard with sufficient capacity to accept sewer flows from the community. The CWSRF program will provide the funding for the connection between Three Palms MHP and the City’s sewer collection system, as well as for a contractor to remove the septic system and replumb sewer lines on the property. As onsite work is outside the purview of the City’s responsibilities, the contractor’s work will not be managed or supervised by the City.
The Project will be funded by the SWRCB CWSRF program. To apply for CWSRF program funding, an Authorizing Resolution is required to be adopted by the City’s governing body to allow the City, on behalf of Three Palms MHP, to submit a financial assistance application to the SWRCB. Adoption by City Council will initiate efforts necessary for the planning, design, and construction of sewer infrastructure for Three Palms MHP. Upon application review and approval by the SWRCB, any potential future financial funding impacts will be brought before Council for consideration and approval.
This resolution has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office.
Authorization to submit an application for financial assistance is not a “project” for the purposes of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as it is a funding mechanism or other government fiscal activity and does not involve commitment to any specific project that may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment as contemplated by CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b).
The local preference was not implemented because adoption of this resolution does not involve the bid or award of a construction or services agreement.
There is no impact to the General Fund or other City debt service obligations. Submission of these financial assistance applications is merely a mechanism to identify and initiate future planning, design and construction needs in the form of grants. Upon application review and approval by the Board, any potential future financial funding impacts will be brought before Council for consideration and approval.
Attachment 1 - Resolution
Attachment 2 - Vicinity Map